I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1900: Enemies coming to the door

That night, the Jinshan Temple suddenly burst into the sky, and it spread from Fahai's Buddhist room.

For a time, the entire temple was enveloped by demons.

Jiang Long, who was still healing, felt this amazing demonic energy, and hurried out of the barrier.

He thought it was a monster attacking the Jinshan Temple, but found that the evil spirit came from... his disciple!

In Fahai at this time, the heart of the Buddha was completely eaten by evil spirits, and the original righteousness turned into evil spirits.

And the power contained in this evil spirit is several times that of his original realm!

Fahai's entire person has undergone tremendous changes, like a blackened version of Fahai.

Jiang Long looked at his disciple, and was speechless for a long time.

He couldn't figure out how Fahai suddenly became a demon after he was killed!

"Inferior, hold on to the Buddha's heart! Don't become a devil with one thought!" Jiang Long shouted.

However, Fahai couldn't hear anything after he was enchanted. There was only one thing left in his eyes.

Kill Jiang Siming!

"Disciple, listen to what you say as a teacher, you are a genius that I have never encountered in a century of Buddhism, and you must never fall into the devil's way!" Jiang Long was about to cry anxiously.

Fahaisen smiled and said: "What is a demon? What is a Buddha? As long as the strength is tyrannical, I say a Buddha is a Buddha, I say a demon, and he is a demon!"

Before Jiang Long could react, Fahai had already shot him.

How severely injured Jiang Long was the opponent of Fahai after being enchanted, Fahai soon smashed his body, leaving only the injured Yuan Ying hurried away.

Jianglong was gone, but the monks of Jinshan Temple were miserable, and Fahai slaughtered the entire temple.

Of course, Jiang Siming is watching all this.

He had already seen the fragments on Fahai's body lit up like a large 800-watt light bulb, but it didn't form real fragments.

Jiang Siming is not in a hurry, at least in the right direction.

Two days in a row.

Jiang Siming is ‘hardening to practice’ concentration in the Bai Mansion. To tell the truth, his current concentration is so strong that it’s really not him.

After spending two days in the White House, Jiang Siming chose to leave the Qiantang River with two little snake monsters.

At this time, a shocking news came from the cultivation world of the copy of "Green Snake".

Fahai, a true disciple of the Buddhist school who had never met in a century, became a demon with one thought, and destroyed the Jinshan Temple overnight and escaped.

The news came out and the entire Buddhist school became a joke.

The disciple of the dignified truth, but fell into the magic way, which made the face of Buddhism from the No. 1 school of China scandalous.

There is also news that recently there has been another superpower in the world, like an expert from Taoism.

This person has lost the two Yuan Ying monks Jianglong and Meng He in a row, and his strength is unpredictable.

Of course, this news is far less shocking than Fahai's enchantment.

After coming out of the Qiantang River, Jiang Siming wandered around everywhere, and he came to challenge every cultivating school.

Every time after defeating the opponent, neither kills the door nor kills, as long as the storage bag.

Although the storage bags are precious, they are all willing to give them in order not to save their lives.

In just a few days of work, Jiang Siming has collected more than a dozen Universe Bags.

Of course, he also reaped a lot of bad feelings from the cliques, as if some cliques already wanted to unite against him.

Jiang Siming thought he could know Fa Hai's every move, but these days, this kid seemed to be completely hidden.

He could not be found for a while, but Jiang Siming was not in a hurry. Fahai's goal was him, and sooner or later he would come out.

However, Buddhism has recently started to take action. While searching for Fahai, he is also looking for him.

Jiang Siming is now the number one enemy of Buddhism.

On this day, Jiang Siming took Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing, just came out of a small school, and was happy to harvest a storage bag again.

"Good, the donor is neither a demon nor a demon. Why do you want to do this robbery thing, Amitabha, I am here today, and I want to ask the donor to ask what happened."

A lotus flower was floating in the air, and a female figure wearing a crown, wearing a heavenly robe and holding a clean bottle blocked the path of the three.

Next to him was Jiang Long who had reshaped his real body.

The image on the lotus flower, as long as everyone knows it, Master Guanyin.

After Jianglong escaped from Jinshan Temple, he went directly to Leiyin Temple, hoping to sue the Buddha.

But helpless, the Buddha is not in Leiyin Temple, only Guanyin is here.

The first time I saw True Guanyin, Jiang Siming was still a little shocked.

Looking at this stunning Guanyin, Jiang Siming didn't feel a trace of fluctuation in his heart.

In fact, Guanyin is not female, on the contrary, he is male.

Yes, Guanyin was originally a man.

In the impression of many people, Guanyin is a beautiful, benevolent, and charitable woman, and at the same time she can give care and help in time when people need it.

Little did they know that Guanyin was a male when it finally spread from India to Middle-earth.

The Avalokiteshvara in Indian Buddhism is male, because Indian traditional Buddhism believes that women can only achieve the Tao after turning into a male body.

Before the Sui and Tang Dynasties, when Indian Buddhism was introduced to China, Guanyin Bodhisattva was a male body, and the typical sign was a mustache on his lips.

At that time, most of Guanyin showed the appearance of a prince, with strong physique and clear appearance. Some were dressed in royal attire, while others were laid-back and graceful. Standing and sitting were clearly male appearances.

Later, because Buddhism discovered that the female Guanyin was more popular than the male Guanyin, she gradually turned Guanyin into her daughter.

Therefore, the Avalokitesvara in front of him was just a phantom, the deity is actually a man.

"Bai Suzhen has seen Master Guanyin!"

The little white snake didn't know this at all, so he wanted to be Guanyin Master as an idol.

Even now she still wants to be a disciple of Avalokitesvara.

So this is the effect of marketing. Buddhism promotes the image of Guanyin so well that Guanyin has become an existence on the same level as Western gods and is respected by thousands of people.

Avalokitesvara saw Bai Suzhen, but he was not moved at all. Instead, he said: "Bai Suzhen, you are a white snake who has practiced for thousands of years. It is not easy to cultivate. I think you have a relationship with my Buddha. Now as long as you act on him, this seat will Consider accepting you as a registered disciple and take you back to Zizhu Forest."

Bai Suzhen was stunned, but she did not expect Guanyin to let her deal with Jiang Siming.

"Master Guanyin, in fact, all of this was caused by Fahai. Fahai saw that Xiaoqing and I were monsters, and he couldn't help but accept us. Senior Jiang just helped each other out of righteousness. He is a good person."

Guanyin shook his head in disappointment, and said, "Bai Suzhen, you have disappointed this seat too much. It seems that you have no destiny with my Buddha. Let me save you the evil spirit."

After speaking, Avalokitesvara stretched out a finger, and a light of Buddha went towards Bai Suzhen!

Bai Suzhen didn't expect Guanyin to say that he would do it, and he was unsuspectingly shrouded by this Buddha light.

For a moment, Bai Suzhen showed a very uncomfortable expression.

But in the next second, this layer of Buddha light shattered into powder, and Bai Suzhen was able to escape.

"Senior Jiang...Thank you for saving me again." Bai Suzhen smiled bitterly.

From this moment, she no longer has any nostalgia for Buddhism.


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