I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2056: Invisible cup!

Sure enough, Shuiyue nodded with satisfaction and said, "Then call you A Ming, and you and Ling'er sit down."

"Thank you elder." Jiang Siming sat down with Zhao Ling unceremoniously.

Zhao Ling seems very cautious, she always feels like taking her boyfriend home to see her parents...

"Let's eat." Shuiyue said, at this time all the disciples began to carry bowls of food.

The dishes are very vegetarian and bland, but immortal cultivators don’t like to eat meat and oil.

Jiang Siming doesn't dislike it at all. With so many beauties eating with him, he is also happy to eat dry rice. Of course, Lao Jiang's favorite is soft rice...

The eating habits here are very similar to those of Jiang Siming in ancient times. Everyone has one plate and one bowl of rice, and the same dishes are placed on the plates.

This is also very good and hygienic.

Halfway through the meal, Jiang Siming discovered that Xueqi, who was the nearest to the water moon, had been looking at him as if there was nothing.

Why would you secretly look at me?

Jiang Siming doesn't think it is because he is too handsome, he is not narcissistic to this degree, although he is really handsome, hehe.

But Xueqi, the heroine in the original book, is by no means an appearance association.

Otherwise, it's impossible to fall in love with Zhang Xiaofan, who is mediocre in the original book. No, there are too many handsome guys chasing her.

But she kept looking at herself secretly, which puzzled him.

In fact, Lu Xueqi didn't know clearly. From the first sight of Jiang Siming in Yuzhou City, he felt that he was a bit familiar.

She once had a dream in which she came to a completely different world and helped a man solve many monsters.

This man seemed very similar to the one in front of him.

Ever since that dream, Xueqi has been puzzled, and she often feels that she is inextricably linked with someone in something and somewhere.

But unfortunately, she never dreamed of this person after that dream.

Unexpectedly, when she saw Jiang Siming in Yuzhou, her feeling would come back again, and it was far stronger than ever.

"What does this person have to do with me?"

Lu Xueqi was curious, and just when she looked up again she found Jiang Siming looking at her with doubts.

Lu Xueqi hurriedly avoided her eyes, a blush flashed across her cheeks, and she was embarrassed.

After dinner was over, Shuiyue looked at Jiang Siming, her eyes were already very obvious, and she was almost chasing away customers.

If ordinary people see this look, they should say goodbye without anyone speaking.

But... can Lao Jiang be an ordinary person?

"Ah, thank you elder for leaving me to eat. The disciple should also go back, but before going back, I want to ask the elder one more thing."

Jiang Siming said embarrassedly.

"What's the matter, let's talk." Shui Yuexiu took a cup of tea in her hand and drank gracefully.

"It's cultivation."

"For cultivation matters, you should ask your master who is the master teacher, or your senior brother Xiao Yicai will do."

Jiang Siming sighed with a ‘dejected’ face:

"I also think about it, but the old man, Master, is already out of the school. My senior brother Xiao also retreats to practice. I am the only one left in Tongtian Peak. I can only explore and practice myself. Recently, after entering the third level of Yuqing Realm, I feel Dantian is hot and emotional, and I don't know what's going on, so I want to ask Elder Shui, am I normal?"

"You have already reached the third level?" Shui Yue asked in surprise.

She didn't check Jiang Siming's cultivation level at all, otherwise she would have known it earlier. She estimated that Jiang Siming had only entered the school for half a month, and it must be the first level.

Zhao Ling's talent and Xueqi are still on the first floor.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Siming actually said that he had reached the third level.

"Yes." Jiang Siming nodded, including Lu Xueqi, all the female disciples stared in disbelief.

This wave, this wave is called [the cloud of invisible cupping is light and breezy, and the cup is filled secretly without leaving a trace].

"Big Brother Jiang, you are amazing!" Zhao Ling congratulated happily, as if she was even more happy than she had reached the third level.

Shuiyue still didn't believe it, and simply checked Jiang Siming's cultivation base with his spiritual sense, and it was really the third level of Yuqing Realm!

Shuiyue looked at Jiang Siming's eyes differently, and it was not easy for Hetian to look the same.

After a long time, she sighed: "I didn't expect Qingyunmen to leave you such a masterful wizard. I believe that in a hundred years, you will shine on my Qingyunmen lintel."

Jiang Siming said something in his mouth, but he muttered in his heart, which would take a hundred years, if you give me all the female disciples, I may already be the head.

Of course, he can only draft these words in his heart.

Give it all to him, he can't receive all of it, the average appearance may not have any effect on his cultivation...

"By the way, what did you just say, your dantian is hot? Feeling unstable?"

Suiyue suddenly remembered Jiang Siming's words.

"Yeah, I don't know if this is the case for normal cultivation?" Jiang Siming nodded pretending to not understand anything.

Shuiyue's expression became serious, and the tea cup was put down.

"You are a sign of madness, where is normal cultivation."

"Really? I can't even feel it myself." Jiang Siming said ‘innocent’.

"Master, Brother Jiang will be fine, right?" Zhao Ling was the first to worry.

Shui Yue was a little angry and said, "Brother Master Master, you are a beginner, just let you cultivate yourself, and your cultivation base has improved so fast. There is no one to guide you, so it's not a problem!"

Then he began to accuse another person: "Xiao Yicai is also too much. He clearly asked him to teach you how to cultivate, but he retreats and ignores you. Is it because he is jealous that you have become a closed disciple and robbed his master brother. head?"

Jiang Siming hurriedly defended Xiao Yicai'comprehensively' and said: "Definitely not. Junior Brother Xiao is definitely not such a person. It should be that he has reached a bottleneck in his cultivation, so he had to retreat."

Shuiyue saw that Jiang Siming hadn't spoken before Xiao Yi, and his senses for him rose a lot.

Shuiyue got up from her chair and said, "Your cultivation level must be dealt with immediately. Don't go back to Tongtian Peak today. You want to come with me."

Jiang Siming almost laughed, what is this trick called? Everyone quickly choose a name~

How boring to be at Tongtian Peak, now it's fine, just find a reason to stay at Xiaozhufeng, genius, brother must be a genius.

"Yes!" Jiang Siming pretended to be serious, and left after Shuiyue.

For a while behind, the female disciples talked a lot. This was the first time that a male disciple could spend the night in Xiaozhufeng.

Jiang Siming is the only one.

Shuiyue is also kind, afraid that Jiang Siming will really go crazy, and Qingyun faction will lose such a good seed.

So let Jiang Siming stay and personally guide Jiang Siming to practice.

Instead, it was Cangsong, and he estimated that he wished Jiang Siming would become a waste talent.

Follow Shuiyue all the way to a lonely cliff platform hanging in the air.

There was no one around, only Jiang Siming and Shuiyue, the beautiful women, alone men and widows...

[Author's digression]: Third update~ Continue to add more! Dear friends, the sake is still sincere, please give me some silver tickets~

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