I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2054: Tian Ling gives a jade bracelet

"Father, you are a lie, he has only studied for half a month, how could he have reached the third level?"

The girl obviously didn't believe that there was such a genius in the world.

Even the founder of Qingyun School is far behind.

The chunky man snorted, "When did your father ever tell you a big deal? Do you know how big the sky is now?"

The girl shrank her snow-white neck, stuck her tongue out, and made a face at Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming held his fist very politely at this time and said: "I have seen Elder Tian, ​​thank you elder for speaking out in Yuzhou."

After reading the original work, he naturally knows who this person is. Tian Buyi, the first elder of Dazhu Peak of Qingyun School, is actually very good, and he is very protective of his disciples.

This girl, without thinking about it, should be Tian Buyi's daughter, Tian Ling.

The rest of this simple and honest boy, don't think about it, must be the male lead in the original, Zhang Xiaofan.

Tian Buyi saw Jiang Siming open his mouth, waved his hand and said, "You are so surprised that you have mastered the third level of Yuqingjing in just half a month. If my disciple had you ten One part, my Dazhufeng will be able to shine on the lintel."

Tian Buyi said in an enviable tone. If he had this disciple, he would be able to wake up in his dreams.

Looking at Jiang Siming, he looked back at Zhang Xiaofan, and suddenly he was out of breath.

"Zhang Xiaofan, have you finished your homework?"

Zhang Xiaofan's face collapsed, and he quickly lowered his head and said honestly: "Yet...not yet..."

"Bastard! Don't worry about your stupid talents. You have been stuck on the first floor of Yuqingjing after three years of entry. Now you are still lazy and don't know how to make progress. Go back and double your work today!

Zhang Xiaofan is not easy to get angry when he sees Tian, ​​as if he has seen a cat's mouse, and he hurries back honestly.

Tian Ling knew that her father was angry, and she didn't dare to speak, who was usually charming, and could only cast helpless eyes at Zhang Xiaofan.

It is Jiang Siming who knows Zhang Xiaofan's story. This kid is clumsy. Although his talent is really not good, he is a Taoist practitioner, and he also hides a soul eater and a soul stick.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't even know that his secret had been known by Jiang Siming, who had been hanging up, and while walking back, he looked back at Tian Ling worriedly.

He didn't care about the master's punishment at all, what he cared about was the way the senior sister smiled like a flower beside Jiang Siming.

He always felt that letting Senior Sister and Jiang Siming be together would be very bad, very bad.

However, Zhang Xiaofan left, and the senior sister did not intend to go back with him, which made Zhang Xiaofan very injured.

"Father, you said he has already reached the third level of Yuqing Realm. I don't believe it. I want to compete with him. I won't believe it until I win."

Tian Ling still doesn't believe that Jiang Siming has learned the third level in half a month. How can there be such a talented person in the world?

"Naughty, you only want to play the third layer until you reach the second level? Ask yourself hardship." Tian Buyi stared.

Tian Ling disagreed and believed, "So I want to try it. Besides, Dad often said that realm cannot determine everything, and combat experience is also crucial. Sometimes experience determines the outcome."

As he said, he looked at Jiang Siming and said, "Even if he has cultivated to the third level, he has never fought against anyone. Unlike me, he will definitely not be able to fight with the seniors, hehe."

At this point, Tian Buyi admitted that it was useless to have no actual combat experience at a high level, and he did not object to it immediately.

In fact, he also wanted to see what Jiang Siming was capable of. If his daughter won the fight, he would have a light on his face.

"I don't care, you have to ask your senior brother before you agree."

Tian Buyi closed his eyes and said, actually he had agreed.

Tian Ling was overjoyed and immediately provoked Jiang Siming: "Big brother, can you dare to compete with the younger sister? Don't cry if you lose."

Jiang Siming laughed and generously accepted: "Okay, if you win, I will give you a gift."

"Well, if I lose, I will also give you a gift." Tian Ling said.

The two of them were at the gate of Dazhufeng and began to learn how to fight.

Tian Ling thought that relying on his rich combat experience, he would definitely be able to stabilize Jiang Siming.

But I never thought that Jiang Siming was not like a first-timer who fought for the first time. Not only could he change randomly, he was also comfortable with it.

With just a single bamboo stick, her magical weapon was beaten out of nowhere.

After dozens of moves, Tian Ling couldn't even touch Jiang Siming's sleeve.

The unwilling Tian Ling gritted his teeth and leaned close to Jiang Siming, trying to make a surprise.

Who knows that Jiang Siming thought he had foreseen it in advance, but he slightly lifted his foot and tripped her.

The weightless Tian Ling planted on the ground, and Qiaolian was about to come into close contact with the ground.

As soon as Tian Buyi wanted to make a relief, he saw a bamboo stick easily supporting the fallen Tian Ling.

Therefore, Tian Ling didn't have to fall to the ground to get embarrassed.

Jiang Siming wanted to support him with his hands, but his father was there, and Tian Buyi was an extremely short-term guy.

If you see yourself taking advantage of his daughter, it's not worth killing yourself directly.

Holding the bamboo stick, Tian Ling turned to look at Jiang Siming, looking at her with a smile.

Tian Ling blushed inexplicably, got up in a hurry, and wanted to continue fighting.

"Well, you have already lost, it was not your brother who let you, you were beaten up a long time ago." Tian Buyi stopped.

Tian Ling didn't dare to refute. She knew that she was indeed not Jiang Siming's opponent, so she had to go back to Tian Buyi with a pouting mouth.

Jiang Siming also put away the bamboo strips, and said with a smile: "In fact, Junior Sister Tian's strength is quite powerful. If I have not practiced to the third level, the outcome is really unknown."

Tian Ling was very happy after hearing this, but still pretended not to hear, and turned his head to remain arrogant.

Tian Buyi shook his head helplessly, how could he not know that Jiang Siming was talking nonsense with his eyes open.

"I think you have a lot of experience in fighting methods, and it doesn't seem to be the first time you fight against people." Tian Buyi said. He just saw Jiang Siming's fighting experience far beyond his imagination.

Jiang Siming coughed dryly and said nonsense: "That's right, Brother Yicai has been fighting with me at Tongtian Peak, so after so many days of practice, it will be done."

"Genius, great genius!" Tian Buyi couldn't help feeling again, why this kind of disciple is not his, alas.

"Okay, Elder Tian, ​​it's getting late, and I have to leave now, and I'll be harassing another day."

Jiang Siming felt that he couldn't grind anymore, it was almost dark, and he had to find Zhao Ling quickly.

Tian Buyi also nodded, planning to take his daughter home.

"Wait, I lost, I promised to give you a gift."

After Tian Ling finished speaking, he took off the jade bracelet from his hand and handed it to Jiang Siming.

Tian Buyi coughed and his expression was complicated. Tian Ling naturally knew what his father meant, but still blushed before he heard it.

Jiang Siming looked at the jade bracelet sent by Tian Ling, gave Tian Ling a little unexpectedly, and then reached out to take it. There was still the girl’s residual warmth on it...

[Author's digression]: First more~

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