I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1880: Great Crisis·Charlotte Lingling!

One Piece can be inappropriate, but Momanosuke must die!

After the two killed Momanosuke, they went back to Nami and the others quietly.

At this time, Nami and the others easily solved the centaur army.

"Where is that kid?" Konish asked curiously, obviously kind-hearted, she was still a little worried about whether the kid was in danger.

"I don't know. My husband and I went to find it and didn't find it. Maybe we have already escaped." The empress lied without changing her face.

She can never say that her husband killed the child.

She was afraid to tell the truth, the sisters would have other ideas.

In fact, it is completely unnecessary for the empress to think so.

Even if Jiang Siming said it, nothing would happen. At most, Bai Xing and Taotu would be very happy about it.

But other women will definitely still stand on Jiang Siming's side.

But the empress said so, Jiang Siming also acquiesced.

"This island is not a good place, let's go." Jiang Siming is not interested in staying in Punk Hasad.

Although there is a perverted scientist like Caesar here, it has nothing to do with him. He is not interested in helping the navy headquarters for free.

Leave this mystery to Luffy.

Everyone had no objection, so they packed everything up and returned to the boat.

Before long, the ship disappeared in Punk Hassad.

As soon as the ship left, the two groups of people searched around the island.

A group of people are the retainers of the Guangyue family, such as the guard, Lei Zang, Kanjuro, etc.

They are all for the last wish of Momosuke's father, and to bring the young master to restore the loyal staff of the Guangyue family.

After they knew the young master had escaped, they immediately came out to look for it.

The other team, the perverted scientist Caesar, learned that his army had been killed, and he also ran out with the team.

When the two teams met, the enemy was extremely jealous when they met, and they fought on the spot.

For a while, the entire island was dark.

Until both sides suffered heavy losses, in order not to fight back, the two teams withdrew at the same time.

Caesar returned to the base, Lei Zang and the others continued to search for the Young Master.

However, they searched the entire island and did not see their young master.

When confused, a sea king appeared on the sea with half of its body in its mouth.

A stone was tied to the corpse, so that this sea king did not swallow the corpse in one bite.

But this half of the corpse is very familiar to the Huhuojin guards.

"Impossible! Impossible!!!"

"Who did this! I'm going to kill him! Ahhhhh!"

Finding that the young master is dead, the retainers of the Guangyue family are extremely desperate and angry.

Unfortunately, they don’t even know who did it. Instead, it was Caesar who became the scapegoat...

At this time, the treasure ship of Eve had already sailed away from Punk Hassad.

After getting rid of the malignant tumor in One Piece, Jiang Siming was relaxed and even hummed a song.

Unfortunately, before Jiang Siming was happy, another huge crisis had arrived.

At the end of Eve's treasure ship, hundreds of sea ships appeared on the sea horizon, waving at the fluffy Jiang Siming, lipstick and beckoning skeletons.

This Pirate Flag is almost unknown in the world, the BIGMOM Pirate Group, also called the Aunt Pirate Group.

The captain is the aunt, Charlotte Lingling!

The aunt is one of the four emperors, and Baibeard and Kaido were once crew members of the Rocks Pirates.

The Rocks Pirate Group has long been disbanded, but the three of them have grown into one overlord, the Sea Emperor!

The BIG·MOM Pirate Group is a pirate group built with family as the core and blood as the bond.

Charlotte Lingling single-handedly established a huge Charlotte family. She has 43 husbands, 46 sons and 39 daughters.

The whole year is to find a good-quality man to have children, and her husband is just a tool for her to give birth.

Once the husband loses that ability, she will be ruthlessly abandoned or even killed.

The purpose of this is to make all children recognize her as a mother, instead of having two hearts and running with their father.

I have to say that this woman is really cruel.

Therefore, Charlotte Lingling's Pirate Group is also the most loyal and strongest Pirate Group among the Four Emperors.

Although Baibeard also maintains his son's relationship, he is not his own after all, and there are often strangers.

Take Blackbeard, fortunately, Jiang Siming has already killed him.

Seeing the banner of the Auntie Pirate Group, the women on the boat knew that they must have come to their Ming Concubine Pirate Group.

How can she suffer this loss after sweeping the aunt's face twice in a row.

At this moment, they came out even more, vowing to destroy the Ming Concubine Pirate Group and kill Jiang Siming.

Charlotte Lingling sits on the largest of the hundred pirate ships.

He is tall and fat, with thick lipstick and light purple eye shadow. He wears a pirate hat and a large pink dress.

Taller than the white beard, she is a giant mutant, 8.8 meters tall.

Charlotte Lingling held the cake in her hand and stuffed a piece of it into her mouth from time to time.

Behind him was a bunch of servants holding cakes and desserts, and as soon as Charlotte Lingling finished eating desserts, they would deliver them.

Charlotte Lingling is extremely addicted to sweets, even to the point of crazy.

She ordered all the islands in her domain to provide her with sweets every month, and if she didn't pay any sweets once, she would send someone to destroy the island.

As long as she feels excited when she wants to eat sweets, her stomach acid will surge and she will develop schizophrenia.

After the attack, the six relatives didn't recognize it and destroyed everywhere, even his own son could not be killed.

"Have you found the Mingfei Pirate Group?" The aunt asked the elder son next to her eating sweets.

The eldest son is Ka Yi, who was almost killed by Jiang Siming when he went to find the empress to marry him for the first time.

"Found it, mom, just ahead, you can see it right away!"

Ka Yijie smiled, and a flame of revenge burst into his eyes.

"Well, surround the past and those who dare to bully our Charlotte family must be prepared to die."

The aunt said that she ate another piece of cake, but she vomited it out unsatisfactorily, and said angrily: "Which island brought this cake from!"

"It's the island of wind chimes, the island just collected, the islanders are not very good at making sweets."

"It's unforgivable to make such a terrible cake. Send someone to destroy the island!"

"Yes, mother."

While talking, the hundred pirate ships were less than a hundred meters away from the Ming Concubine Pirate Group.

The Aunt Pirate Ship surrounded the Ming Consort Pirates.

The aunt also looked at the man on the treasure ship of Eve, who stood still on the deck to blow the air.

"You are Jiang Siming? The guy who was offered a reward of 5 billion by the navy headquarters? Hahaha, he is very courageous, he looks very handsome, but unfortunately too short, otherwise I can accept you as my new husband."

The aunt stood up and looked down at Jiang Siming like a giant.

The women behind Jiang Siming looked solemn and felt tremendous pressure.

This person is not Kayi and their sons, this one is the king of nations and one of the four emperors Charlotte Lingling.

Those with the ability of soul, soul and fruit, all three colors of domineering have cultivated to the extreme.

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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