I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2050: Lao Jiang was abused...

There were hundreds of monks participating in the registration, but only five were selected in the end.

It can be seen that Qingyun faction's conditions for selecting disciples are quite harsh.

After the monk selection is over, it is the turn of the mortal.

There are too many mortals. After all, ordinary people who don't want to worship the novices and become immortals admired by thousands of people seek the way of longevity.

On the square, ten spiritual testing stones were placed.

Anyone younger than 30 can try it.

Soon, there were long queues in the square, and people kept coming up to test.

As long as the measuring spirit stone is bright, it means that you can step into Xiuxian Avenue and become a monk.

Different degrees of light represent different roots.

Nearly 10,000 people were quickly tested, and there were less than a thousand people who could light up the measuring spirit stone.

And among these thousand people, at least more than 800 can only light up.

This means that even if they enter the avenue of cultivation, they will not be able to go far, and they will be able to reach the top of the sky at the fifth level.

There are more than two hundred remaining, and the light is a little brighter, and their cultivation base should be able to control the gods.

But still did not meet the Qingyun faction's criteria for accepting disciples.

Their standards must build potential to be accepted as apprentices.

Among the last 10,000 people, only two people with the potential to build foundations were selected, both 13 or 14 years old, who were successfully admitted to Qingyun.

This disappointed the three elders of the Qingyun faction.

"It seems that there are no good seedlings in Yuzhou City this year."

"Yes, it can only be seen that the junior and the head can receive good disciples."

"In that case, let's end this selection."

The three elders are about to announce the end of the selection.

At this time, a person walked into the field again, and it seemed that he was coming to test Lingshi.

As soon as this person appeared, the girls in Yuzhou City screamed again and again.

On the balcony of the inn, Sedum looked at the square with a smile, and said, "My elder brother deserves to be my elder brother. He looks worthy, and only half of my money is left."

Mao Mao asked rationally at this time: "Boss, when did you start to be shameless?"

Sedum: "...."

The person on the field is naturally Jiang Siming. For the task, he has to find a way to join.

It's a pity that he is still an ordinary person, otherwise he will go up to the level where the monks are selected.

Now I can only test my luck with Lingshi.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he went up, the Qingyun school disciples told him that it was over?

I wiped it, and the car was overturned while closing the finale?

"Let me try it. It's not too late for a few seconds?"

Jiang Siming feels very fucked. If this is unsuccessful, will he have to wait for the next year's selection? What a joke.

One year later, he will definitely be able to rush to build the foundation by relying on Qiangshen Pill, but he doesn't want to wait so long.

"Come on again next year, it's over, let's say you are over 20 years old, let's go, let's go, there is no hope."

A Qingyun sect disciple who was about sixteen or seventeen years old at the age of refining God attacked Dao.

Jiang Siming was heartbroken, what happened to my twenties?

Have you seen the twenty-odd transfiguration bosses? Little **** despise me!

This is the first time that Jiang Siming was discriminated against in the copy. He was discriminated against by a hawker a few days ago, and now he is discriminated against by a monk.

Grandma's, when did Lao Jiang suffer such bird air?

After two years of cultivation, from the foundation building to the **** transformation, who has this speed? No one believed it.

Now it's alright, Huluo Pingyang was bullied by a dog, and Longyou was hit by a shrimp in shallow water.

"What's wrong with more than twenty? It's just a late start. A late start doesn't mean I can't do it. If you let me step into the path of immortality, you won't even be qualified to lift my shoes in a few days!"

Jiang Siming couldn't get over with anger.

The sound is too loud, so that everyone present can hear it clearly.


Everyone laughed, laughing Jiang Siming overwhelmingly.

The Qingyun disciple felt that Jiang Siming humiliated him again: "I think you are looking for a fight today."

Just as Jiang Siming wanted to speak, a real energy quickly hit him and hit his chest.

Although he has the heart to resist, he can't control it at all.


Jiang Siming flew out, vomiting blood.

Jiang Siming's eyes sharpened, and his eyes looked in the direction where Zhen Qi was coming.

It was the elder with the most serious appearance that did it.

"Little mortal, insult my Qingyun school disciple, I will teach you this lesson today, and next time I will not forgive it!"

The elder closed his hand in disdain, as if he just pinched an ant and didn't care.

The beautiful woman couldn't stand it, and she said: "Brother Cangsong, I don't think this person said anything to insult my teacher. Why do you seriously hurt someone."

Cang Song said with a sneer, "An ant, whose eyes are higher than the top, shouldn't he teach him if he doesn't put the monk in his eyes?"

The beautiful woman is helpless, knowing that he has a stubborn temper.

When Jiang Siming heard the beautiful woman speak, he immediately knew who this person was.

Cangsong, the elder of the Dragon Head Peak of Qingyun School, was in charge of Qingyun School's punishment, but he later rebelled against his division and escaped into the devil's way, wanting to dominate the world.

Jiang Siming had probably figured out his cultivation base, at least at the Yuan Ying level, or even higher.

Jiang Siming secretly held the imprisonment charm and the poisonous charm in his hand, ready to do it at any time.

I thought that Lao Jiang could knead as an ordinary person, but he wasn't sure that these two spells would be useful to Cangsong. To be on the safe side, he was ready to shake people.

Especially meow, Lao Jiang was abused for the first time and couldn't bear it!

But if you call someone, you will definitely offend the Qingyun faction. When the time comes, all the elders of the Qingyun faction will take action, especially the strongest two of the Qingyun faction. Their strength is still unknown.

If the Qingyun faction cannot be destroyed, then it will be chased and killed by the Qingyun faction.

So Jiang Siming is ready to summon the Tathagata, and if he wants to, he will summon the strongest.

However, there is a drawback with this instance of Dungeon Summoning. In each instance, other Dungeon characters can only be summoned once.

He finished calling the Tathagata this time, and next time, even if the cooling time has passed, he will not be able to summon the Tathagata again in the Immortal Zong World. He can only change to another person.

Unless he changes to another instance, he can be summoned again.

Just when Cang Song wanted Qingyun disciple to throw Jiang Siming out, it happened that Zhao Ling, under the leadership of Senior Sister Xueqi, went through the formalities for joining.

The two women were returning to the master, and Zhao Ling saw Jiang Siming who was vomiting blood on the court.

"Big Brother Jiang!"

Zhao Ling was happy and surprised, rushed out, came to Jiang Siming's side, and squatted down to support him.

The people present, including the beautiful woman, were shocked. How did Zhao Ling know this mortal?

"Big Brother Jiang, who hurt you?" Zhao Ling looked at Jiang Siming who was vomiting blood, feeling distressed.

Qi Hao walked over at this moment, and said embarrassingly: "Sister Zhao, it was me...Master beat it, this brother just spoke..."

Before Qi Hao finished speaking, Zhao Ling immediately interrupted: "Who is your junior sister! How can your master hurt people at will!"

"Bold! As a Qingyun sect disciple, if you dare to confront your seniors and disobey the elders, you know what you should be guilty of!" Cang Song shouted angrily.

Zhao Ling stood up, pursed his stubborn mouth, and looked at Cangsong resolutely.

"If the Qingyun Sect is such a cultivation sect that bullies mortals at will, it doesn't matter if Zhao Ling doesn't enter, I will withdraw from the Qingyun Sect!"


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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