I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1951: Is it so coaxing?

It was so easy for Jiang Siming to find someone.

When I found Huo Wu, the little girl was sitting on the edge of a mountain sulking.

"No loyalty! Regarding **** over friends! I also said that I am not firm, and I am faster than anyone else, oh oh, Jiang Siming, ice beauty, you two..."

"Who are you scolding over there?"

Jiang Siming walked over and interrupted her complaint.

The startled Huo Wu hurriedly turned her head and saw Jiang Siming, annoyed: "How do you know my secret base? It must be the traitor Bing that told you, right?"

Before Jiang Siming could explain, Huo Wu hugged her legs, sat on the stone, buried her head in her elbow, crying bitterly.

"All of them have no conscience! My only two girlfriends, we are Taoyuan Sanjie, we have agreed to be single, but I didn’t expect these two heartless and unrighteous to be alone, leaving me alone. Oh..."

Jiang Siming thought she was a fake cry, but he didn't expect to see it in the past, and she really cried, tears in her eyes.

I'm going, she is really serious.

"Don't cry, things are already like this, we are happy, you should bless us." Jiang Siming can only comfort.

However, it was useless, Huo Wu cried more fiercely.

Jiang Siming couldn't help wondering: Is what he said is wrong? It's three feelings.

Seeing that comfort was useless, Jiang Siming simply got impatient: "It's a big deal, I'll accept you too, let's go!"

"Okay, you can't go back on what you said."

The crying ceased in an instant, and Huo Wu smashed into Jiang Siming's arms with a touch of tears.

Jiang Siming smiled helplessly, is this woman so coaxing?

The way you just coaxed your feelings is wrong...

Say it early, say he had spoken early.

"Okay, you three sisters are getting together again, you are not alone anymore, are you satisfied?" Jiang Siming asked amusedly.

"Yeah." Huo Wu's head was buried in Jiang Siming's chest, with a sly smile.

Want to leave my old lady alone? no way!

Anyway, it was Bingxian who broke her promise. She was the principal culprit. She was only an accomplice at best. Well, thinking about it this way, there was no baggage in my heart.

"Let's go, then go back." Jiang Siming said.

"No, don't leave now." Huo Wu shook his head.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Siming looked at her.

Huo Wu raised her head and pursed her lips: "You just talked to Bing...I want to too!"

"Here?" Jiang Siming was speechless.

"Isn't this...you are still on the sofa in the living room, don't worry, no one here."

Huo Wu just felt that Jiang Siming's promise was a bit unreliable. Besides, Bing was like that, and she couldn't fall behind.

According to the harem drama, the concubine must be able to fight for favor, otherwise he will be ignored by the emperor.

She shouldn't be left out. I heard that the neglected concubines are getting old very quickly.

Jiang Siming is convinced, and there are silly girls who took the initiative to send them to the door, so don't blame him for being rude.

In other words, Jiang Siming hasn't tried this kind of ‘game’ in the wild, and the only time he was in a cave after breaking through the coma of God.

And what happened at that time he really forgot, fragments.

This time, I can actually experience it for myself, hey, my wife, the task you gave me has been successfully completed!

A small enchantment technique was released, and then...


About an hour later, Jiang Siming and Huo Wu returned to the base room.

As soon as the door was opened, Bing was still in the room waiting for good news.

When she saw Huo Wu holding Jiang Siming next to her, Bing Beauty instantly understood. Not only was she not angry, she teased Huo Wu instead.

Huo Wu was hairy by the look in her eyes, immediately akimbo, and proudly said: "You broke the contract first, you can't blame me, I'm just an accessory, you are the principal."

The ice beauty shook her head funny, what is this and what.

But this is the best way. The two of them no longer have to blame anyone, and they were served by Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming hadn't forgotten the matter of cultivation, and explained the situation to Huo Wu, and also gave her those two choices.

Huo Wu didn't even think about it, so she chose to self-defeating.

After a long period of discomfort, the two members of the prefecture level became ordinary people.

Of course, this is only temporary.

Jiang Siming immediately took the two women and found the old man.

The old man was getting angry and said that this guy could train the female crew members. It was all morning without a person.

"Old man, I'm going back." Jiang Siming knew that the old man was just pretending, so he walked over and spoke carelessly.

"I'm going back so soon? Did something happen at home?" The old man hurriedly cared, but he was not angry.

"It was not an accident at home, but an accident with your two students." Jiang Siming pointed to the ice beauty and Huo Wu who were following him.

"They...what's wrong?"

The old man looked at the two women suspiciously, paused for a while, his eyes were shocked: "What about your cultivation base? Why are you so weak?"

"It's abolished." Jiang Siming explained.

"Self-defeating...???" The old man almost didn't vomit blood, and finally two new prefecture-level masters were born in the Tian Group. It only took one day, no?

"You are ashamed to say that the Laoshizi's internal skills they both practiced have great side effects. They can only practice up to the profound level at most. Once they reach the prefecture level, there is a risk of getting into trouble. I will let them all destroy themselves first." Jiang Si Ming said.

"So that's it, alas, it's better to abolish yourself in this way, it's better than to get confused."

The old man sighed.

Although he felt a pity in his heart, he still cared more about his student's life than his cultivation.

"I came to you this time because I wanted to take them back. You can give them a long vacation," Jiang Siming said.

The old man's eyes lit up, and he nodded without hesitation.

Anyway, Bing and Huo Wu are now self-defeating their cultivation bases, and can't do any tasks, and there is no need to stay in the base.

It would be better to follow Jiang Siming to promote their relationship with Jiang Siming, while also having the opportunity to learn from Jiang Siming.

It just depends on whether the two of them can get to know Jiang Siming.

What he said before, the two silly girls disagree with each other alive and dead, and they have been talking for more than a year, and there is still no sign of movement.

I hope they can get acquainted this time and get closer together.

The old man didn't know about Jiang Siming's relationship with them, and had already gotten closer this morning.

If he knew it, the old man would definitely be happy to fart.

The old man gave Bing and Huowu a long vacation. Jiang Siming took them out of the base in the morning and returned home in Shanghai in the afternoon.

As soon as he got home, Jiang Siming's walking posture was different. That guy, that step was so arrogant.

Isn't it just a small task, I went out and completed it successfully.

The wives in the family saw Bing and Huowu walk for two days and then returned, and upon asking, they knew that both of them had been on the thief ship.

They have nothing to say this time, and they all gave Jiang Siming a thumbs up. Husband, you really deserve to be the old sea king!


First update~ Yesterday, I opened a guest at home. I was forced to drink a pound of white wine. I was so drunk. I just woke up. I'm sorry. I still have to go back to the 3rd watch.

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