I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1953: Five stars for difficulty!

The girl was so stupid and cute at the time.

This will come here and become the fourth host of "Le".

All the male audiences began to show wretched smiles. If they guessed correctly, it must be Jiang’s richest man who had no intentions!

"Jincheng silk pipes have been in abundance, half into the river and half into the clouds. This song should only be in the sky, and the world can be heard a few times..."

"Hello everyone, I am Wang Xiaoyu, the host of this episode, and this is the live broadcast of "Le"."

"China’s strongest lineup of music variety shows is not one of them. I think if Mr. Du Fu can come here, he will definitely be fascinated by the rhythm."


In a few words, the words are round, the speed is appropriate, and the tone is clear and pleasant.

The audience changed their opinion of her instantly after listening.

I thought that Jiang Siming was just attracted by the back door and took the opportunity to come here to show off his popularity, but now they saw it wrong.

Wang Xiaoyu let everyone dispel this doubt at the beginning, no matter whether it is the image or the host skills, there is no flaw.

Even when she came to the stage for the first time, she didn't feel a little nervous, with a smile on her face, which made her feel like spring breeze.

Of course, everyone knows that this pretty girl has shortcomings, that is...face blindness, haha.

Wang Xiaoyu also introduced the rules of the show. After a few words, he announced today's first new guest, and then walked off the stage.

Many LSP viewers couldn't bear to see her leaving, and for the first time they found that the host's opening remarks were so good-looking.

Fortunately, in this show, the singer is the protagonist, and everyone can only refocus on today's guests.

The first guest to appear, the show "Le", did not disappoint everyone.

Han Lei.

He is also a powerful singer, the second season of "Singer" on Mango Channel.

There are also a lot of classic tracks.

If a singer like Han Lei appears in other shows, everyone will definitely think that the first and second are stable.

But in this "Le" where gods fight, everyone is still very uncertain how good he can get.

It's even hard to say whether it can survive this period.

It's not that they look down on others, but their opponents are too strong.

Han Lei also knew how horrible the show was, so as soon as he appeared on the stage, he sang a very classic song "Girl in the Flower House", which attracted a lot of applause.

Han Lei's bounty pool harvested 340w+ in three minutes. This bounty is not particularly high, but at least at the mid-stream level, it should be no problem to enter the next stage steadily.

"I believe Brother Han Lei should understand our programming customs. Let me tell you that there is only one singer who chose to make a temporary on-site creation today. Please ask Brother Han Lei to write a question."

After Wang Xiaoyu said this, everyone would know who it was. Besides Jiang Siming, who else could be!

Han Lei became the only subject today.

"Haha, I am honored to be able to write a topic. I have always wanted to write a song that is not just about love and love. It can reflect some good or bad normals in society, but I have not been able to write it, so I want to take this opportunity to learn from the experience, hope I can learn a little experience in this show."

The subject of Han Lei was a bit confused by everyone, and many viewers did not understand what the subject was.

But Wang Xiaoyu quickly caught Han Lei's meaning and asked: "So Brother Han Lei's topic is to reflect and reflect something in society, right?"

"Yes, yes, what you said is exactly the same as what I meant." Han Lei nodded.

Everyone suddenly felt that feelings were the subject, so strange.

This is really the first time I have heard of this kind of topic.

Most of the usual songs are sentimental, inseparable from the word love, whether it is friendship, family or love.

Eighty percent of songs can't run around love characters.

But now Han Lei’s topic reflects society? How can this be written as a song?

All the singers who are watching this show feel that their heads are big, which completely raises the difficulty of the title to the highest level.

Including other singers on the "Le" show, they desperately patted their little hearts in the background.

Fortunately, I didn't choose to create my own program for this episode, otherwise I would be embarrassed. How can I write this.

At the same time, they all looked at Jiang Siming together.

This time only Jiang Siming continued to choose to create his own creation, which meant that this topic was none other than him.

"Oh, that's not bad. I can't write this topic for me now."

Jay Chou said with a smirk, if it was before, it would be perfectly fine.

"The End of War" was written by him, implying the hope for world peace and no more wars.

But it took him more than half a year to write this song. Even at his peak, it would be extremely difficult for him to write this type of song in such a short time.

Jiang Siming rolled his eyes, then got up, took the band, and walked into the closed room.

Want to stump yourself with this kind of topic? You too underestimate my Song brother!

The show is still going on. The second singer and the third singer showed up one after another, Huang Qishan and Tan Weiwei respectively.

Both are unsurprisingly capable singers.

Huang Qishan also participated in "Singer" and was fourth in the first season, but everyone felt that there was a problem with the voting rules at the time.

Huang Qishan's true strength is at least the champion and runner-up level. You can imagine such a capable female singer, a character that Han Hong admires, but only the fourth place.

The key champion is the Yuquan combination, which is unacceptable.

It's not that Yuquan is bad, but that none of them can sing better than Huang Qishan.

As for Tan Weiwei, she is actually a talented music girl. Like Deng Qi, she belongs to the female singers of the post-90s generation who can stand a ground.

After the two sang, the votes were 320w+ and 231w+.

Then, other singers who weren't eliminated in the previous period came on stage.

Jay Chou zoomed in this time, and a classic song "A Thousand Miles Away" directly won 511w of votes.

Not to be outdone, Lin Sansui sang a song "Jiangnan" and won 480w votes.

This time, Ren Tianwang sang a relatively unpopular song "Zhu Xian Lian", which only got 355w+.

Chengtianwang 311w+, Zhengyuan 385w+.

There is a gap between the score and the previous program, which is also normal.

After all, the selected songs are different, and the audience they like are also different, and the number of votes will fluctuate.

But it also brings tremendous pressure to the new guests. Sure enough, even if you don’t hide your clumsy appearance, it’s not necessarily a good track.

The quality of guests on this show is getting higher and higher.

Those who can stay are top singers, and everyone is at the top level of singers.

Liang Tian is already considering whether to find a few more kings in the next issue...

After all the singers sang, there is only one last one left, that is, Jiang Siming has not started yet.

The lowest bounty now is Tan Weiwei, Cheng Tian Wang and Huang Qishan.

Except for Tan Weiwei who must be out, the remaining Cheng Tianwang and Huang Qishan depend on Jiang Siming's score.

His score determines which of them will go and who will stay.

So, what song will Jiang Siming sing this time?


Third more~

Finally, the third shift was driven out, and the fourth shift continues to be written~

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