I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1943: Is this a rival in love?

"I said you two, knowing that I want to send you back, don't have to kneel down with excitement, right?"

Jiang Siming joked.

At this time, the two women were both kneeling at Jiang Siming's feet, and because of the turbulence of this airflow, they were all knocked off their seats.

When Jiang Siming said that he was kneeling on his knees, the two women stared at him at the same time, and then quickly sat back.

The original little warm atmosphere was suddenly broken by Jiang Siming.

The helicopter flew for three hours and stopped in a very secret military area. Then the three of them got on a warrior and headed to the next destination.

After passing a rugged mountain road, a valley lay in front of them.

"Get off the car, it's almost there." Bing Meiren awakened Jiang Siming who was already asleep.

Jiang Siming opened his eyes and yawned. He glanced at the time and smiled bitterly: "Why haven't it arrived yet..."

"The Tianzu base is a major military site, so it is located in a remote location. It will take so long to go."

Jiang Siming got out of the car, glanced at the surrounding jungles and mountains, and asked suspiciously, "Where is this like a base? You guys don't want to trick me into this ravine place and rob me of money and sex, right? I won’t give you money, you can still think about it if you want to be seduced."


The two women glared at him.

The ice beauty led the way and quickly walked to the middle of the valley.

Only then did Jiang Siming discover that this place has a mystery.

It seemed no different from an ordinary valley, but Jiang Siming discovered that there were more than a dozen guards in ambush here, and this place was heavily organized.

Many seemingly ordinary stone walls actually contain a lot of thermal weapons.

I don't know what the ice beauty did. After a dozen or so shots on a stone wall, the stone wall will automatically separate and become a stone gate.

Inside is a long passage.

"Good guy, it's concealed enough, I'll take it." Jiang Siming exclaimed.

"Let's go, after this passage, you are here."

The three of them were about to leave, and a figure came out in a corner.

"Captain Ice, are you back after the holiday?"

The speaker was a burly man with camouflage and sharp eyes like an eagle.

Bing Mei nodded, but didn't say a word. This is how she usually treats others.

This man also seemed to have known Bingmei's temper a long time ago, and was not annoyed, but just looked at Jiang Siming.

"You and Huo Wu came back. Why did you bring someone with you? You know, the base can't bring outsiders."

"He is not an outsider. He is a guest of the Tian Group. He has the right to enter and leave the base at any time." Bingmei finally opened her mouth and explained Jiang Siming's identity.

No way, if you don't say it, the guards here will never let them in.

The guards of the Tian Group are stricter than anywhere else, even if the old man's granddaughter Dongfang Weixi is not allowed to enter.

"He? You mean he is the Ke Qing the teacher said?"

The burly man's eyes stared out.

He doesn't even know who Jiang Siming is. After all, they have always stayed in the Tian Group and never paid much attention to the financial entertainment news outside.

He only knew that the teacher had said that there was a newcomer in the Tian Group, and he was also Ke Qing. Besides the teacher, he was the oldest.

At that time, all members of the sky team were wondering who this person was.

Later, Huo Wu broke the news that the Ke Qing had taken Sheng Xue away and was Sheng Xue's boyfriend.

At that time, the hearts of countless male members of the Tian Group were broken.

When Shengxue came to the Tian Group, she was regarded as a goddess by many male members. Many male members had a deep admiration for Shengxue, including the burly man in front of her.

He was also one of Shengxue's suitors.

It's a pity that Shengxue showed her favor to their pursuit and never paid attention to it.

And Shengxue's strength has improved by leaps and bounds, just like riding a rocket.

Soon it surpassed all members of the Tian Group, including Bing Meiren.

But still no one is willing to give up, those suitors are riveting enough, crazy training wants to surpass Li Shengxue.

However, before they could pass, Huo Wu broke the news that Sheng Xueren's family had a boyfriend, or their Tianzuo Keqing.

Since then, everyone can only endure heartache and give up this idea.

Later, Shengxue was transferred directly, so she didn't have to go back to the base.

But the resentment towards Jiang Siming has always been there.

When the burly man heard Jiang Siming's identity, his eyes burst into battle.

"Hello, my name is Zhang Wu, and I want to discuss it with you, but forget it, but I have a knot in my mind."

Jiang Siming didn't know this happened, and asked Huo Wu strangely, "What's wrong with this person?"

Jiang Siming feels quite inexplicable. This person obviously doesn't know him, so how come he has to learn from him when they meet?

Huo Wu had a guilty conscience and was speechless.

Jiang Siming felt a ghost, so he hooked Huo Wu's neck with one hand and pulled her over.

"Say, what's going on, you will have a ghost in your heart."

Zhang Wu was stunned to see such an intimate action.

Good guy, dare to touch the Overlord Hua Huo Wu of the Sky Team like this, is this kid going to die?

Do you know why these days the male members of the group want to chase Shengxue instead of Ice Beauty and Huo Wu.

That's because the two of them are not only the first to join the Tian Group, but everyone has already understood the tempers of the two women.

The tragedy of the male members who chased them before is still vivid.

The ice beauty is okay, if you chase her, she will warn you once and teach you a little lesson the second time.

But if you don't give up for the third time, then you can wait until you cry.

Huo Wu was even more fierce, and he didn't give a chance. Anyone who dared to provoke her would have to be beaten to death.

So over time, the male members of the Tian Group have long given up.

Even if there are a few newcomers with ideas, they will be quickly killed by the old members.

But now, this man dared to do such an intimate action to Huo Wu.

"This guy is finished." Zhang Wu seemed to have seen Jiang Siming's end.

However, what made him even more shocking was that Huo Wu, who was so "kidnapped" into Jiang Siming's arms, did not resist, just blushing and struggling.

"I don't know, it's none of my business..."

"You still dare to argue, don't you say?" Jiang Siming pinched Huo Wu's pretty face and squeezed her cheeks together to become a pouting fire baby.

"I, I, I... It's nothing to do with me... Who made you so annoying at the time... I told them that Sheng Xue was soaked away by you, and they treated you as a love rival... ."

Huo Wu was pinched and didn't mean to resist, so she had to explain it honestly.

This scene completely ruined Zhang Wu's three views, and he even wondered whether this Huo Wu was a fake.

Overlord flower, are you the person...

"What I said, I will settle the account with you later." Jiang Siming hummed and let her go for the time being.

Looking back at Zhang Wu, his tone was still very polite: "Man, you can't beat me, it's better not to do it, let's go in."

Zhang Wu stared at Jiang Siming, shook his head stubbornly, and said, "No, if I don't discuss it with you, I can't get through the knot in my heart. I might as well tell you that I still like Snow Girl very much."


Second more~

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