I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2027: This wave is not a loss~

In the second game, SN changed his mind and changed his mind.

Choose a lineup that can fight early.

Sword Fairy, Poodle, Syndra, Jhin and Female Tan.

They didn't dare to make any random comments, so they hurried to ask Jiang Siming SN's second lineup.

The audience are also waiting for Jiang Siming's evaluation. His evaluation is the key to predicting the outcome of this game.

Jiang Siming didn't shake his head again this time, but said with a smile: "This lineup is much better than the previous game. As long as Syndra can resist Lu Xian's pressure, Jian Ji can perform well, and this will have an 80% win. ."

After the second round, as Jiang Siming said, SN won. SN's top laner, Abin, went down to the earth with the sword and even won the five kills!

The whole stadium is boiling.

But after two consecutive games, BP was unsatisfactory, and SN, except for the upper middle, the others performed badly in the next two games.

AD was even more happy to give away, and SN eventually lost to DWG 1-3.

The scene was deadly silent, after all, this is China's home stadium, full of Chinese audiences.

Winning the championship for two consecutive times has caused many audiences to expand, thinking that China will definitely win all the championships.

But the facts are in front of us, SN is hard power to beat DWG.

This also caused the scene to be silent after DWG won the championship, and no one applauded for DWG.

Although Wawa and Miller tried their best to ease the atmosphere, obviously the Chinese audience still failed to accept this fact.

In fact, the most embarrassing situation of this kind of scene is Huaxia's side. SN will boil when they win, and silence when others win.

This is too unmeasured. Others win by their strength, and they don't engage in any insidious tricks. For a purely hard-powered confrontation, they are still playing at home.

If this wave continues, it is estimated that foreign countries will have to start laughing at China, the country of etiquette? That's it?

At this time, Jiang Siming said something fair:

"Fair competition. We lose if we lose. The opponent is too strong. Although we are proud of losing, we can't lose our tolerance. Please send the applause to the victorious opponent."

After speaking, Jiang Siming took the lead in applauding, this time, it also drove all the audience.

Everyone reacted and couldn't lose Huaxia's tolerance.

As a result, the scene finally became lively, with applause everywhere.

The foreign audience was surprised and at the same time looked at the China Division with admiration.

It's much better than last year when FPX won the championship in Europe and America.

The DWG team members were also very moved and waved to the audience very hard, and finally won the championship trophy and left happily.

"Myojin, at the end of the game, do you want to say something to everyone?"

It was all over, but from Jiang Siming's headphones, there was a director's voice.

They hope that Jiang Siming's popularity can be even more.

Jiang Siming was very angry when he heard it, mmp. He thought he would invite a lot of celebrities in the opening ceremony. He came over as a guest to make up the atmosphere to liven up the atmosphere.

Unexpectedly, Lao Ma used him as a tool man, and he was fully responsible for the entire finals.

It's all over now, still want to make more effort?

Want to be beautiful!

Jiang Siming wanted to ignore it, but then he thought about it, this wave can't just be so boring, he has to make some money back.

"Let me say one last thing." Jiang Siming cleared his throat.

The audience who were going to leave all stopped one after another, and the commentator quickly stopped talking.

Everyone pricked their ears, waiting to hear what Jiang Siming would say.

Jiang Siming raised a smirk at the corner of his mouth, and then said: "My game company will launch a new cross-epoch game in the near future. It will change the pattern of global games. We will wait and see!"

After speaking, Jiang Siming turned off the wheat in a chic, and left the meeting room.

Three commentators, look at me and I look at you, people are stupid...

The official fist almost smashed the table out of anger. Can you believe that the guest who invited to explain their game actually promoted the new game on the global stage?

This special meow is equivalent to an invisible wave of free global advertisements for Jiang Siming!

Moreover, it is promoted on the most popular program in the world. If the advertising fee is collected, at least tens of millions can be collected.

They asked Jiang Siming to explain, and they also gave a lot of votes.

But Jiang Siming seemed to be looking for them to advertise seriously. He took advantage of this opportunity to force him in!

The key is that they don't have any other way, they can only silently accept this boring loss.

Is it possible to find Jiang Siming to settle accounts now and ask him to make up the advertising expenses? This person can't afford it.

The director just wanted to slap himself at the moment, why should he ask him to say something, now it’s okay, he was slapped for nothing...

Jiang Siming said, advertising fees? If it doesn't exist, brother has always liked prostitutes.

It is because of Jiang Siming's wave of advertisements that he caught up with the league finals, and the popularity has greatly diminished.

At this time, Jiang Siming broke the news and hooked out everyone's curiosity.

Jiang Siming doesn't like to brag, can the world's richest man brag?

So everyone will subconsciously believe what he says.

Now everyone is very curious about this game. Is it a Shenma game, Myojin praised so much?

A cross-epoch game? Change the world game pattern?

This advertisement is too exaggerated, is there such a game?

Although I can't play it temporarily, at least everyone already has an expectation and impression in their hearts. As long as the holographic Jedi is released, there will be no shortage of audiences.

Without spending a penny on such an effective advertisement, Jiang Siming said that this wave is not a loss~

At the end of the commentary, the audience also left.

Today, there are many e-sports players Jiang Siming knows, such as Jian Zhuo, Wei Shen, PDD, Wu Wu Kai, factory director and meiko.

They are not only friends, but also his employees. After all, some live broadcast on his platform, and some play games on his team.

So Jiang Siming took the group and set up a dinner, by the way, he invited both the commentary and Wang Dashao.

At the dinner, everyone was curious about Jiang Siming's new game just like other audience members.

"Lao Jiang, you are too uninteresting. I don't even know if I have such a good relationship with you. Just say it quickly." Ah Wei angrily said.

"That's right, this guy is not a thing. Just put a cup in the commentary seat. Now it's still sapping everyone's appetite. I happened to be tired of playing other games recently. Hurry up and explain." Wang Dashao held a toothpick and told Jiang Si Ming urged.

Others were not as bold as the two of them, but they all asked questions about what game Jiang Siming said was and when would they be able to play it.

However, in the face of so many people's problems, Jiang Siming only replied, business secrets, forgive me.

In fact, it's not that he doesn't say it, but that he doesn't know how to say it.

Everyone naturally thought Jiang Siming was deliberate, but there was no alternative.

In the end, I had to turn my dissatisfaction into appetite and eat desperately to fight for a meal to destroy Jiang Siming's net worth, and it would be best to eat him until he is poor!


The fourth one ~ nine more owes, don’t worry, there will be more! Update today!

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