I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1955: Cancel magnification

Chen Guo, who was sitting in the best viewing position with Liang Tian, ​​made her hands go red without feeling.

"How about, is your chairman good?" Liang Tian asked funny.

"Well, the chairman is the most handsome! I love the chairman!"

Chen Guo blurted out, but the next second she hurriedly changed her words: "Sister Liang Tian, ​​don't get me wrong, I mean..."

Liang Tian said happily, "No need to explain, it's nothing. If you like it, be bold. There are not many rooms left in our house. If you don't do anything, the room will be filled with other girls."

Chen Guo was embarrassed, hurry up and lower her head, pretending to play with her phone...

Wang Xiaoyu, who returned to the stage again, looked at Jiang Siming's eyes with little stars of worship.

She is a kind person, otherwise she would not have ignored her life to save a child.

So I am most impressed with this song.

She really hopes that everyone in the society can be like this song. Everyone is kind, optimistic, and laughable. That would be great.

Unexpectedly, the song Jiang Siming sang was exactly the same as she thought.

Wang Xiaoyu suddenly felt like he had met a bosom friend. She really hadn't admired anyone in her life. She was blind and never chased stars.

But at this moment, she felt that Jiang Siming was her idol!

Far more than just because of this song, Jiang Siming is not just the kind of person who just talks and doesn't do it.

From the one who didn’t hesitate to save her in a car crash, the one who did not hesitate to offend all traffickers at the Kyoto Conference and also sent them to death, and the one who severely punished everyone who touched porcelain...

Wait for this, enough to show his personality charm.

There are many other aspects. If Wang Xiaoyu is required to speak, she may not be able to finish talking.

The three-minute reward time is over.

Jiang Siming's votes, 1099w+!

Another super high score, only 1142w+ in the previous period can catch up.

But everyone knows that the reason why the previous issue was so high was mainly because of the fans of the King of the City who were grateful to Jiang Siming for enlightening their idol factor in it.

But this time, it was the actual use of music, which touched more than 5 million viewers.

Another first place was picked up by Jiang Siming, and the first place has been re-elected by Jiang Siming.

And the three eliminated in this period became Tan Weiwei, Huang Qishan, the king of the city.

One of the kings has been eliminated, dear, the difficulty of this show is already at the ceiling level.

The remaining six, except for Jiang Siming, all felt heavy pressure.

The ghost knows who the show team will invite in the next issue, and whether they will be too eliminated.

But it is precisely this pressure that has rekindled the ‘fighting spirit’ of the heavenly kings who are used to standing at the top of the music world.

They all secretly vowed that the next episode of the show must come out with a stronger standard!

It is estimated that the next few issues will become more and more exciting.

In order to add fire to the fighting spirit of these kings, Jiang Siming immediately announced: "The next few episodes will no longer have double bounty, regardless of whether it is a current creation or an old song, the bounty rate will be the same. "

As soon as this remark came out, everyone did not expect it.

Jiang Siming actually gave up his most favorable rate?

With this magnification, I feel that Jiang Siming can always take the first place.

After all, there are more and more fans who like him now.

But if the magnification is gone, it's hard to say.

However, Jiang Siming has already said it, and he didn't mean to change his words at all, and the other singers have no objection.

They didn't want to create creation anymore, even Jay Chou almost overturned, other singers naturally know that creating creation is not that simple.

In particular, Han Lei's topic today would be embarrassing if they were asked to do it.

Jiang Siming took the initiative to give up his privileges.

It is estimated that such a high number of votes will not be obtained in the future.

After the show ended, Jiang Siming still invited all the guests and staff to have a meal before returning to each house.

By the way, Jiang Siming also sent Chen Guo and Wang Xiaoyu home. It was too late to let the two girls go home by themselves.

This was ordered by Liang Tian, ​​and Jiang Siming could only do so.

By the time Jiang Siming and Liang Tian arrived home, it was already past 12 o'clock in the evening.

Both thought that everyone in the family was asleep, Jiang Siming wanted to have some excitement, and Liang Tian was in the living room with Liang Tian...

Who knew that when the game was at half past twelve, the lights at home turned on with a pop.

Li Shengxue had just returned home after work.

Six eyes are facing each other, good fellow, it's embarrassing.

Of course, only Liang Tian and Jiang Siming had a wall-level face, who did not know what the embarrassment was, and continued.

Li Shengxue hurriedly covered her face and ran to take a bath.

When he came out again, Jiang Siming had already smoked an afterthought on the sofa.

Liang Tian had been missing for a long time, and she had slipped back to her room early. In her words, she had no face to see Shengxue today.

"Come and sit down." Jiang Siming bit his cigarette holder and waved to Li Shengxue with a smirk.

Li Shengxue thought that Jiang Siming hadn't played enough, so she shook her head again and again, begging for mercy: "I have to go to work tomorrow, husband, please let me go..."

Jiang Siming laughed and said: "You misunderstood me. Am I the kind of person who thinks about that thing all the time? Don't worry, I will hug and I won't mess around."

Only then did Li Shengxue feel relieved, walked over, put Jiang Siming's embrace, and the two hugged and chatted on the sofa.

Jiang Siming really didn't do anything bad.

"You only took a few days off during the holiday. You started working when you came back from abroad?" Jiang Siming asked.

Li Shengxue nodded, and said, "We have very few fakes."

Jiang Siming also understands, but he still feels distressed.

Jobs of a nature like Shengxue, Bing, Huowu, etc., themselves are rarely fake.

Bing and Huo Wu didn't have to perform tasks because the old man of Tian Group had given them a long holiday.

But Shengxue didn't have a long holiday, and the Criminal Police Team she was currently with was busier than the members of the Tian Group.

After all, the team members only deal with difficult events and tasks, and they usually train.

As for the Criminal Police Team, there are more things. After all, criminal cases happen every day in any city.

Jiang Siming also thought about letting Li Shengxue leave his job as an ordinary person or change his profession, but her family has worked in both the police and the military for three generations.

Li Shengxue couldn't do it if she wanted to leave, she had to agree with her father.

Moreover, after Li Shengxue got the crime analyzer from Jiang Siming, he solved the case like a **** and became the deputy director.

The future of the police is bright.

Her father is full of glory and pride every day.

"My husband, my dad wants to transfer me to Kyoto." Li Shengxue leaned in Jiang Siming's arms, a little sad.

Her father really wants Li Shengxue to go to Kyoto, after all, going to Kyoto has a better future.

But Li Shengxue naturally didn't want to go, but she couldn't open her mouth.


Second more~

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