I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2048: Select disciples

However, Jiang Siming was indifferent when Jingtian said that it broke the sky.

"Brother, just come in and take a look. I'll beg you. My boss said I will quit me if I don't open it again. Oh, my family hasn't eaten for three days. It's so miserable. Hungry and thin."

Sedum simply began to scheming, begging Jiang Siming for consumption.

At this moment Maomao walked over and answered honestly: "Boss, we just ate, didn't you forget that I also ate big buns?"

Sedum was immediately embarrassed, and quickly winked at Maomao, but Maomao didn't understand it at all.

Jiang Siming smiled aside.

"All right, go in and take a look. I just want to sell something. I'll ask you something by the way."

Sedum was overjoyed: "Haha, thank you elder brother, I wish elder brother a lot of money, as long as you go in, even if you don't consume it, it will be my performance."

The three walked into the pawnshop, and the shop owner looked like a monkey with a pointed mouth.

"Zhao Wenchang, the distinguished guest is here, hurry up and make tea!" Sedum yelled when he had achieved success.

Zhao Wenchang, the money slave, can recognize the uncle as long as he has money and is not angry, so he makes a pot of good tea for Jiang Siming.

As soon as Jiang Siming sat down, Zhao Wenchang began to ask Jiang Siming what he wanted to buy or be.

Obviously, if Jiang Siming didn't do anything, he would definitely take the tea back.

Seeing him so stingy, Jiang Siming simply took out a glass bead.

"How to sell this'Xiaoye Pearl'?"

This is the marbles that ordinary children play.

But Zhao Wenchang didn't think so. As soon as he saw this thing, he was like seeing his wife, and immediately said he wanted to appraise it.

After all, there is no such thing in this world, and Zhao Wenchang is strangely normal.

Jiang Siming let him take away the identification, and he chatted with Jingtian.

Sedum's temperament is much better than that of Li Xiao. Although it is also more slippery, Sedum only takes advantage of money.

"Big brother, what do you want to ask, little brother must know everything."

Jiang Siming gave him an ingot of silver very well, and Sedum's eyes became straight.

"I ask you, do you know someone named Xu Changqing?"

Sedum shook his head.

"Then, what about Solanum?"

Sedum still shook his head.

Jiang Siming immediately didn't have the interest to ask any more, and he didn't know if he asked again.

After that, the two chatted about the selection of disciples in Yuzhou City on the day after tomorrow, and Jing Tian bluffed and said that they would try their luck the day after tomorrow.

With his qualifications, he would definitely be selected, but Jiang Siming drank tea and watched him blow.

The two chatted for a long time, during which Zhao Wenchang went out.

After he came back, he brought a dozen silver coins and said to buy Jiang Siming's "Yemingzhu".

"How could Xiaoye Mingzhu be so cheap, Zhao Wenchang, you are obviously a scam!"

Sedum is Jiang Siming's head.

Zhao Wenchang was very embarrassed, so he had to add a lot of money.

Jiang Siming didn't argue either. Just as he was about to leave, a buddy's voice came from outside.

"Boss Zhao, Missy is here!"

When Zhao Wenchang heard it, he hurriedly put down his silver and ran to meet him.

Jiang Siming was at the door, and a girl with long hair in luxurious silk clothes walked in.

The girl has good looks, exquisite features, and her body still has real airflow, just with a hint of coquettish air.

It seemed that Tang Xue had no doubt.

When Tang Xue saw that he came in, he didn't look at the person with his straight eyes, and asked, "Boss Zhao, let me ask you, where is the person who sold you this little night pearl?"

Zhao Wenchang hurriedly bowed his head and walked over, pointing to Jiang Siming and said, "Miss back, he sold it."

Tang Xue saw Jiang Siming's eyes. Although it was rare to see Jiang Siming's appearance, she instantly lost interest when she discovered that Jiang Siming was just an ordinary person.

He just raised her snow neck proudly and said, "Did you sell this Xiaoye Pearl?"

"That's right." Jiang Siming thought that she had found out that Mingzhu Ye was a fake, and she wanted him to settle accounts.

They are all ready to protect themselves with imprisonment charms.

Unexpectedly, Tang Xue didn't want to ask him after hearing it, but continued to ask: "Do you still have the Pearl of the Night? I plan to buy more and give it to my master and sister."

Jiang Siming breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't want to settle accounts with him. He didn't want to be beaten by a woman.

"A few more."

Jiang Siming took out four or five more from his pocket, and next time you come to the copy, bring more copies. If you don't make a fool's money, you won't make it.

Seeing joy, Tang Xue nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Zhao Wenchang, pay for it, I want it all."

"Go, this is for you." Zhao Wenchang quickly took an ingot of gold and handed it to Jiang Siming.

Seeing this, Tang Xue asked, "Zhao Wenchang, didn't you say that this Xiaoye Pearl sells for ten gold each?"

Zhao Wenchang secretly said something was wrong, and hurriedly winked at Jiang Siming, and at the same time smiled at Tang Xuejian:

"That's it. The first one was sold for ten gold, but the brother said that our pawnshop business is assured, so he told us that he would sell it later and give us a discount."

Jiang Siming looked at Zhao Wenchang with a smile, and asked, "When did I say that?"

Zhao Wenchang was so stupid that he scolded Jiang Siming all over.

"Zhao Wenchang, make up the money from the family and go back to Tangjiapu to receive the punishment. Yongan will be...you take care of it for the time being."

After Tang Xue saw that, he pointed to someone casually, just referring to Sedum.

Sedum was stunned by this unexpected surprise, and she was so excited that she shouted many thanks to Miss.

Tang Xue saw this but didn't react at all, just took all the glass beads and turned away contentedly.

Jiang Siming looked at Sedum, immersed in happiness, shook his head and laughed. It seemed that all the plots were wrong.

Sure enough, this Xianxia comprehensive world cannot be judged according to common sense.

After Tang Xue saw that he was gone, Jiang Siming didn't intend to stay, and after saying a few goodbyes, he left Yongan.

I found the best inn and stayed there for two days.

Two days later, Yuzhou City ushered in a group of monks sent by Qingyun, saying that they would choose suitable disciples in Yuzhou City.

The entire Yuzhou city people rushed to the selection site to watch.

After all, the Qingyun Sect is the strongest sect near Yuzhou City, and even if you look at the entire world, the Qingyun Sect is not to be underestimated.

If you can be selected as a disciple of the Qingyun Sect, you will naturally have a bright future, and you will be able to obtain the Great Way of Longevity and become the immortal most admired by ordinary people.

The selection site was on the square outside Tangjiabao. At this moment, it was already crowded with people who came to watch or try their luck.

In the most prominent place on the square, there was a woman in her thirties who was dressed in a moon-white robe. She was graceful and charming.

Sitting next to them were two middle-aged men. One was unsmiling and intimidating, and the other was short and chubby.

Only these three people were sitting on the court, and a few young disciples stood behind them.

Among the four young girls standing behind the woman, Tang Xue saw that she was standing in the end.

Compared with the girl standing in the forefront, Tang Xue instantly lost a lot of it when she saw her original appearance.

Countless young men in the room also stared at the girl in front, staring intently, idiots.


To make up for the owed more, we will continue with five more tomorrow! Is sake still sincere? If you are still satisfied, vote for it! Thank you~

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