I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1884: Second episode

The next day, which is Sunday.

Shanghai Workers Stadium.

Once again crowded with tens of thousands of viewers.

The competition for the second issue of "Le" has finally arrived.

Tens of millions of viewers have been looking forward to it on the Gulu video website.

One week has passed since the last issue of "Le" competition, but it is still talked about by everyone.

The clips of the nine singers' singing were all edited and put into nine separate videos on the spot for everyone to watch for free.

Each video has been viewed more than 10 million times in the past seven days, and Jiang Siming's "Arrival" has been cut into many short videos.

Now, almost all the background music of short video platforms has been swept by "Just as promised".

The show "Le", without any suspense, has become the most popular variety show at present.

Even Miriam Yang, Angela Chang and Stefanie Sun's live broadcast of charity disaster relief are watched by many people every day.

And viewers who have watched the live broadcast can feel that the charity done by the program group is very real and not fake.

Moreover, the whereabouts of every donation is very clearly recorded, and anyone who wants to check can find it at any time.

The donation of more than 23 million yuan came from all the audience's rewards. Of course, they also want to know whether the money is actually used for charity.

It was the program group that said casually, and then the money was divided.

Now after watching the live broadcast, they understand that they think too much.

This kind of show is even more interesting. After all, with the participation of the whole people, the lineup of the show is so strong, and in the end it can do good things, a very meaningful music variety show!

At present, the popularity of "Le" has surpassed "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" in just one issue.

Mango Terrace is now beating his chest and feet, regretting it.

They just missed such a good show, and also lost a part-time show planner such as Liang Tian, ​​a good director.

It's just useless to regret, even if Liang Tian is given the highest treatment now, she will never look back.

After all, she is working for her husband now~

The show hasn't started yet, and the backstage dressing room is already hotly chatting.

Every guest sat in front of the makeup mirror and was dressed up by the makeup artist. They couldn't move their bodies, but they couldn't help themselves.

"The richest man in Jiangda, are you still going to sing a new song today? We have discussed it, and this time we will double the difficulty of the question."

Lin Sansui sat next to Jiang Siming, joking.

The opposite Jay Chou immediately nodded: "Don't, I want to sing a new song in this issue too, too high a difficulty will pit me too."

Everyone laughed.

Of the nine guests, three are new faces, but these three are also household names.

Only Jiang Siming's company can invite so many big-name players so easily.

The usual TV stations and programs can invite Amitabha to one of them.

Before, everyone said that Jiangzhe Satellite TV’s "Dream Voice" had the strongest lineup, but now it is directly split from "Le".

When everyone was chatting about the sky, a person walked in outside the dressing room, and when he came in, he looked envious and said: "I really envy you that you can sing well. You can sing on such a show."

Everyone was interrupted in the chat, but no one showed an unhappy expression, because this person was not someone else, but a friend of Jiang Siming, who was also the last richest man in Asia, President Alima.

Boss Ma was fine this time, so he ran over to be an audience member.

In fact, after this guy resigned from Ali Company and retired to the second line, he was really idle and energetic.

"If you want to sing now, let the makeup artist put on makeup for you. Anyway, the show hasn't started yet, so go up and set the atmosphere." Jiang Siming laughed.

Mr. Ma was a little moved, but he cried and shook his head, and said, "Forget it, you high-level music program, I am an amateur not to participate, I don't want to be the rat **** of a pot of porridge."


Jiang Siming smiled, Mr. Ma is still very self-aware.

President Ma walked in and greeted other singers again. When he saw Xu Wei, he couldn't help chatting a lot with others.

President Ma likes Xu Wei, the singer very much, and he can't be regarded as a true fan.

Xu Wei was also surprised, and somewhat flattered.

It wasn't until everyone was almost done putting on makeup that President Ma left temporarily and went back to the auditorium to wait.

A little bit of time passed, and soon came the seven days of the night, the golden time.

The stage lights were turned on again, the spotlight hit the gorgeous stage, and a new host stood on it.

It is not Bai Song, but the other party's reputation is not lost to Bai Song, and it is also one of the pillars of Yang's mother.

This person is Dong Qing.

The audience suddenly remembered what Bai Song said, "I am one of the show hosts" in the first episode.

The relationship, even the host, is changed every period.

Good guy, how big is this big business.

The pillars of Yangmatai are changed every phase. This is not something you can bring over if you have money.

No Yang's mother promised to release people, no matter how much money you have, you can't ask for it.

But if you look at "Le", the first issue of Bai Song, and the second issue of Dong Qing, I really don't know who will come next.

"Before I came to "Le", I also specifically asked Bai Song to learn from him. He told me that when I came to this show as a host, I made a profit. At first I was dubious, but when I stood here, I knew that Bai Song did not lie to me. Because I feel like I’m holding a solo concert, I almost want to sing a song my mother loves to listen to "Waiting for a Thousand Years"..."


Dong Qing's stage control is also top-notch, and a few words evoked the atmosphere.

"Well, not much gossip. Welcome everyone to watch the second issue of "Le" music variety charity show. In the last issue, three guests could not participate today because they are still running around donating relief supplies. I hope they have a safe journey. smoothly."

"In this episode, there will be three new singers joining. Their arrival, I believe, will give everyone a big surprise."

"Then below, let us welcome the first guest, she is, Xiangjiang singer Gigi Leung!"


The scene cheered at this moment.

Gigi Leung, the goddess of short hair back then.

Not only the singing is top-notch, but the acting skills are also top-notch.

He has collaborated with Star Master, "The King of the Stars", "Dragon in the Rivers and Lakes" with Liu Tianwang, and "King of Killers" with Li Kungfu.

Let everyone deeply remember this short-haired goddess.

Even though she is getting older now, she has gradually faded out of the show business, but her singing skills have not regressed at all, and she has been singing in the music world.

Her singing skills are actually better than her acting skills.

When Gigi Leung took the stage, although there were wrinkles on her face, her temperament remained the same.

Maybe it's been a long time since she sang on such a big stage, Gigi Leung was a little excited and waved to the audience.

As the accompaniment sounded, she affectionately sang "Short Hair" that was popular in Hong Kong and Macau.


[Author's digression]: First more~

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