I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2031: Constant strength increased by 0.001 points

As soon as Zaina returned to Shanghai, she was called back to school by Jiang Siming.

As soon as I returned to school, I ran into Jiang Siming who happened to be here.

"Master, hehe~"

Zaina immediately burst into a smile, a hippie smile.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "Who made you run so far to challenge people? I didn't give you this task, right?"

Zaina chuckled and walked over, holding Jiang Siming's arm coquettishly, and said: "Master, I went by myself, I volunteered."

"The reason?"

Jiang Siming felt the body temperature posted by Zaina and the proud place with amazing elasticity, and suddenly he was absent.

This is the first time the two are so intimate, and it is actually the change that Zaina took the initiative to make.

She feels that her apprenticeship seems to have made her relationship with Jiang Siming farther away. If she doesn’t take the initiative, maybe they are sincerely mentoring~

"The reason is very simple. He said that the master had no martial ethics, and that he insulted his father and also insulted Huaxia Wushu. Of course I would beat him."

Jiang Siming said angrily: "Then, do you know that your current ability can easily kill ordinary people. If you take a heavy shot and kill him directly, what do you do?"

"There is an exemption agreement," Zaina said.

"Exemption from liability can only avoid the responsibility for injury. If it causes death, things cannot be bound by an agreement. By then, the lightest one will have to go to jail for several years."

Zaina blinked suspiciously, and said, "But isn't the master's agreement at the martial arts conference like this?"

Jiang Siming tapped her head slightly, and said with a smile: "That's because I got a big guy as a guarantee, and the legal department can't manage it."

"Oh, I know." Zaina rubbed her head, and immediately smiled again: "Master, I am fine, don't worry, I know it's reasonable. Before I came, I tried it with a wooden stake. If you break the strength of the wooden stakes and fight, you won’t be killed."

"That's not okay. I wasted so much time to fight a brain damage. It's better to practice more if you have this time. I also hope that you can reach the foundation-building level as a teacher before the start of school."

After hearing that, Zaina collapsed, and said with an impossible look: "Master, how is this possible? I am now at the Profound Level. I must at least break through the Heaven Level to build a foundation. It's still two realms away. Even with these 15 days and 24 hours of non-sleeping training, it can't be achieved, at most it can break through to the prefecture level."

"Nothing is possible, I have a way for you to quickly build a foundation."

Jiang Siming regretted it as soon as he finished speaking, but Zaina heard it clearly.

"Really? Master, then teach me, I want to build a foundation soon! Help Master share the pressure soon!"

"Ahem, I'm talking nonsense, don't take it seriously." Jiang Siming gave a dry cough and denied it.

"No, Master, you just said clearly that there is a way to build a foundation quickly. Tell me, Master~~"

Zaina shook Jiang Siming's arm, pleading and expecting.

This is really hard for Jiang Siming to fight. Good fellow, this silly girl doesn't want to exercise my concentration, right?

"Did you say it."

"There must be, Master, please, tell me quickly~"

Can't stand Zaina's coquetry and the temptation of the ball.

Jiang Siming had to reply to her: "The solution is that I will use my true energy to help you clear up the veins and blood."

Zaina's eyes lit up and said, "Really? Then Master, please help me."

After speaking, I remembered something, and carefully asked Jiang Siming: "This will have no effect on Master, right?"

Jiang Siming covered his face and answered honestly: "It must have no effect on me, but this condition requires your full cooperation..."

"Okay, I will cooperate with all my strength!" Zaina answered innocently, and the chicken nodded like a peck.

Jiang Siming rolled his eyes, how could this Nizi be so sincere.

"Have you eaten yet?" Jiang Siming changed the subject.

Zaina shook her head and said: "Not yet, just came back."

"Then go eat first, I happen to be hungry too."

When Zaina heard that she could have dinner with Jiang Siming, she nodded immediately, as if she had forgotten about it.

The two entered the campus, and there were still only two of them in the entire university.

A few days before school starts, there will be more people.

The two of them walked in, but Zaina's hand was still not released, still holding Jiang Siming's arm.

Jiang Siming did not object, and Zaina even pretended not to know.

This is the first time that she is so close to her master, but she has to seize the opportunity and stick as much as she can.

The two strolled around the school, a picturesque campus with pleasant scenery.

The two of them are like a young couple in love, traveling and walking here.

During this period, Zaina deliberately walked slowly, delaying the time to go to the bedroom.


"what happened?"

"I'm tired from walking~" Zaina said with a smile.

Jiang Siming said amusedly: "Are you a profound master, would you be tired from walking? The acting is nothing like that."

Zaina smiled embarrassedly, pursed her red lips, and said wittyly: "I read Huaxia's website and said that if a girl likes a boy, the mineral water bottle cap can't be unscrewed, but if the girl doesn't like that boy, His heavenly spirit cover can be unscrewed."


Jiang Siming smiled and said, "Where did you see it?"

"I watched it online, right?"

"That's right." Jiang Siming couldn't laugh or cry, what she said was indeed the truth.

"Then I'm tired, do you know what it means?" Zaina's eyes flickered at Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming should not be able to see it, avoiding these words, and said, "Don't you want me to carry you on your back, then come up quickly, I can leave if I don't come."

Zaina didn't get the answer she wanted, but she didn't get discouraged and jumped on Jiang Siming's back happily.

The softness behind him collided and squeezed on his back, making Lao Jiang almost revealing his shape.

Fortunately, I often practice concentration in the dungeon. Now the concentration has increased by 0.001 points, and I forcibly hold back it.

Jiang Siming stretched his hand to the back, holding up Zaina's long legs, and moving on in the direction of the dormitory.

Zaina sang a song happily behind her, and tickled Jiang Siming's ear with her hair.

Today she was so happy. It turned out that it was true on the Internet that men chase women's compartments, and women chase men's compartment yarns.

Huaxia people are so smart~ but I helped her a lot, hehe!

After finally walking back to the bedroom, Zaina reluctantly got down from behind Jiang Siming.

"Let's go, Master, I'll make some delicious food for you. I learned a few new Chinese dishes, fried tomatoes in mooncakes, fried watermelons with oranges, fried pork with pineapple and fried apples with Lao Gan Ma."

After listening to the black thread, Jiang Siming felt like he was overwhelmed.

Just listening to the name of the dish has already scared him into diarrhea.

What if you really eat it? Maybe this year I have no appetite to eat.


[Author's digression]: The third update ~ plus the correction is on the way~ everyone remember to vote for the daily silver ticket~

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