I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1994: Industry earthquake!

"Asshole! Who let you in!"

Ivanka and David were startled, naked, but Ivanka was the first to get angry after seeing the person coming in.

Because it was his husband, Jared, who came in.

Being caught and raped on the spot, this woman not only did not panic, but instead accused her husband.

What is ridiculous is that as Ivanka’s husband, seeing this scene, he is already numb and seems to be used to it...

"President Yi, it's not good, the big thing is not good." Jia Lid automatically skipped the cuckold stage and reported in a hurry.

"Knock at the door for anything, you know, Shet! Now that I may not be able to continue using it." David scolded and was very upset.

Ivanka also had no fun, and impatiently loved Jia Lid and said: "If you have a fart, let it go quickly, and get out of it!"

Jared gritted his teeth, but didn't dare to fight back, because if he dared to do this, he might be swept out by the Donald family.

Power and status are the most important in Jared's heart, for which he will not hesitate to be cucked.

"Mr. Yi, just got the latest news from Qingyuan Jewelry Company. They announced that they will sell all their diamonds at ultra-low prices, and cooperate with the headquarters of Louisdon in France, Xiangjiang Yangtze River Industrial, and the Swedish Royal Family. Within one week, Diamonds are supplied to 18 cities in the world." Jia Lid reported.

"What?" Ivanka's eyes were almost staring out.

David also completely lost the idea of ​​continuing, and was so shocked that he had no evil thoughts.

"Diamonds? Very low price, how low is it?" Ivanka asked hurriedly.

Jia Lid replied: "It is one percent of the average price of all diamond dealers!"


Both of them took a breath at the same time.

"Is he crazy! One percent? This is impossible!" Ivanka was startled.

Next to him, David also forgot to wear his pants and stayed there.

One percent, in the eyes of anyone, is a lunatic action.

In other words, for a diamond of the same price, if other diamond dealers sell 10,000, Qingyuan will sell 100?

Selling one hundred thousand diamonds, Qing Yuan only sells one thousand?

What is this not a lunatic?

Who is willing to buy high-priced diamonds? Unless it's a fool.

"This is impossible, impossible!"

Ivanka quickly put on her clothes, ran over to grab the news in Jared's hands, and turned on the computer to check the latest news of Qing Yuan.

Sure enough, Qing Yuan published a piece of news in various social forums around the world. It was the news of diamond sales at super low prices.

Moreover, Qing Yuan said that his own diamonds are very abundant, and the supply is unlimited.

As soon as this news was released, people from all over the world expressed their expectations and said that if the situation is true, they will definitely buy it!

Many couples who are about to get married and are about to buy a diamond ring also abandon their original diamond ring plan and want to wait a few days to see if it is true.

And diamond dealers all over the world have suffered. They hurriedly declared that Qing Yuan must have sent false information, just to promote diamonds to build momentum, and it was fudge.

But no one believes them. To be precise, even if someone believes what they say, everyone will wait first.

Anyway, a few days later, when Qingyuan Diamonds are really on the shelves, I will know if it is true after a glance at the store, and I will not lose anything.

This time, all the diamond dealers have been ruined in a hurry, so I must cry.

Just kidding, if this is true, as Qing Yuan said, diamonds are available in unlimited quantities and at low prices, will anyone still buy their diamonds?

Unless they also sell their diamonds at a price cut like Jiang Siming did, they have to drop them to the same price as Qingyuan Diamonds.

When Jiang Siming did this, he was not aiming at making money at all, but retaliating, naked revenge!

Brother, I just smeared you. You don't have to fight with us, right?

Only then did they remember that they had previously maliciously sniped on the real estate agent of the Jiang Group. They just sniped him, and this guy directly bankrupted dozens of real estate agents...

Ruthless man, the wolf is gone! This must be a wolf!

The jewelers have grayed their hair, although diamonds are only one type of profit for jewelers.

But this one is also the most profitable. All jewelers in the world must have the most profitable diamonds.

Because there are so many diamonds, there are naturally more sales, unlike emeralds and gems.

Those things are really few, even if they make money, they don’t sell much.

But diamonds are different. Diamonds are their lifeblood. Without the benefit chain of diamonds, their profits will drop by at least 70%!

A large number of jeweler owners hurried to Shanghai to seek peace talks with Jiang Siming, brother, we were wrong, we would never dare anymore, okay?

However, whoever jeweler you are, even the owner of China’s own jeweler, Jiang Siming will not be interviewed.

Since you want to fight first, don't persuade you and save your life.

Jiang Siming thought that the real estate business incident had been a wake-up call for those businessmen, and knew that the Jiang Group was not easy to mess with.

But I didn't expect how long it took to provoke him again.

Jiang Siming must beat them up this time, so that they cried and called their mothers, and told them not to stop every day.

In this way, no one would dare to mess with the Jiang Group in the future.

Besides, we can take this opportunity to bring down the world diamond industry and pull the “pseudo gem” diamond from the altar.

In the end, he lifted his Qingyuan gemstone to the top, and hyped the Qingyuan gemstone as a "diamond", which was even ten times more precious than a "diamond".

At that time, there will be no more competitors, Jiang Siming's family dominates, hehehe!

This plan, thinking about it, makes people look forward to it.

For this reason, Jiang Siming has been to Neptune dozens of times in the past few days, and he has brought back more than ten million tons of diamonds.

These diamonds are enough for people all over the world to send a stone to play with.

After watching the news, Ivanka fell to her seat and looked at the screen in horror.

She had imagined that if what Jiang Siming said was true, and Qingyuan had enough diamonds.

The diamond industry will definitely usher in an unprecedented earthquake!

By then, the price of diamonds will definitely fall sharply.

Ivanka can hang up on her own regardless of whether her family is in the jewelry industry anyway.

But now... the fuck, her family just invested a huge sum of 10 billion dollars into the diamond industry!

And I have already placed an order, 10 billion U.S. dollars, not a piece of money left, just waiting for the goods to come to the door and then selling it, waiting to make money.

Now that this is happening, does anyone buy her diamonds...

"F***!!! Jiang Siming, I must kill you! Kill you!"

He has the same mentality as Ivanka, and David, his diamond industry is more than ten times bigger than Ivanka...

"WDNMD, Jiang Siming!" David roared, his lungs exploded!


Second more~

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