I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1959: Multiple father-in-laws multiple roads

Although the Jiang Group’s shots helped Wang's richest man, it also offended many real estate developers.

Because these real estate companies are waiting for Wang Shoufu to sell the real estate cheaply and take the opportunity to make a fortune.

However, Jiang Siming's intrusion made all their real estate company plans to no avail.

These real estate owners were naturally very angry, and even joined forces to attack the real estate industry of Yinghuan Investment.

In just one afternoon, Yinghuan lost tens of billions, and Li Yingzi hurriedly met at Yinghuan to take remedial measures.

If Chen Guo hadn't come over and secretly inform Jiang Siming, he would be kept in the dark.

Li Yingzi didn't want to tell Jiang Siming, but wanted to carry it by herself.

When Jiang Siming came to her office, Li Yingzi knew that her husband already knew.

"Why don't you tell me something wrong? Does my husband, the chairman of the board, come to the company to sleep every day? I am so idle."

Jiang Siming asked him as soon as he came in. In fact, he didn't know his heart. He came to the company, didn't he come to sleep...

Of course Li Yingzi didn't dare to say that. She was afraid to say that, she might not get out of bed tomorrow.

"My husband, chairman~ I know it's wrong, I don't think that the loss is not much, I feel I can handle it."

"I have lost more than 10 billion and not much, and I feel distressed when I lose one hundred thousand." Jiang Siming looked on a miser.

You can borrow money or spend money, but if you lose money, it won’t work!

"Don't worry, I have let Yinghuan act, and the loss has stopped temporarily."

Jiang Siming was only slightly satisfied, and asked, "Which real estate companies are involved in the attack?"

"A lot, more than 20, two of them are among the top ten real estate companies in China, and most of the others are following the trend and want to get a share of the pie." Li Yingzi replied.

"Have you thought about how to fight back?" Jiang Siming said.

It is really not Jiang Siming's character not to fight back after a loss.

Li Yingzi smiled bitterly: "This is a bit difficult, because our Jiang family is not very involved in the real estate industry. We could have shorted their stocks and let them spend money to remedy it until they were locked up."

"But these guys have a lot of real estate in hand, and there is a steady stream of new real estate waiting to be sold, and there are major shareholders to support them, it is a bit difficult to retaliate back, unless we can restrict them with the same real estate. "

"These guys have seen this point correctly, they dare to pull their teeth from the tiger's mouth, change to a specific industry, and give them the courage not to head against us..."

Jiang Siming frowned, sounding really troublesome.

"Who are their shareholders?" Jiang Siming asked casually.

Li Yingzi knew those companies well, and immediately replied: "There are domestic and foreign companies. The largest foreign shareholder is the real estate company owned by his daughter from the United States Lao Huang. In China, it is a real estate company dominated by Changjiang Industrial, and..."

"Wait, you say, Changjiang Industry? Isn't that my father-in-law's company?"

Jiang Siming immediately caught the shining spot.

Li Yingzi also lit up, and said: "Yes! Why didn't I expect that, if Changjiang Industry is willing to help, we can fight a very beautiful counterattack with Yinghuan!"

"OK! I need to call and say what I need, I will be responsible for conveying the rest..."

"Leave the rest to your wife and me. I promise that they will be cured to the death. Not only do they have to let them spit out our food, but also to dig up a large piece of their meat!" Li Yingzi waved his powder fist. , Suddenly became fighting spirit.

Jiang Siming showed a teachable expression on his own. You let him do it himself, he doesn't understand the stock market.

But it's okay, professional matters are left to professional people, and he only needs to make a phone call and call his father-in-law.

Although he doesn't touch real estate, it's okay. He has a father-in-law of real estate crocodile.

No way, there are many father-in-laws, and many father-in-laws have many ways.

According to Li Yingzi's account, Jiang Siming called Li Cheng without fail.

When Li Cheng heard that it was his son-in-law's request, he agreed without saying anything, and then asked the company to follow Li Yingzi's request.

Starting that night, Ying Huan began to fight back!

When Jiang Siming went to the company with a yawn the next day, Li Yingzi told him that not only would he come back with more than 10 billion losses, but he also made more than double the profit.

And this battle is not over yet, Li Yingzi intends to continue playing with each other.

She said she wanted to dig a piece of meat from the other party, more than 20 billion, which could not satisfy Li Yingzi's appetite.

Those real estate companies that started hands-on are now uncomfortable, and their intestines are full of regret.

It was not just before noon that four waves of people from the Jiang Group came, all of whom came from the bosses of major real estate companies, wanting to come to the door to apologize and raise their hands in hopes of winning.

Li Yingzi ignored them at all, and Jiang Siming didn't bother to see them, and asked the security to pick them up.

"The surname Jiang is deceiving too much, deceiving too much!"

The chairman of the fifth-ranked real estate company in China was frustrated after being framed by security.

At any rate, he is also the boss of hundreds of billions of wealth, how has he been treated like this.

"What should I do? Mr. Pan, Changjiang Industry has now directly abandoned them and promoted them everywhere, causing a large number of stockholders to sell our stocks, winning more ruthlessly, and directly shorting our stocks. Three companies have already lost money. I The company is about to become a mess.” Another real estate owner next to him said bitterly.

The middle-aged man named Mr. Pan said with a gloomy face, "I can only ask Donald's real estate company for help. She may not just sit back and watch the industry in which she invests lose money. It might be useful to find her."

Even though he has a net worth of hundreds of billions, he can't stand a loss of 20 to 30 billion overnight.

If he loses like this, he will be bankrupt within two weeks.

That day, President Pan ran to the United States to relocate soldiers.

And Ying Huan didn't know what they were going to do, whoever called them, they would be killed to death!

In the past day, Yinghuan has eliminated five small real estate companies.

These five companies were unable to withstand announcing bankruptcy, and other real estate companies were not doing much better. The capital chain was severely broken!

They thought they could unilaterally bully the Jiang Group and follow the eldest brother to get some oil and water benefits.

Who knows that now that the oil and water are not fishing, I almost have to get in. The "big brother" that I followed has already gone to the United States to rescue soldiers...

And the Donald Real Estate Company headquarters in New York, USA.

A young woman dressed as a female president sits in a magnificent office. After listening to the news reported by the secretary, the pen in her hand taps the desk rhythmically.

"This new world's richest man is really the nemesis of our family. He first swept my dad's face, and then robbed my brother's sweetheart. Now, he is still trying to hit me on the head."

The female president teased, then her eyes became cold and severe.

"Let me meet you, Jiang Siming!"


Second more~

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