I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1977: Are you still spicy?

When Jiang Siming received the picture from Ning Xiaodang on WeChat, he quickly opened the WeChat and looked at it with wide-eyed eyes.

Not to mention, it's really beautiful!

This cos level has been quite restored.

Ning Xiaodang's foundation is too good, so he can control all kinds of makeup.

"Have you finished watching idols, should you play games?" Ning Xiaodang asked after waiting for a while.

"Is there really no maid outfit version?" Jiang Siming said quietly.

Ning Xiaodang's face turned red, but unfortunately he couldn't see it through the voice.

"Yes... I took it at home myself... But..."

"That's what it is, send it to see, gkdgkd." Jiang Siming urged.

Ning Xiaodang struggled for a long time, but in the end he couldn't bear to reject Jiang Siming. After all, he was his idol~


WeChat sounded again.

Jiang Siming immediately clicked on the next one, and his eyes were shining.

I go! Enough to restore!

Even Jiang Siming, a very visionary old s...real people think it looks good.

If Ning Xiaodang cos went to show off in this body, Jiang Siming estimated that she would have to be eaten by the otaku.

Jiang Siming suddenly wondered, if there is a wife like Ning Xiaodang in the family, and every day they engage in different cos, what kind of experience it would be.

I really look forward to it...

It's a pity that the wives at home don't know how to cos, and Jiang Lan only knows how to make up, but she has never been exposed to the second dimension.

The only two times they were wearing those uniforms on his birthday... Jiang Siming couldn't hold it just in a uniform.

Imagine that if Ning Xiaodang was asked to help put on makeup and cos, it would be a pretty picture (covering eyes).

Keke, of course, Jiang Siming just thought about it.

Reluctantly, the handle was turned off, and I didn't let Xiaoxian quietly ask Xiaoxian to help save these two pictures before closing.

But the water friends are not happy.

"No? Just eat alone?"

"Don't you know if you just eat bad asshole?"

"Send us a look!"

"Myojin, it's not interesting enough."

"We want to see it too!"


However, in the face of the requests of the water friends, Jiang Siming selectively ignored it.

When the two entered the game, Ning Xiaodang did not forget to remind Jiang Siming not to leak the photos.

Jiang Siming expressed his understanding and promised that he didn't want to post it, and he only sent it out for his own sake. How could it be revealed to others.

Besides, wouldn't it be so beautiful for yourself to enjoy this thing?

"By the way, I will have this kind of cos photo in the future, remember to send me a few more, I will help you appreciate it."

"Hmm..." Ning Xiao replied like a mosquito.

The water friends yelled at Jiang Siming for being old-fashioned. Are you helping others to appreciate it? Obviously, I want to see it!

I haven't played PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds for a long time. The game has been updated several times, and many places have been modified.

But for the gods once, there is no difficulty.

The two entered the Sano map, and the Sano map was greatly changed, which is no longer what it used to be.

"Where do you want to go? For the sake of sending me the photos, you will punctuate." Jiang Siming said to Ning Xiaodang.

Ning Xiaodang opened the map and decisively marked the small corner on the edge of the map.

"Is this okay? There is also a glider here, but I can't drive it, it's always bad."

"No problem, I'll take you to heaven!" Jiang Siming agreed happily, parachuting in seconds.

Jiang Siming gave up all the luxury houses in the autistic city.

The water friends wailed and cried.

"It's changed, it's changed, the sky has changed, so what's the point of Mingshen playing PUBG?"

"Myojin has shut down the city without guns or jumps, grandpa Qingjie, oooo!"

"In order to tease my sister, Myojin, you betrayed your morals."

"Upstairs is wrong, does Myojin have morals?"

"He really doesn't have this."


Jiang Siming glanced at the barrage, his face turned black and numb, these guys would really talk nonsense.

How dare you say that you have no morals, I'm silly! It's so...it seems okay.

When Jiang Siming parachuted, Ning Xiaodang clicked to follow, without her flying, and automatically followed Jiang Siming.

Even though Jiang Siming chose such an obscure place, when he opened the umbrella, there were still more than forty umbrella bags floating in the sky!

I'm going to drop my mom and make dumplings.

Ning Xiaodang was shocked, and he had never seen so many enemies.

Jiang Siming took a look and understood that he did not open the delay, and all the water friends on the four live broadcast platforms were attacking him.

"Idol, let's go... There are too many people..." Ning Xiao Dang Miao said.

Jiang Siming disdainfully smiled, and said, "Let them come and let them stay with me. Let me see if I haven't played for so long, my water friends are still so good, and more than 40 beat me. It’s too much if you don’t die."

Jiang Siming's words aroused the eagerness of all the water friends, especially these more than forty water friends.

Damn, I was despised by Myojin, Ma Dan must arrange for him!

Jiang Siming took the lead to land and let Ning Xiaodang hang an umbrella slowly floating in the sky.

After landing, Jiang Siming had an AKM at his feet.

When Jiang Siming saw the gun, he said: "The game is over."

Pick up the gun and load the bullets.

At this time, some water friends came down one after another, and there were seven or eight around him.

"Just use a fist hammer, he can't beat it! Brothers, go!"

These seven or eight water friends formed the first group of death squads and rushed towards Jiang Siming.

"Why give it away for free, then I'm not welcome."

Jiang Siming's yin and yang ridicule, the AKM in his hand has already been raised!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

One shot, one shot, and each shot is a head. After eight shots, eight people get their heads.

It's that simple. There are 22 bullets in the magazine of eight people killed.

"Hey, I really don't understand, why do you want to give it out?"

Jiang Siming sighed and continued to slaughter in this small place.

Although he retired for a long time, he rarely played PUBG again.

But Jiang Siming's operation did not regress in the slightest, on the contrary, the bigger he got, the hotter he got.

In less than three minutes, more than forty water friends were slaughtered by Jiang Siming, regardless of whether they had guns or not.

When Jiang Siming's gunshots ended, the corpses had spread all over the area.

Jiang Siming is like a God of War covered in blood, and the blood on his body belongs to others.

It's a pity that more than forty people have been killed, and there is no consolation prize fragment, even the butcher's bounty.

Alas, it’s not that I didn’t love this game, but that the fragments abandoned this game~

"There are still people coming, it would be too boring if there is none." Jiang Siming shouted without forgetting.

The murdered water friend bit his mouth, and two lines of tears shed tears. It turns out that they are still spicy, 嘤嘤嘤...

Ning Xiaodang jumped off the roof and happily began to pick up the rags, looking around for boxes and scraping for good things.

Playing games with a thigh hug is Ba Shi!

Just lick the bag the whole time, hehe.

"There are oil drums! Idol~"

"Then take it, find a paraglider, and take you to the sky."

The two had a great time...


Fourth more~

Still owe six more~

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