I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1996: I'm afraid you hit me...

Many star faces can be seen here.

Lin Sansui, Ren Tianwang and other old guests from the "Le" program were present.

Jay Chou also ran in early with his wife and children, waiting to watch the game.

Before participating in Zhou Dong's "Travel Notes", Xiao Yushen, Chen Nei, and Pan Shuai, whom Jiang Siming knew, also came.

There are also many stars of Huayi, such as Cheng He, Deng Chao, Lao Bai, Lu Yi and so on.

In short, this place is almost becoming the film festival awards scene, and you can see the stars just by scanning it.

But unfortunately none of them are the protagonists today. The protagonists are all on the stars.

The players from both the Lakers and the Heat are here.

Famous players such as Zhan Jubi and Huo Wo Hua have all appeared and are warming up on the court.

The cheers from the audience were higher than that, and the NBA once again saw the enthusiasm of the Chinese fans.

Zhan Huang came to China to play the game with great enthusiasm, and worked hard to show off with Warcraft.

In addition to Zhan Huang, the Lakers' rest area also sat Corvo.

Of course, Corvo will be there for the Lakers finals, with a family of five holding his youngest daughter, smiling brightly.

(If Corvo is still there, he will definitely be seen in this year's finals, hey, Sake admits, miss him again, want a spicy man...)

The reason why the smile is so brilliant is because Jiang Siming is sitting next to him.

Xinyi was sitting next to Jiang Siming. Xinyi also came to watch today's game, and she was holding Xiao Luoyu.

Xinyi didn't go out much since she was pregnant, so today Jiang Siming took her out to relax.

Xiao Luoyu was also brought over, wrapped up by her mothers like little dumplings, for fear that she would be frozen.

Not only was she wearing five or six pieces of clothes, she was also covered with a baby blanket, and she wore a small fluffy hat on her head, which kept her warm.

Although the scene was very noisy, Xiao Luoyu was not uncomfortable. On the contrary, the little guy was a little happy to see such a lively scene.

"God, she is so cute, like a little angel~"

Sister Ke saw Xiao Luoyu in Xinyi's arms, and she was taken by Xiao Luoyu's cute offensive at a glance.

Indulged in Xiao Luoyu’s "beauty", I can't help myself, and even feel like what I have born...

Corvo was also amazed at Xiao Luoyu's appearance, this is really the best-looking child he has ever seen.

"It's a pity that I don't have a son, otherwise I have to get along with you." Corvo said jokingly.

Jiang Siming gave him a roll of eyes and said like a daughter slave: "If you want to be beautiful, there is no way to have a son."

Old Ke laughed loudly, patted Jiang Siming on the shoulder, and said, "You are exactly the same as when I first had my eldest daughter. I can understand you completely."

On the other side, a big man said quietly: "I just wanted to say that I have a young son... but I don't think he is worthy now."

Old Ke laughed loudly, while Jiang Siming looked at the big man.

This big guy is sitting with the celebrity Yao.

Although he is not taller than the celebrity Yao Gao, this figure is burly like a Hulk.

Even if it was the first time we met, Jiang Siming recognized this person at a glance, the big shark is not it.

Drinking a mineral water bottle is like drinking oral liquid. In addition to basketball talent, the funny talent is also an excellent Shark O'Neal, who has contracted many fans' laughter.

He and Ba Feizhu formed the ‘tea brine egg’ combination, and every time he went to a variety show, he would laugh off his teeth.

O'Neal and Corvo are in the same era, and his legend back then is not much inferior to Corvo.

That guy was the existence of a Big Mac in the NBA back then.

The big shark who can smash countless rebounds is the only celebrity Yao who can fight him.

O'Neill found that Jiang Siming was looking at him, and he felt a little frustrated. He thought he had annoyed Jiang Siming by talking, and his face was about to sweat.

Who knew Jiang Siming just smiled at him friendly.

O'Neal almost fell from his seat and hugged the celebrity Yao's arm and whispered in a low voice: "Yao, you must protect me. If he wants to beat me, you have to stop it~"

The real Hulk is afraid of being beaten by others.

No way, who made this person a Valkyrie?

O'Neill can still remember the scene of Jiang Siming single-handedly singled out martial arts masters from all over the world.

Boxing champion Wilde was beaten by Jiang Siming as mentally retarded. He didn't think he could get any benefits in front of Jiang Siming.

The celebrity Yao laughed and gloated, "I won't help you, Jiang Ke is my very best brother."

"Am I not your brother?"

O'Neal asked aggrievedly, matching his size, and his grieved expression, full of joy.

"If you go to say hello, you know he won't be able to hit you." The celebrity Yao said.

O'Neill believed, got up cautiously, walked over and raised his awkward hand to Jiang Siming.

"Hey, brother, I'm your father...Bah, bah, I didn't mean that, I mean, I'm your fan, really, I'm your fan..."

O'Neal almost fainted, what he was saying, **** it.

The prefixes of Fans and father are both pronounced the same, so he almost said that he became father...

But now, he is afraid that Jiang Siming will misunderstand him, he is obviously here to admit counsel, not to provoke~

At this moment, Jiang Siming got up suddenly.

O'Neill screamed again and again, hugged his head with his hands to protect himself.

But he found that Jiang Siming got up, just trying to shake hands with him...

This... so embarrassing...

"Why are you so nervous?"

Jiang Siming asked O'Neal amusedly, obviously he is a head short of O'Neal, why is this guy nervous.

O'Neill smiled and said: "It's okay, I'm afraid you beat me with Chinese Kung Fu..."

Jiang Siming was happy, laughed, and stretched out his hand again: "Hello, my name is Jiang Siming."

O'Neal feels honored and really wants to show off to the world.

Did you see it, Valkyrie! World 's richest man! Take the initiative to greet me, my sons and daughters, have you seen your father's glory! Hahaha!

But on the surface, O'Neill still shrank his neck and shook hands with Jiang Siming with a flattered expression.

James' son was also there, and he was quite envious when he saw that Uncle O'Neill had such a good relationship with Valkyrie.

Next time if someone asks him who his father is, he will definitely not say it is Curry, he will definitely say it is O'Neill!

Of course, the brutal beating back home is definitely indispensable...

With Jiang Siming's initiative to show his favor, O'Neill was as happy as a 300-jin fat man, and returned to the celebrity Yao, but Jin began to show off.

O'Neal is like this. He is optimistic and humorous by nature, so he is very popular in the NBA and has many fans.

After the waiting time passed, the finals finally began.

The Lakers' first game against the Heat kicked off.

At the beginning of the game, the teams on both sides showed their true ability. Maybe they changed their country to play the game. They didn't want to be ashamed, and they showed their best form.


First more~

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