I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1968: One Piece is over!

To be honest, apart from Ari, Jiang Siming is the first time to see a stunning beauty in Guomanli.

But Ari is not a character in Guoman, but comes from Chinese fairy tales.

Whether it's Ramlem or Nabedi, they are all characters in the daytime.

I thought that the quality of the beauty created by Guoman was a bit lower than that of Japanese manga. After all, Japanese anime is indeed the best in the world.

But when Yan Lingji appeared in front of him, Jiang Siming found that there was no such thing at all.

Guoman, never lose to Riman!

Nirvana's nine-fold flame hairpin, with a light smile. Mei Ji Shu Kuangxian is picturesque, and her beautiful face is charming and beautiful.

The face of the country and the city, the impeccable facial features.

A waist-length and chic blue silk was scattered behind his head, and a few simple jade hairpins were tied, allowing the temples to fall down on his cheeks.

Azure eyes, a light shirt full of fire elements on his body, covered by the light shirt, is a body that makes people infinitely reverie.

The way he walks is enchanting and graceful, as if a few steps at random can make the world's men feel excited.

When he walked to Jiang Siming, Yan Lingji bowed and exhaled, "Lingji, I have seen the master."

She looks charming to all living beings, but her voice is tender and tender. She is indeed one of the top female characters in the country, no wonder she is so popular.

"Get up and introduce yourself to me." Jiang Siming sat on the stone chair with great interest.

"Back to the master, the slave's name is Yan Ling Ji, and she is a member of the Baiyue tribe. He is a member of the Baiyue clan. He is proficient in fire spells, especially fire charm. He can use flames to create hallucinations and enter other people's memories. Ling Ji answered without reservation.

"Fire charm? Try it on me." Jiang Siming wanted to see what fire charm was called.

Yan Lingji stood up and laughed softly: "Then master, don't blame Lingji."

After all, Yan Lingji raised her jade hand lightly, and a ball of flame emerged from the tips of her fingers. The flame was pink and spread quickly to the surroundings like smoke.

After a while, the yard was enveloped in pink flames, and Jiang Siming was among them.

These pink powders are sucked into the nose, which makes people feel tired and sleepy.

At this time, Yan Ling Ji Jin Kuan stepped forward and smiled charmingly at Jiang Siming in the flames.

Jiang Siming seemed to have been caught in an evil spirit. He didn't move, his eyes seemed very confused.

Yan Lingji smiled slyly and muttered to herself: "The master seems to have been hit by my fire charm, so I take this opportunity to secretly make a mess. The master won't know, right?"

With that, Yan Lingji raised his hand and touched Jiang Siming's face.

Upon contact, Yan Lingji's body trembled unconsciously, and the blush quickly climbed from the palm of her hand to her cheek.

"The master is really good-looking, a hundred times better than any man Ling Ji has ever seen, huh..."

Just when Yan Lingji thought her little prank would not be discovered by Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming, who has been silent for a long time, grabbed her jade hand and asked with a faint smile, "When I first met, I dared to fool your master. How would you punish you?"

Yan Lingji didn't expect Jiang Siming to miss her fire charm at all, and was startled in surprise, and then blushed more thoroughly.

I am afraid that Jiang Siming will be angry. After all, the maid in the debris is full of loyalty to Jiang Siming.

Yan Lingji couldn't care about being shy, and quickly bent over to admit her mistake: "Master, Ling Ji is wrong, Ling Ji will never dare to do it anymore. Please master to punish Ling Ji~"

"I have to punish you, what shall I punish you, let me think..."

Jiang Siming touched his chin pretending to be contemplative, and after a while he said, "I will punish you to hone my concentration."

"Ling Ji obey orders~"


After exiting the copy, Jiang Siming stretched and looked at the time.

I found that he had been lying down for three full days, that is to say, he had been in One Piece for three months.

In the first month, destroy the dragon people; in the second month, build the city of heaven; in the third month, practice concentration with the princess and Yan Lingji.

Well, this month, Jiang Siming had a happy life.

If it wasn't for his wife at home, Jiang Siming would still be reluctant to come out in Gentle Village.

"It's finally over. Let's speed up and skip the rest of the process."

Jiang Siming said, using a copy to accelerate.

"The copy of "One Piece" has ended and is officially archived. If the copy is not entered, the copy time will not be lost."

"The next large copy is about to open. Please be prepared by then."

Two prompts sounded, Jiang Si will get used to it tomorrow morning, and the next copy seems to be a few days away, wait until it comes.

As for Yan Ling Ji, Jiang Siming let her stay in One Piece first.

After getting everything done, Jiang Siming ran into the bathroom, took a shower, changed his clothes, and walked out of the closed bedroom comfortably.

At this time, it happened to be late at night when the wives were all asleep.

Jiang Siming lay down for three days, really not sleepy.

I simply went to the kitchen to make a midnight snack and put it in the living room to sit on the sofa and watch TV programs while eating.

He obviously turned the volume down, but he still didn't escape the ears of his wives.

After all, they are all cultivators, so listening is good.

They had been thinking of Jiang Siming all the time, and when they heard a voice downstairs, they didn't even bother to sleep and ran down to look.

They were relieved when they saw Jiang Siming.

"The retreat for so long has finally come out. If we don't come out again, we won't have the mind to go to work." Zhao Xuan said.

Jiang Siming smiled apologetically, and said to the women: "Ladies, it's wrong for your husband, the next time you retreat should be shorter."

But now everyone disagrees.

"How can you control this kind of retreat, husband, don't worry, as long as you are fine, we will always guard you as long as you retreat."

Hearing this, Jiang Siming nodded his head with a sneer, a little cautious.

If they knew that they did not retreat at all, but ran to other dungeon worlds to be happy, would they not let them go to bed for a week...

Keep it secret, in order to live a happy life, can't say it.

"Dad, how can you eat midnight snack, I want to eat too, I'm hungry."

Zhao Xiaoxiao finally came out, jumped slightly from the third floor, and then fell down, then rubbed his dim eyes and walked towards Jiang Siming.

This way of going downstairs, the mothers at home are accustomed to it, too lazy to talk about her.

Because...they usually like to do it...

"Are you hungry? Then eat with dad." Jiang Siming handed the chopsticks to Zhao Xiaoxiao generously, then another pair of chopsticks flew out of the kitchen with a gesture.

But I didn't expect that after flying out a pair, there was another pair after another.

"My husband, I'm hungry too~ hehe."

"me too."

"And me~"

They have not had much appetite to eat for the past few days in his retreat. No wonder they are hungry now.

Jiang Siming was a little guilty, and thought that in the future, he would try not to stay in the copy for so long at one time, so as to save his wives from worrying.

With so many open mouths shouting hungry, Jiang Siming immediately ran to the kitchen and made a lot of supper.

The family got together late at night, stayed up late to watch TV, and enjoyed the delicious food while watching.


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