I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1941: Earth Moon One Minute

Wandered around the planting base for an afternoon, and then went home near the evening.

In the evening, the Mid-Autumn Festival reunion dinner finally began.

Dad Jiang moved the table to the yard, eating while waiting for the moon to rise.

I knew there would be such a day, so Dad Jiang and Ma Jiang specially customized an extra-large dining table that was the same as Jiang Siming’s home, which could still be remotely controlled.

No longer do you have to set up four or five tables like in the New Year, and eat their own food.

The reunion dinner started, and the house was very lively.

My mother sat next to Xinyi, eating two bites of rice, staring at Xinyi's belly and laughing twice, even talking to her belly.

"Wanwan, I'm grandma, when you come out, grandma will make you a meal, buy a lot of snacks, and buy you a lot of beautiful clothes..."

There are a lot of babbles in the back, making it as if others understand it.

Jiang Wanwan went with Zhao Xiaoxiao again, and the two youngest beings in the family were chatting about their respective schools.

Jiang Siming was responsible for drinking with his father, so he had to drink the old man happily.

As for the grandparents, they are not boring at all. The grandparents and daughters-in-law surrounded by them kept serving them with meals, soups and vegetables.

In the past, Jiang Siming served food to his grandparents. Now he is honorably "retired." Some people do this.

"Ah! The moon is out!" Jiang Lan suddenly shouted, looking at the sky.

Everyone raised their heads, isn't it, the moon has already creeped up into the sky.

But unfortunately, before everyone can look carefully, a cloud of dark clouds blocked their sight.

"This is too disappointing. It is blocked by clouds. It seems to be raining today." Dad Jiang complained.

The corner of Jiang Siming's mouth raised, looking at the dark clouds in the sky, he was already muttering silently in his heart: "You gave me this for the Mid-Autumn Festival, and still want to rain? Dark clouds, let him climb!"

In a short while, the dark clouds quickly dissipated, and the weather that was supposed to be raining suddenly turned into a bright moon and stars.

"Hey! It's coming out again! It's weird." Jiang Dad looked confused, and he said that God is too disappointed. Is it possible that God heard him?

The moon appeared again, but it didn't seem as round as expected.

"This moon is not round at all." Jiang Wanwan vomited.

"The moon is usually fifteen and sixteen yuan." Jiang Ma said.

"Why?" Jiang Wanwan asked curiously.

"Where do I know where to go." Jiang Ma said angrily.

Zhao Xiaoxiao, the elementary school god, has started classes.

She explained with a grin: "Because the moon revolves around the earth in an elliptical orbit, it takes an average of 29 days, 12 hours and 44 minutes from one full moon to the next. When "looking", the moon, earth, and sun are closest to a straight line. So it is also the roundest and brightest."

"However, due to the "universal gravitation", it will go faster in the near term and slower in the far distance. If it is fast in the first half of the month, it will reach the position of the full moon on time, at the fifteenth circle. If it is slow, It will be "late" and arrive at the position of the full moon at sixteen or seventeen."

After listening to Jiang's mother, she gave a thumbs up: "Xiaoxiao is really amazing."

After finishing speaking, he said to Jiang Wanwanly: "Look at them, they are just in their first year of high school, you are in the second year of high school, and you know that there are still no one."

Jiang Wanwan rolled her eyes. This is the No. 1 student in the national high school entrance examination. How can she compare?

"It's okay, the moon is not round today and it will be round tomorrow, but it is a pity that we will go abroad tomorrow. At that time, we may think that foreign moons are relatively round."

Zhao Xuan teased, in fact, to relieve Jiang Wanwan, Wanwan looked at her sister-in-law in gratitude, which saved her mother's nagging, which is great.

"Don't have to be so troublesome, it's estimated that the moon will be big and round later." Jiang Siming said.

"How could it happen? I have to wait until tomorrow. The moon has already appeared today." Zhao Xiaoxiao didn't believe it.

Jiang Siming gave her a mysterious smile, and then pretended to continue eating.

Just after everyone turned their attention back to the food, Jiang Siming used the excuse to go to the bathroom.

After he came back, he pretended to be surprised and exclaimed: "Look at it! I'll just say it, I really got it!"

In fact, Jiang Siming was retching in his heart: The acting is so contrived, the actor can't save himself...

But everyone didn't care, they all quickly looked up.

Sure enough, the moon with many gaps in the sky suddenly became extremely round.

It's like a jade plate hanging in the sky, and it's very big. They have never seen such a big moon.

It's like...like the moon has been drawn closer to the earth a lot.

But no matter what, it was the first time everyone saw such a beautiful moon, and they were all attracted to it.

Jiang Siming quietly disappeared again when Mimi returned.

The moon returned to its normal size, but it was still round and round, and it was so beautiful.

Jiang Siming sat back in his seat and heaved a sigh of relief.

He just ran to the moon and pushed the moon to make it its roundest appearance.

And for visual effects, Jiang Siming also pulled the moon closer to the earth.

But soon he realized that he almost made a big mistake, and that the moon being too close would cause the tidal effect and the greenhouse effect.

Fortunately, he corrected it in time and kicked the moon back to avoid making a big mistake.

Lao Jiang didn't know, just the moment the moon was near the earth, it scared astronomers and physicists all over the world.

They thought that gravity was gone and the moon was about to hit the earth.

Was scared.

But after a while, the moon went back again.

This left all the experts stunned, thinking that it was a machine detection error.

But when you check it, you know that it is not a machine detection error.

In that minute or so, the moon was indeed very close to the earth!

It lasted a minute and disappeared again.

Such a weird thing directly caused a global astronomy sensation, and countless astrologists and physicists searched for information overnight to analyze the reasons.

Later, this incident was spread madly by people in the astronomy and physics circles. In the end, experts called this minute the most bizarre "earth and moon minute" and it was widely spread.

What is one minute of the earth and the moon? It means that the earth and the moon are infinitely close in a certain minute!

Many countries have even begun to warn and prepare, so that they can run away after the end of the world...

However, they didn't know that the initiator of all this was still eating his moon cakes at home and rewarding his bright moon.

One minute of this month is actually his ‘masterpiece’.

No one knows about this except Jiang Siming himself.

Oh, if you insist, the moon knows too.

Because it was so ‘tossed’ by Jiang Siming, pushing it and kicking it.

The moon thought mmp what did I do wrong? This neurosis suddenly beat me and kicked me so to me...


Second more~

I still feel sorry for writing a chapter, everyone, I am drunk and add another chapter, I can't stand it anymore, and I went to sleep.

I wish all the book friends of this book a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, happiness and health!

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