I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1936: Preliminary 100

The aunt thought to herself, if she could marry Jiang Siming, her son would be better than her current son...

Well, it's fortunate that Jiang Siming doesn't know what she thinks, otherwise she might be killed directly.

"Goo la la! Jiang Xiaozi's strength has grown so fast, I don't seem to be your opponent anymore, go la la."

Baibeard was optimistic. He had already seen that Jiang Siming was by no means an ordinary powerhouse.

His existence will rewrite an era!

"I'm done with everything that should be said. I won't participate in this competition. Let's compete for the best in the world this time." Jiang Siming said freely.

Everyone smiled bitterly, boss, with you, who would dare to claim to be number one in the world.

Kaido is afraid of being beaten by you, you are the number one in the world.

So this sentence, they are a punctuation mark.

Competing for the best in the world? No, no, let's fight for second place in the world.

The name of this competition was silently changed by everyone before it started.

"I will take out these three prizes first, and the top three will get them."

Jiang Siming stretched out his hand and three beautiful boxes appeared out of thin air.

Taking things from the air with this one hand once again made everyone more jealous of Jiang Siming.

There are so many secrets about this guy, and that sword seems to have appeared like this.

The box flew away from Jiang Siming's hand and landed on the stone pillars beside the ring, each stone pillar placed a box.

The eyes of the audience gathered there too.

After seeing Jiang Siming's strength, everyone has guessed that the reason why the Demon God is so strong must be inseparable from these three boxes.

The more they think about it, the more they feel right.

Everyone wants these three boxes, but no one dares to steal them unless they are too fateful.

Jiang Siming added: "In this competition, anyone but the Four Emperors can participate."

"What did you say? Didn't you say that anyone can participate!" The aunt was anxious, she must get the general Gu Ling.

Otherwise, whoever gets this stuff is too threatening to her.

Jiang Siming smiled and said: "Then let me put it another way. If you four emperors want to participate, then even if you win everyone in the end, you will have to pass me in the end and beat me to get these three things."


The aunt was dumb.

"Hey! Boy Jiang is right. Those of us who don't die to participate in this kind of competition are too bullying for young people. I have a white beard and quit voluntarily, but my sons will definitely win the top three. "

"I also quit." Red Hair said.

"I also quit." Kaido was afraid to speak slowly.

No matter how unwilling the aunt is, she can only choose to quit with them, but fortunately, her sons are very strong and the chance is still great.

"Okay, the game officially begins! Go and compete, if you want to get as strong as me, the secret lies in these three boxes!"

Jiang Siming has not forgotten a wave of brainwashing encouragement.

As expected, all the contestants have been beaten up. Now they have at least 200 points in their fighting spirit!

One is what Jiang Siming said, and there is another important factor.

That is, the four emperors have all withdrawn, and the four strongest people have all withdrawn, so their chances are greatly increased.

The game officially started.

Jiang Siming returned to the highest viewing platform, tilted Erlang's legs, and waited for the game to kick off. By the way, he also called the white beard and red hair.

Although Jiang Siming and Hongfa met for the first time, he still admires the owner of the fruit of face, haha.

The aunt still eagerly wanted to be invited by Jiang Siming, but Jiang Siming didn't have her at all.

The three of them watched while drinking, so uncomfortable.

As for Jiang Siming's concubine group, naturally they all participated.

Jiang Siming's purpose for holding this game is to sharpen their strength and let them achieve the goal he wants as soon as possible.

This time is a rare good opportunity.

At the beginning of the preliminary round, Jiang Siming didn't like the duel organized by Doflamingo, he immediately gathered together and let them fight to death.

This kind of duel has a lot of moisture, because there are always cooperatives or fish and sneak attacks, which is too unfair.

Jiang Siming set the game for seven days, the first three days of the preliminary round, the next two days of the elimination round, and the next two days is the final.

In the preliminary round, the entire arena was divided into one hundred areas.

Everyone will randomly match five opponents and beat them one by one, adding one point for each victory and deducting one point for each defeat.

After three days, the top 100 people will be promoted.

This can be said to be very fair, and there will be no accidental encounter between two top masters, and the one who loses will be out.

Or the weak luck is bursting every time they meet the weaker, they advance to the final instead.

Jiang Siming avoids this situation as much as possible.

Jiang Siming's intention to make this ring is here, not only is it convenient for everyone to fight at will.

It won't hurt the innocent, and it can be divided into different areas and let them fight each one one by one.

Referees are watching in every area.

It's just that in the preliminary rounds, the level is uneven and there is nothing to watch.

Even if there is a master, it is difficult to meet a master of the same level to match him, and the opponent will be solved in a few strokes, and there will be no wonderful duel.

Nami and the others easily defeated five enemies and each scored five points.

Only Violet is still weak. He played five games and only won two games.

For this reason, Violet secretly vowed to catch up with the other sisters.

The other groups are similar, nothing is too amazing, the main participants are too many.

It is still a bit difficult to meet the master-to-master drama.

Until today's last set of duels, I thought that today would be so smoothly, but I did not expect the last set.

But it is the Foil Vista, the fifth son of Whitebeard, against the clown Bucky of Qiwuhai!

The unexpected thing, originally thought it was a close duel.

But Bista suffered from appendicitis in the process of swinging his sword. He was counterattacked by Bucky the clown and easily defeated Bista and won the victory.

On the viewing platform, White Beard looked embarrassed, blowing his beard and staring.

Jiang Siming and Hongfa both smirked.

However, Jiang Siming seriously suspected that Bucky the clown ate not the split fruit, but the lucky fruit. This guy is also lucky.

The first day ends, and the second and third days pass one after another.

In the three days, the duel became more exciting day by day.

Because there are a lot of people who have been seriously injured and have to compete together, this leads to fewer and fewer people, and more and more chances of collision between masters.

After three days, more than 7,000 contestants were left with less than 1,000.

And the top 100 in the standings has also come out.

Jiang Siming first watched his Ming Concubine Pirate Group, and it was okay. Except for the new concubine and baby5, the other women's scores all entered the top 100.

On Baibeard's side, ten sons also entered the top 100, and many crew members of the aunt and Kaido also entered the top 100.

In addition to them, the admirals of the navy are naturally easily promoted, as well as CP0 and CP9 of the world government, and Qiwuhai.

And some powerful pirates, supernovas, grabbed the top 100.

This result was completely expected by Jiang Siming.


Fourth more~

There are still two chapters left, I will make up tomorrow!

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