I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1873: Rare visitor

That night, Jiang Siming brought Li Cheng back and made him sober.

Li's family is happy.

But Jiang Siming had no time to celebrate with them. After bringing Li Cheng home, he went out again.

Li Cheng told him that the reason why he was arrested was because of the conspiracy of the Huang Traitors and the Lijian Empire to make a world-shattering event in Xiangjiang.

Capture him first, then kidnap other Hong Kong tycoons, then kill them together, and then set the blame on the mainland.

Now that Jiang Siming knew all the secrets, he didn't mean to wait any longer.

Although this matter is the task of the ice beauty and the others.

But as a Chinese, we all have responsibilities.

What's more, this man wanted to hurt his father-in-law, and Jiang Siming couldn't bear it.

The iris gene search database found the traitor, Jiang Siming scrapped all his five legs, and then wiped out the memories of the group of capable men around the traitor and abolished his limbs.

Then find out all the correspondence and bribes they have had with the Lijian Empire for a long time, and let Xiaoxian take all of them.

Finally, the on-site camp caused part of the gang rapes to be unevenly stolen, resulting in infighting, and the big fight caused everyone to be seriously injured.

After getting all this done, Jiang Siming ran to the Lijian Empire again and detonated several military bases. Only then did he clap his hands and return to Li's house contentedly.

This night was destined to be a sleepless night, but Jiang Siming slept quite peacefully.

The next day the conspiracy of the traitor and the plan with the Lijian empire were shaken out. The traitor and other subordinates were all jailed!

The Lijian Empire also suffered heavy losses. Not only did the plan fail, but several military bases were lost inexplicably, and tens of thousands of soldiers were killed and injured.

Even the arms stocks with a strong stance have plummeted. It can be said that they are really stealing chickens without losing money.

Bing Meiren and Huo Wu are both very stunned. They haven't gone to find the traitor, so why have they abandoned it themselves?

Did you complete the task yourself?

But the two women thought of Jiang Siming the first time. It must be him. Others don't have such great skills.

Jiang Siming, who slept peacefully all night holding a hundred billion, came together in the morning, and Li Chengcheng came to look for him.

Naturally, nothing else, the main reason is to thank him for his action.

Jiang Siming didn't have much to say, he was originally a family, and he said nothing to thank him.

But his father-in-law was very polite and gave all the land and real estate he bought in the mainland over the years to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming is also not welcome. His father-in-law is old and rich, and he is too lazy to be polite.

Now that the matter was handled, Jiang Siming didn't want to stay in Xiangjiang anymore, and Hundred Billion also wanted to return to Shanghai.

For her, what's so good about her family, just want to go back to her husband's house~

The two urged Li Cheng to be careful when going out and handling affairs before going to the airport by car.

That Dodge Tomahawk naturally followed Jiang Siming back to Shanghai.

The Li family was about to send Jiang Siming to the airport. Just about to leave, the doorman came to inform Li Cheng that a girl came to Li's house and said that he was looking for someone.

Li Cheng frowned and said, "I'm looking for someone to find here? Who is she looking for?"

"The woman didn't say, but she found the address based on the license plate number and came here to find someone."

Li Cheng subconsciously thought it was his son who caused troubles and troubles on the girl outside, and refused to take responsibility. Now they have come to the door.

In the face of his father's eyes, the two hundred billion elder brothers were sweating, and quickly denied that they were definitely not doing it.

Jiang Siming felt it for a moment and knew who was standing outside.

Unexpectedly, this little nurse really came to the door.

"Father-in-law, that's it..."

Jiang Siming talked about what happened yesterday. Who would have thought that Li Cheng heard that this girl was caused by Jiang Siming.

Not only was he not angry, but he laughed, patted Jiang Siming on the shoulder and said, "Good boy, good luck with peach blossoms."

The next two sons were speechless for a while.

Dad, your son-in-law is out there and puts a hat on your daughter. Instead of criticizing him, you praise him?

Of course, they didn't dare to say this, otherwise they would have to be bitten by pain.

"My father-in-law asked you to help me send her away, and I went back with 100 billion years ago." Jiang Siming finished speaking and got in the car.

He didn't intend to sult others.

But he didn't expect that he asked Li Cheng to help send Xie Weiyi. After hearing that, Li Cheng mistakenly thought it was Jiang Siming who asked him to help take care of the girl, and waited for him to come to Xiangjiang next time.

So after Jiang Siming left, Li Chengma invited the girl in, treated it politely, and deliberately let the company organize a lottery, so that the family who wanted to buy a house “accidentally” won a villa and millions. cash.

Externally, Li Cheng also uttered cruel words, this girl is from his Li family, and if any son who is not afraid of death wants to provoke him, the Li family will never forgive him.

Jiang Siming didn't know what Li Cheng did. If he knew, he had to worship Li Cheng (cover his face).

On the second day after returning to Shanghai, someone at home came to the door.

Only Wang Xinyi and Jiang Siming were at home, and the others went to work, so Zhao Xiaoxiao naturally went to school.

Jiang Siming guessed that it was Ice Beauty and Huo Wu, and he didn't even bother to use his spiritual knowledge, and it was them who opened the door.

"Rare guests, you two will come to my house on the initiative." Jiang Siming teased.

Ice Beauty and Huo Wu are embarrassed at the same time.

They used to have prejudice against Jiang Siming, let alone Bingmei, and never went to Jiang Siming's house once.

Huo Wu had been there before, but after losing against Jiang Siming and being taken advantage of, she never went again, **** off.

"We are here this time to thank you on behalf of individuals and teachers."

Bing Mei said, her voice was softer than when she talked to Jiang Siming before.

"The teacher said, thank you for your help and solve this crisis in Xiangjiang."

Jiang Siming nodded, and said, "There is nothing to thank, but I am a guest of heaven and I have the responsibility to shoot."

"Also, the teacher would like to ask, did you make the military base on the Lijian Empire?"

Jiang Siming immediately denied, saying: "I am not, I don't, don't talk nonsense."

Can this kind of thing be admitted casually, otherwise, knowing that he has this ability, the old man still has to ask himself to do this and that? He didn't want to be a coolie.

Bingmei expected Jiang Siming to say this, but didn't delve into it, and said: "I know, I will report your words to the teacher truthfully."

"Yeah." Jiang Siming nodded in satisfaction and said, "Anything else?"

"Also, Huo Wu and I want to come over in person to say thank you, you saved our life again."

After the Bing Beauty finished speaking, together with Huo Wu, they returned the two necklaces to Jiang Siming.

If it were not for these two necklaces, they would have died in the hospital yesterday.

Jiang Siming did not answer.

"The things I sent out have no reason to take back."

When the two women heard it, they knew that Jiang Siming wanted to give it to them.

Happy in my heart, who doesn't want to have such a powerful amulet that can save his life.

[Author's digression]: Second more~~

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