I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2011: Monster invasion?

When Jiang Siming came back, Zhao Xiaoxiao was standing at the door of his house.

The little girl drooped her head, her head down in despair.

When Jiang Siming asked in the past, good fellow, he was caught by thunder.

"Deserve it, ask you to put some mess in your mind all day long."

Zhao Xiaoxiao admitted it, and clutching Jiang Siming's arm pitifully begged: "Dad, I know I was wrong, go and comfort mother, wait for me to go in~"

Jiang Siming shook his head funny, there was no way to get this girl.

"Okay, go in, I'll tell your mother."

"Really? Don't you need to report to my mother first?" Zhao Xiaoxiao was still a little unconfident.

Jiang Siming said with an aura: "Your dad doesn't have family status in your eyes?"

"Yes, I've watched too many TV shows. Every man has bronchitis at home and accidentally substituted in. Hehe, then I'm not welcome."

Zhao Xiaoxiao finished speaking and walked in swaggeringly.

"Hey, just stand for a while and enter the house, who allowed it?" Zhao Xuan's voice came from inside.

"My dad allowed it~"

"Oh, that's all right."

When Jiang Siming entered the house, Zhao Xuan and the others hurriedly surrounded Jiang Siming.

"Where is the song queen, where is my goddess?"

"Yes, yes, where is it? We want to see the new sisters."

"Hurry up, don't hide it, Ziqi is still waiting to take a photo with her autograph, she has always admired mildew."

Several women talked and talked, Jiang Siming smiled helplessly, and said, "I went back to the hotel to sleep."

The women looked suspicious, and ran out to see if Jiang Siming wanted to surprise them.

But I did not see anyone when I went out.

"How could it happen? Didn't you take the opportunity to bring people home and rectify the Fa on the spot?"

Jiang Siming straightened his chest and said righteously: "What kind of a joke, am I that kind of person? I only met her for a few days. My Lao Jiang only likes to have a long-term relationship, step by step! Never engage in this kind of blitz. !"

The women looked at each other a few times, and some believed.

Because among them, none of them was ‘eaten’ by Jiang Siming as soon as he met Jiang Siming.

Whether it's Zhao Xuan, Nancy or Xia Ran, Lu Yao, they have known each other for a long time before they come together with Jiang Siming.

It seems that this guy is really not the kind of guy who can't walk when he meets a beautiful woman, um, not bad, good husband.

Fortunately, Yan Lingji is in the dungeon at this time, otherwise she has to stand up and shout wronged...

Jiang Siming was also guilty. The reason why he came back so early was... the relatives came, otherwise he would come back tonight (cover his face).

Of course, he wouldn't say this.

I have to continue to maintain the image of a gentleman in the hearts of my wives.

It was too early, and Jiang Siming, who was planning to pick a few wives with him, but his phone rang.

Jiang Siming took it out and took a look at the phone number of the old man in the Tian Group.

Normally this old man would not call himself, especially at so late.

Jiang Siming connected immediately.

"Boy, I'm looking for your help this time." The old man was straightforward.

"Let's talk about it, what do you want me to do?" Jiang Siming was not long-winded.

The old man's tone was a little anxious, and said: "Do you still remember the Toyo Fukushima nuclear waste water?"

"I know, didn't you send someone to investigate?"

"It has been investigated. These people do not want to discuss this matter with the world, but have secretly dumped these nuclear waste water into the Pacific Ocean."

"Has it fallen?" Jiang Siming frowned.

"Not yet, because they don't want to dump the nuclear waste water in their own country's waters, but secretly transport it to us and the waters of North Korea and South Korea, and plan to dump all the nuclear waste water to us."

"The place where the nuclear waste water is dumped first is definitely the most polluted and radiation-stricken place. Other places are just affected. They don't want to be exposed to radiation themselves, so they secretly prepared to dump the nuclear waste water to us and South Korea and North Korea.

The old man was also angry in his words. Nuclear waste water is a powerful weapon of destruction.

Throw it to anyone who gets injured. The earth has no way to deal with nuclear pollution before the nuclear pollution purification technology is developed.

"Why don't you stop them?" Jiang Siming asked curiously.

The old man smiled bitterly: "Because they are still in their own seas and stuck at the borders of the seas, so we have no reason to take action. They can be said to be nuclear waste water dumped in their own seas, but in fact these nuclear waste waters will definitely flow to our three countries. In the sea."

"So the elder asked me to ask you, if there is any way, if not, forget it, don't force it, your safety is more important."

Hearing this, Jiang Siming was slightly moved.

"No problem, wrap me around, give me their place."

"Okay! That would be great, do you need to send a helicopter or warship to send you there?"

"Don't be so troublesome, you don't need to worry about this, I will take over."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he hung up.

After a while, the phone received the location from the old hair.

"Wives go to bed early, and my husband has to work a little overtime. There must be big news early in the morning tomorrow morning, hehe."

After Jiang Siming left this sentence, the whole person disappeared.

Dongying, the southernmost sea area, on an aircraft carrier, is full of huge piggy banks.

These tanks are familiar, they are exactly the tanks used by Fukushima for nuclear waste water.

At this time, they all came to this aircraft carrier, ready to go to the sea.

This place is where the seas of the four countries meet.

Moreover, according to the laws of monsoon ocean currents, these nuclear waste waters will all flow to the other three countries.

Among them, the Huaxia Club is the most serious, followed by the other two countries, and their own Eastern China is the least harmful.

On the aircraft carrier, thousands of Dongying personnel wearing radiation protection suits are preparing to open the gates of these piggy banks.

However, at this moment, the sea suddenly rose several feet, and a monster-like underwater creature appeared in front of the aircraft carrier.

This seabed creature looks very ugly, like an alien creature.

"What is this? Hurry, notify the fleet! A monster invades!"

"Am I dreaming? I must have dreamed of "Ultraman", right?"

"We haven't dumped the nuclear waste water yet, how come there are such terrifying mutant species?"

"Run! Help!"


For a while, the people on the aircraft carrier were startled and fled.

After the aircraft carrier's fleet discovered this monster, it immediately wanted to use the weapons on the aircraft carrier to destroy the monster.

However, they found that all the weapons were out of order!

At this time, the monster had jumped out of the sea, jumped onto the aircraft carrier deck, and began to slaughter the people on it frantically.

The whole aircraft carrier was bloody.

No one paid attention to these piggy banks anymore, no one noticed that the piggy bank was disappearing out of thin air, just trying to escape.

[Author's digression]: First more~

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