I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2023: Southern baby in the north

We arrived at Tang Song's grandma's house in the evening, and the Tang family knew Jiang Siming was here, so they rushed over.

Originally there were so many people in the scene tomorrow, but today I was shocked in advance.

Everyone greeted Jiang Siming politely, and Jiang Siming responded kindly and politely, and sealed a big red envelope to the children alone.

Generally, Jiang Siming will prepare a lot of red envelopes when going to her family's home or going home.

Even if it's not the Chinese New Year, he will give out red envelopes. There is no way. Who made him mix so well? It's rare to go to a certain wife's natal house and send some red envelopes.

Seeing that the weather is not early, everyone left temporarily for fear of disturbing Jiang Siming's rest.

Tang Ru's father was afraid that Jiang Siming would not be used to living in his grandma's old house, so he wanted to ask Jiang Siming to live in the new house.

This old house should have been changed a long time ago, but Grandma Tang Ru was nostalgic and said that she would not change the ground, so she loved staying in her old house.

Jiang Siming didn't bother to go, so he simply slept at his grandma's house.

The old houses in the northeast are all sleeping on the kang. Jiang Siming hasn't experienced it yet, so I just had a try today.

Tang Ru naturally stayed too.

The grandmother knew that Jiang Siming was willing to rest in her old house and was very happy, so she hurried to replace Jiang Siming and Tang Ru with new bedding pads.

In addition, the room of the two of them was burned on the kang. It didn't take long for the kang to be warm, and it was a little hot to the touch.

After grandma returns to her house.

Tang Ru smiled and asked Jiang Siming: "Husband, are you used to sleeping on this Kang?"

"What's the problem of sleeping? Just to experience it. I have always been curious about the Kang in the northeast." Jiang Siming said.

Tang Ru fetched water for Jiang Siming to wash his feet and face. The old house didn't have a washing room, so Jiang Siming didn't care.

Although he has become the world's richest man, he has not developed the stinky problems of bloating the party, can enjoy the glory of the world, and can adapt to ordinary life again.

Tang Ru graciously washes his face and feet. This northeastern girl is unambiguous to wait on her masters.

After Jiang Siming washed up, he was the first one to lie down in the bed, warm inside.

"It's a bit hot..." Jiang Siming couldn't laugh or cry. He used the most ordinary physique to experience the Kang bed in the northeast. Not to mention, the southerners are a bit uncomfortable.

It's too hot, just like sleeping in a stove. The weather is not very cold now. In winter, every household in the northeast will turn on heating.

The whole house is like summer, and southerners can't realize it.

In winter, the southern children shivered and shivered under the blankets, curled up to sleep while driving on the electric blanket and holding the hot water bottle.

Northeast children run around the room in short-sleeved shorts, and they may have a popsicle before going to bed, so they are envious (cover their face).

In fact, the south should also be heated, although the temperature in the north in winter is indeed much lower than in the south.

But the key is that the cold in the north is dry and cold, and the cold in the south is very wet and cold.

This is like the north has high spell power and the south has low power.

But the southern technique has a high penetration rate, and this kind of piercing cold is only available to southern humans in winter.

"Do you want me to destroy the Kang?" Tang Ru asked hurriedly.

Jiang Siming shook his head and said, "No, I've got used to it, come on, my husband will warm you up, come in."

Tang Ru blushed with his fingers and said in a low voice, "Be quiet, the soundproofing of grandma's house is not good."

Jiang Siming understood, opened the quilt, and patted the quilt a few times, Tang Ru almost didn't make her iconic laugh again.

Fortunately, Tang Ru quickly turned off the light and flew on the Kang...

The next day, Grandma Tang Ru had her 90th birthday, and all the Tang family members were present.

The whole family gathered for dinner, and the younger generations brought gifts to Grandma Tang Ru.

Jiang Siming is certainly no exception. He gave a detoxification pill.

This is not a diluted Fu Xi product, but a full version of the detox and beauty pill. This thing is sold to Mr. Ma and they all start at 2 billion.

But Jiang Siming didn't say it. If he did, the old lady would definitely not dare to accept anything.

The birthday feast was very happy. During the dinner, grandma kept serving Jiang Siming with vegetables.

Jiang Siming opened his stomach and ate it all. He was happier to give her grandma than to eat her.

Jiang Siming is also the first time to come to the north to eat northern cuisine. Rice is not often eaten here in the north.

The staple food here is usually steamed buns, of course, rice is also available, but the North loves steamed buns more.

Jiang Siming also tried it. The steamed buns with dishes are really good!

One bite of steamed buns and one bite of dishes, there is an indescribable sense of satisfaction, comfort!

Jiang Siming felt that in the future, he could make some steamed buns occasionally and change his taste.

Halfway through the birthday banquet, just as the Tang family was full of joy, two guests arrived and asked the Tang family to put down their bowls, chopsticks and wine glasses.

Among the guests who came, one was the head of Shenyang, and the other was Teacher Zhao, who had met in the city yesterday.

The two came here without any meaning. They came to congratulate Grandma Tang Ru on her birthday and brought gifts.

Especially Teacher Zhao, prepared a golden flat peach the size of a football.

In fact, he was afraid that Jiang Siming would still remember what happened yesterday, so he didn't sleep all night when he went back yesterday. After thinking about it, he came over to pray for birthday.

This golden flat peach made the Tang family at a loss. After all, no one dared to accept such a precious thing.

"Come on, it's okay, this is also Teacher Zhao's heart."

Jiang Siming said that while biting on the buns and eating the side dishes, he still ate happily, and he didn't mean to stop to welcome these two distinguished guests.

To be honest, their level is really not enough for Jiang Siming to stand up to meet him personally.

When Jiang Siming had spoken, Tang Song's father took the gift and invited Teacher Zhao to sit down for dinner.

Teacher Zhao hurriedly declined, said a few polite remarks, and went back with the boss.

When Jiang Siming accepted the gift, he finally let go of his heart. When he plans to go back, he must let people take good care of the Tang family, and never let the Tang family get involved.

Otherwise, Jiang Siming would definitely suspect that he had retaliated. In this wave of invisibility, the Tang family would get better and better in Shenyang.

After the two guests left, everyone continued to eat.

After the birthday banquet.

Jiang Siming stayed at Tang's house for another afternoon, and went to the bathhouse here with Tang Ru's father, father-in-law, and uncles and uncles to experience a wave of scrubbing service.

The bathhouse here was opened by Uncle Tang Ru. In order to entertain Jiang Siming, Uncle Tang Ru ordered the bathhouse to suspend business and renewed all the water in it. The bath towels were all new.

There is no scrubbing in the south, which is a must in the north.

Jiang Siming also went to experience it. It was the most senior old man in the bathhouse who gave him a bath.

While rubbing, the old man was still feeling Jiang Siming's skin and physical fitness. He said that he had never seen Jiang Siming's clean skin after so many years of bathing.

It was said that there was mud, there was no horniness at all, and it could not come out at all.

After the work, Jiang Siming also came with an essential oil open back, comfortable!

After dinner in the evening, I returned to Shanghai.

Phew, this trip to the Northeast is worth it!


First more~

[Author's digression]: Today, the sake is out of the house, one change first, and the previous eight changes, a total of ten changes, starting tomorrow!

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