I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1980: Like things together

Coffee shop.

This female senior is still brainwashing Xia Ran and Lu Yao.

"Sister tells you that if a man loves you when he is rich and chases you, then you are really outstanding and excellent, and he really falls in love with you."

"But if a poor man is chasing you, my sister tells you that he can only choose you if he has no choice, understand? So your boyfriend is not worthy of you."

This is true, other customers and clerk in the store heard it.

Everyone thinks that this view is really strange to the outer planet.

But seeing their well-dressed and crowded people, everyone dare not speak out.

At this time, a cold voice sounded in the store.

"I hate a kind of native chicken the most in my life. Even if I am poor, it still worships gold. Even if it worships gold, it also teaches others how to worship gold. It is so fresh and refined."


The people in the shop praised the owner of this voice in their hearts.

And this person's voice continued.

"You might as well just say that all poor men, including your father, your grandfather, and all the male ancestors of your ancestors, should be bachelors for a lifetime, and shouldn't give birth to a native chicken like you. Isn't it all right? Say so What are you doing, heh, chicken!"

The boyfriends of these women were furious, and patted the table and stood up: "Which **** is nosy!"

Just after speaking, a figure stood in front of him, so tall that he needed to raise his head to see the other's face.

The moment this rich second generation saw this man, he was taken aback for a moment, then his face turned pale, his legs softened, and he fell back to his position.

Several other people were also dumbfounded, their brains were blank when they saw the man in front of them.

This "Diaosi" turned out to be... Jiang Siming!

This is not true, is it?

In the coffee shop, the customers and clerk were very excited. .

I didn't expect to meet Jiang Siming here today!

And those rich second-generation girlfriends were also silent.

The eloquence just gone is gone, and it's much quieter.

"Who said the local chicken talk just now?" Jiang Siming asked them knowingly, looking at them.

"Yes...I said it." The female college student who took the lead bit the bullet and answered.

"That's how your parents usually teach you? Take a test of your burden and let you specialize in fishing for triumphs, right?"

The female student became furious and said, "How can my parents teach me what matters to you? Are you Jiang Siming great?"

This woman also broke the jar. She must be Jiang Siming's number one licking dog if she wants to rest in peace.

But now that Liangzi has settled down, Jiang Siming definitely has no good impression of her, and she doesn't bother to pretend it.

Jiang Siming laughed and said sarcastically: "You don't have to put yourself in such a weak position from the beginning. You were very strong when you persuaded your classmates just now."

Speaking of this, Jiang Siming found a chair to sit on, raised his legs, and then said:

"I, Secretary Jiang, is really nothing amazing. You are the only person who is amazing. You can be a watchman and an old bustard, and even set up an archway. I can only say that I have gained a lot of knowledge."

"Good point!" At this time, a customer in the store applauded Jiang Siming's words loudly, and other customers followed suit.

The female student couldn't sit still. In order to save face, she shouted: "I just have these three views, can't it? Three generations of our family have money. What's wrong? Is it wrong that I haven't experienced the life of the poor?"

After saying this, she pulled up her boyfriend and wanted to drive off.

The people in the shop really thought this girl student was a rich girl.

Jiang Siming said leisurely, "Really? How did I hear that your parents borrowed the money for your college?"

The female student was taken aback on the spot, her body trembled, and then she denied it immediately.

Jiang Siming didn’t care, and continued: “The Prada bag you carried was made up with the celebrity group you added? 180 people put together a 30,000 yuan bag. Whoever needs to go out will take this bag out. The rental period should not exceed five hours, am I right? Ladies and female students?"

"Also, the Gucci stockings on your legs were made by 10 people. You are the 10th one to wear these stockings. The LV high heels you step on under your feet were made by 66 people. ..."

Jiang Siming spoke slowly and calmly, revealing all the secrets of the female student to the public.

The woman was already flushed, and even less complacent.

The rich second-generation boyfriend next to her also looked at her in shock.

"Xiaojie, I didn't expect you to lie to me all the time!"

The woman panicked, and quickly admitted her mistake and apologized, begging her boyfriend for forgiveness.

"Don't touch me, we break up!"

The rich second-generation boyfriend flicked his sleeves angrily and turned to leave.

"Don't hurry, you are not a good thing. The famous brand on your body and the keys of your Ferrari are all rented. What kind of rich second are you playing?" Jiang Siming made no secret of it. Irony.

Interesting, really interesting, this woman thought she had fished a lucky man, but she also used this idea to catch a rich woman.

This is really a matter of gathering people in groups.

The face of this rich second-generation boyfriend changed drastically, and his aura suddenly disappeared.

Jiang Siming glanced at their other partners again and said, "Are you going to be honest, or should I tell you all?"

With that said, a few people have all explained, good guys, they are all fake.

Fake rich daughter, fake rich second generation, make up a nest.

After the incident was revealed, these men and women looked at each other.

In the end, the lead chicken couldn't help but slapped his boyfriend angrily.

"Asshole, you pretended to be a rich second generation to lie to me! You invited me to have a meal, and I spent half a month with my mother! No wonder every time you ask you to buy something for dinner, you make an excuse that something is wrong with the company, and the old mother beats you to death !"

The man was unwilling to lag behind, and slapped back.

As soon as there was a fight here, several other couples started fighting.

But there was a couple who didn’t fight. The woman asked her boyfriend, “You’re not fooling me, are you right? Yesterday you ordered three brand-name bags and two pairs of brand-name shoes for me at the Xujiahui mall. The store said it would be there in one month."

Jiang Siming chuckled and said, "It's still a local chicken who has never seen the world. Don't you know that all orders for luxury goods can be refunded? He ordered it yesterday, and he can go to the store to cancel the order in two days. ."

"My CNM!" The woman couldn't help it at the time and joined the battlefield.

All of a sudden, there was a mess in the restaurant. These glamorous and elegant men and women were just like street beggars.

One of the women tore the clothes on a man's body.

The man was furious on the spot, because he rented the clothes, so he would have to pay if he broke it. For more than 40,000 clothes, he was just a white-collar worker.

The man started cruelly, shouting CNM, turned into a strong husband, and blasted the hammer at the woman.


Yesterday’s third watch~ still owes six~

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