I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1882: Five Emperors·Jiang Siming!

"Give me back my Hormitz!!!"

Charlotte Lingling was furious, and watched Jiang Siming **** the three souls she relied on Homitz, and it was worth it.

Charlotte Lingling was furious, her eyes turned crimson, and she uttered a roar of the emperor toward Jiang Siming, and a huge sound wave that was visible to the naked eye hit.

It is similar to the Lion Roar skill in martial arts novels, but here, it is much more powerful than the Lion Roar skill.

With the sound wave of the ultimate overlord color, it is enough to destroy everything!

Many ships of the Charlotte family in the surrounding area blew up a dozen more ships.

Charlotte Lingling has no distinction between enemy and me. She has only one purpose now, to kill Jiang Siming!

Jiang Siming was not afraid of the sound wave, but he also couldn't take care of behind him either.

Konis stood up and wanted to rely on her sonic fruit to resist, but as soon as she touched, she vomited blood and flew out.

The aunt with the strength of the Four Emperors, she was too far away from wanting to fight.

Other women are affected to varying degrees. This sound wave is too strong, but fortunately it is elegant, but there is no need to fear that everyone will be hit hard.

"Hit your attention and use your willpower to fight this strange sound."

Jiang Siming warned behind him, but he flew into the sky, and slashed thunder against the behemoth close to nine meters!

This time, Jiang Si was obviously serious too.

Even if Charlotte Lingling can't use the soul fruit ability, she is a very difficult opponent.

There are so many means and cards.

Jiang Siming actually underestimated the Four Emperors, each of them was not so simple.

The sword energy containing Jin Dan's true energy cut away the sound wave, and Charlotte Lingling had no time to dodge, so she took a sword in her abdomen.

Charlotte Lingling was also shocked. She is a giant mutant with extremely strong body and defensive power.

You can resist guns and swords without armed color.

But she obviously used armed defense, but she still did not block the sword.

The bursting sword aura seemed to be able to cut everything.

Her extremely armed color was broken on the spot.


There was a loud noise in Charlotte Lingling's abdomen, and a terrible blood stain appeared on it.

All the crew members of the Charlotte family could see clearly from a distance, their invincible mother, who had never been injured, was injured for the first time!

The painful Charlotte Lingling's strange sound stopped abruptly, but did not flinch. Instead, she attacked waves one after another.

The battle between Jiang Siming and Charlotte Lingling lasted more than an hour.

The sea level nearby rose for an unknown number of times in this hour, and countless sea kings died in the aftermath of the battle.

Charlotte's ship retreated again and again, and the treasure ship of Eve also retreated far.

The two sides just watched the battle between the two old and new kings in this sea.

Two hours later, Charlotte Lingling was finally unable to fight and ordered to escape.

She was suppressed by Jiang Siming throughout the whole process, and she couldn't take advantage of it. On the contrary, her wounds kept increasing.

Charlotte Lingling was scared, she was afraid that she would really be killed by Jiang Siming here.

She had no intention of fighting anymore and chose to escape.

Jiang Siming didn't pursue it either. In fact, he was tired enough.

He underestimated the ceiling-level combat power in One Piece, each of them was quite powerful.

He thought that the admiral had already represented the strongest.

But he was wrong. At least, Charlotte Lingling's strength can at least match three generals.

If her fruit ability is not restrained by herself, it will only be more difficult.

Otherwise, why no one in the navy headquarters dared to provoke arrest, the white beard in a period of weakness had to use almost all of his strength, and also had to design an ambush.

This shows how terrifying the strength of the Four Emperors is.

After all, I still don't have enough means, and my realm is too low.

Many of his assassins can only be used in the Nascent Soul, Jin Danshi has more than one mistake against the Admiral of the Navy, but if you want to compete with the Four Emperors and want to win, you must first be promoted to the Nascent Soul.

Fortunately, after forming the Ming Concubine Pirate Group, he lived a gentle hometown every day, and his golden life was coming to its peak.

It is estimated that in the near future, a breakthrough in Yuan Ying is just around the corner.

After the battle, Jiang Siming flew back to the treasure ship of Eve.

The women gathered around and asked with concern whether Jiang Siming was injured.

Jiang Siming shook his head like the okay person, and said: "It seems that the Four Emperors are still very powerful, and winning is not easy."

Taotu smiled bitterly when she heard this, and she felt that she would never be able to escape in her life.

"Are you all okay?"

Everyone shook their heads, although they were hurt a little bit earlier, Ya managed it easily.

Ke Ya can now be said to be the first nanny of "One Piece", and other ship doctors have to slowly treat the crew's injuries.

She is different. Using the fruit ability and the TCM theories taught by Jiang Siming can cure some common injuries in a flash.

"That's good, let's go, find a place to fix it."

Jiang Siming waved his hand, and the treasure ship of Eve left the sea.

The news that the BIGMOM Pirate Group was defeated by the Ming Fei Pirate Group immediately spread throughout the New World.

The battle between Charlotte Lingling and Jiang Siming was spread all over the world.

Charlotte Lingling, one of the Four Emperors, was hanged and beaten by Jiang Siming.

The fruit of the soul and soul was killed by Ke's death. All three Homitz were robbed. In the end, Charlotte Lingling could not escape.

The BIGMOM pirate group was defeated.

This is the worst defeat since Charlotte Lingling founded BIGMOM.

The victor Jiang Siming has once again become the focus of the world.

Countless pirates dream of joining Jiang Siming's command, and more pirates have begun to claim that the fifth emperor was born in the new world, and it is likely to be the strongest emperor.

Jiang Siming is known as the Five Emperors.

This title was supposed to belong to Luffy, but Jiang Siming was the first to make it.

The happiest part of the battle between Jiang Siming and the aunt was the navy headquarters. They wished that Jiang Siming and the Four Emperors would fight to death, so that their pressure would be much less.

However, Jiang Siming's strength shocked them again, and he also knew that the admiral was definitely unable to help Jiang Siming.

So the Navy Headquarters also made a decision, and later saw the Ming Concubine Pirates and walked around.

There is no way, but I can't fight it, I can only do this, just want to treat the Four Emperors, no matter what.

Jiang Siming's bounty has been raised to 6 billion.

Not only that, the navy headquarters also announced who can kill Jiang Siming, not only has a 6 billion bounty, but also two extremely rare devil fruits.

At the same time, the navy headquarters again recruited troops to increase its strength, for fear that Jiang Siming would come to them again to settle accounts.

But they didn't even know that Jiang Siming had no interest in the navy headquarters at this time.

His goal is Santa Maria!

A few days after the battle, Jiang Siming swaggered into the domain of the Mingfei Pirates. Without him, the Empress and the others could destroy the Charlotte Pirates one after another.


[Author's digression]: First more~

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