I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2009: Protest across the network

In the fourth game of the NBA, Jiang Siming finally appeared on the scene again. This time he came alone.

The current score between the Lakers and Pantera is 2:1, and the two sides have to play at least two games, and the Lakers won two consecutive games before the end.

Except for the absence of the first game, the mold that must have appeared in the next three games, today finally waited for Jiang Siming's figure.

As soon as he saw Jiang Siming, Moyu hurriedly waved to Jiang Siming, and pointed to the empty space next to him. The meaning couldn't be more obvious.

"You can't be more reserved, baby." Kristen held his head helplessly.

She really doesn't understand, isn't she a man, does she need to be so active and diligent?

"Reserved? What is reserved? I already figured it out, I want to chase him!"

There is no word reserved in MoMu's dictionary.

She has had this idea since Jiang Siming returned her call.

"You have to think about it, he has a wife, and his wife is so spicy." Christine was even more puzzled.

Is this the herd effect? The more popular men are, the more popular they are?

"Don't get me wrong, I just want to fall in love."

Christine wants to say something at this time, you can talk to me when you are in love, I dumped all my girlfriends in minutes...

But obviously, it is impossible to agree.

Jiang Siming has also walked over.

"Suit suits (Master), sit on me!" O'Neill also waved to Jiang Siming.

This is the level of Chinese he has studied for several days.

If Jiang Siming knew that he was a foreigner, he would even wonder if this guy was a pretty boy from Guangxi.

"Your **** is too big, and you occupy three positions by yourself. Sit slowly by yourself." Jiang Siming replied unceremoniously.

Hearing this, O'Pan was always injured, but after looking at where he was sitting, he really occupied three seats by himself...

"Don't listen to him nonsense, he just wants to sit with Tyler and Christine, there are two big beauties over there, and you are a rough man, everyone knows how to choose." Corvo broke through Jiang Siming ruthlessly The'scheming'.

Jiang Siming rolled Corvo's eyes. Not only was he not ashamed, but he was proud to move toward the mold faster.

When he got there, Jiang Siming sat down, raised his legs, raised his eyebrows at Corvo triumphantly, and gloated:

"Oh, I'm not like some people. I take my daughter-in-law when I go abroad. I can't go to any fun places. It's always uncomfortable, right?"

After talking, he also wrote to Ke's wife: "Sister-in-law, this guy secretly asked me where there are the most beautiful women in Shanghai, and let me find a chance to call him out to play alone."

Vanessa immediately cast a vigilant look at Corvo.

"Hahahaha." Corvo looked up and laughed: "He is talking nonsense."

With that, Corvo took off his shoes and threw them at Jiang Siming jokingly.

Jiang Siming smiled and kicked away, just at the feet of O'Fang.

Obang was also a troublemaker, and kicked it back to Jiang Siming immediately.

Jiang Siming kicked it back again, and the two kicked Corvo's sneakers around.

Corvo kept trying to stop his shoes, but he couldn't do it.

Three big men kicked a shoe, but leaned forward and backward with a smile.

Vanessa and Momo looked at all this funny. The three naive big men didn't understand what was so funny.

Sometimes the happiness between men is that simple.

The audience was attracted to the scene, and the director moved the camera away from the protagonists (players) and cut to them both.

The audience and the director laughed badly. This ‘show’ is better than the cheerleading show.

James and the other players haven't figured it out yet. What are you laughing at? Still smiling so happy.

Those who didn't know thought they went to the wrong set.

Fortunately, Zhan Jubi didn't see it, otherwise he would definitely have to get involved, maybe he might throw Corvo's sneakers on the basket.

With great difficulty, Corvo recovered his shoes, and the farce was deemed to end.

The three men finally stopped.

The audience just noticed that Jiang Siming was actually sitting next to Myco and Christine, which made them envy.

It is estimated that a man wants to sit next to them.

In these few games, there will always be a space next to Myco and Christine, and they understand that it is for Jiang Siming.

Isn't it, is Jiang Siming going to chase mold? Still chasing Christine?

This is their goddess, no, no, this is absolutely impossible!

Especially foreign audiences have a sour expression. Mildew and Christine belong to them! Never be pried away by a foreigner!

But this is really wronging Lao Jiang, he really has no such thoughts~

Fortunately, at the start of the game, the camera returned to the basketball court.

Everyone turned their attention back to the game for a while, but Moyoo's attention did not divert.

Jiang Siming and Momo were chatting all the time while watching the game.

The topics are like the last time, a steady stream, the more you talk, the more you get involved.

Even though the intermission has already taken place, she is still chatting with Jiang Siming vigorously.

"The song you gave me, I already know how to sing, and I plan to sing it for the first time on the show "Le", would you mind?"

Momo looked at Jiang Siming's profile, staring at Jiang Siming unblinking and asked.

"Of course I don't mind. I am now worried that you will definitely steal my first place." Jiang Siming shrugged, looking aggrieved.

Mildew laughed, instead of embarrassed, he replied proudly: "Then see if you can catch up with me."

"Don't, I'm afraid of chasing you, your fans will form a group to kill me."

Jiang Siming's words were a joke, and he just wanted to cheer.

Who would have thought, but the mildew replied in seconds: "No, they cut you, I will help you block."

Jiang Siming: "???"

With some unexpected eyes, he looked at the mold, but found that the expression in the other person's eyes did not seem to be lying.

Jiang Siming, the old driver, understood in an instant.

Use mind-reading to explore it again, good fellow, this woman really wants to chase herself...

Jiang Siming was speechless for a while, mainly because he was wondering, how could Taylor suddenly like him?

He didn't believe that Taylor was because he was handsome or rich.

The only possibility is that it might be music.

"Oh, are you a man? Twitchy, my baby all hinted so, can you please order?"

Just as Jiang Siming wanted to say something, the live NBA event started again, yes, it was the ‘KISSCAM’ again.

The director is also quite good at doing things. The first shot was given to Jiang Siming and Taylor.

At this time, the men in the audience were all shouting.

The American men who were watching the live broadcast on the other side of the ocean scratched their heads and became furious.

"NO! No!"

"Which silly director is this, I want to kill him!"

"How can my goddess be caught by a foreigner!"

"It's impossible to think about it, don't worry, Tyler is not a random woman like Britney."

"Taylor will definitely not agree, even if Jiang Siming takes the initiative, she will definitely not agree! Just post it as proof!"


Second more~

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