I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2013: I can only smell my fart

"Good job, Ah Chou."

Somewhere on the surface of the sea, Jiang Siming stood on A Chou's head and praised it with a smile.

The monster that attacked the Dongying aircraft carrier was of course it.

Ah Chou seemed very happy to be praised.

Just as Jiang Siming was about to finish the work and go home to sleep, a huge blue whale jumped out of the sea and swam towards Jiang Siming.

A Chou thought that an enemy was coming, and immediately wanted to kill the whale to protect the owner.

"This is an old friend, don't do it." Jiang Siming said with a smile.

Unexpectedly, meeting with a blue whale again, it was really fate.

This blue whale is the same whale that Jiang Siming rescued from the Japanese whaling ship. He especially listened to Jiang Siming's words.

But Jiang Siming did not expect that this blue whale was carrying a litter of whale cubs behind him.

These little whales followed behind the blue whales, and when they saw Jiang Siming, they all felt very kind, but Ahou, they were more afraid.

"Yeah, I'm a mother, okay, where's your husband?" Jiang Siming squatted and touched the blue whale's head with a smile.

The blue whale seemed to understand it, and patted its tail backwards. Sure enough, a whale of the same size appeared, looking at Jiang Siming a little bit insultingly. It might be the first contact with humans, and he was very alert.

Jiang Siming noticed that the tail of this male blue whale was **** by a bundle of plastic rings, and it looked like it had been a long time since the tail was deformed.

This should be because it accidentally came into contact with marine debris, was entangled by innocents, and has been entangled for many years.

Alas, even if there is no nuclear pollution, the pollution of marine debris is also very serious.

Jiang Siming beckoned him to come over, and the male blue whale swam over cautiously.

Jiang Siming swiped his hand, and the plastic ring on the male blue whale's tail broke apart and separated from the male blue whale's tail.

The male blue whale found the relief on the tail and knew that Jiang Siming had helped it, so he immediately came over and swam around Jiang Siming a few times to express his gratitude.

"You are welcome, take care of your wife and children, do you know, live a good life, watch out for marine debris, go, see you next time."

Jiang Siming waved to them with a smile.

The two blue whales and the baby blue whales swam three times reluctantly, and then gradually left.

Jiang Siming looked at them and suddenly remembered something.

You can’t just build a city on your own planet, right?

After the city is built, no one has no creatures...

His planet and cells haven't been gestated yet. If he wants to wait until the beasts are born, he will have to wait tens of millions of years. How can he afford it?

In that case, you have to find a way to bring the earth's creatures over, so that they can live and multiply on another planet.

Among other things, the environment on his planet is simply heaven for animals.

There is no pollution at all in the air and water sources, and there will be no urban garbage.

Don't worry about being hunted by humans. Apart from the free competition of the biological chain, there is no need to use any pressure for survival.

It's just that if you want to bring this stuff, the project is too big, Jiang Siming can't hold it one by one.

Qiankun Ring cannot store living things, but plant seeds can be brought casually.

Jiang Siming intends to harvest some plant seeds that are not there, and sow them all over his planet.

Jiang Siming now regards planet transformation as a simulation game, building a "earth" little by little.

This feeling is pretty good.

When he finds a way to take the animals, Jiang Siming can ask the whale couple again if he wants to move with him and move.

After getting everything done, Jiang Siming returned to Shanghai.

At this time, the old man didn't even know that Jiang Siming had returned.

Japan completely blocked the news, and the satellites could not detect it, so the old man really didn't know what was wrong with Jiang Siming.

And Jiang Siming didn't plan to report to them so soon, so everyone knew that his ability was extraordinary.

Just use this ability to shuttle back and forth between Japan and China, and you will be treated as a superman by the old man.

When it comes time to send himself a bunch of tasks, it won't be beautiful, or arrange a bunch of apprentices for him to train, he will have a headache and have to refuse, so much effort.

Instead of that, it's better to act weaker and get a good sleep before reporting.

This not only seemed to have worked hard all night, but also dispelled their doubts, thinking that he was just a hermit master who was a little better than the heavenly rank, so why not do it.

To fish, Jiang Siming is a professional and proper Patriarch level!

By the next day, Jiang Siming finally returned the news to the old man and reported the results of the battle. He had to pretend to be very tired on the other end of the phone.

The old man was very moved, and repeatedly told Jiang Siming to pay attention to rest, and then the elders also called to express condolences, and said that he would remember Jiang Siming's great merit and prepare to raise his rank at the end of the year.

Jiang Siming is embarrassed, of course, the performance must continue.

As soon as the phone call was over, Jiang Siming turned off his cell phone and went to sleep with his daughter-in-law...

At noon, Japan suddenly announced that it would cancel its plan to dump nuclear waste water into the Pacific.

This is not nonsense, the nuclear waste water has been dumped, and they can't do it now if they want.

Japan also claimed that this was done entirely for the happiness of all mankind, and they decided to sacrifice the ego and make the ego complete.

The losses are over, and I have to gain some reputation and reputation.

However, when they say this, instead of getting everyone's appreciation, they are all doubting whether Japan is engaging in other conspiracies. They have asked to inspect nuclear waste water stations to see if the nuclear waste water is still there.

Because they seriously suspect that Japan has secretly dumped its nuclear waste water.

Now, Japan is dumbfounded. This is really yellow mud off the crotch, not **** but shit.

If they agree to the inspection and do not see the nuclear waste water, they will definitely believe that the nuclear waste water has been stolen by them, and it will be even worse.

As a result, they could only refuse mercilessly and say nothing.

You doubt it, but there is no evidence anyway.

Then, other countries discovered that Japan’s military bases were all closed?

Japan can only say that this is because it wants to change military bases.

Then it was discovered that the scientific research base was closed, and they could only say that they were doing secret research, researching nuclear pollution purification technology in a closed manner.

But everyone found out why the emperor lost his legs and got in a wheelchair?

Japan quickly came out and explained that the emperor thought he was too fat and cut his legs to lose weight...

In this way, Japan uses lies to explain lies one by one, telling more and more lies.

This is called a dumb eating coptis and making himself suffer.

After all, Japan has taken everything on its own.

The most important thing is not to let others know, if their aircraft carrier is found to be scrapped, then they will suffer even more.

Therefore, this pain can only be endured alone.

No matter how stinky the fart is, you can only sniff it all by yourself, and you can't let others smell it.


Third more~

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