I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2061: Crush opponents of the same rank!

Jiang Siming said leisurely: "Since you know that I am a closed disciple of the head, you are afraid that I can't make the bet. If I lose, I will immediately go to the head and ask for a magic weapon of the same rank for you."

"Okay! One word is for sure!" Lin Jingyu immediately agreed, Jiang Siming also made sense, the master's magic weapon is definitely better than his master's magic weapon.

Besides, he doesn't think Jiang Siming, a pure rookie who has just started for less than two months, is his opponent.

"Junior Brother, don't be impulsive." Qi Hao felt weird and whispered to discourage.

Lin Jingyu didn't care but said confidently: "Don't worry, brother, I will win!"

Qi Hao had no choice but to agree upon hearing this, and at the same time he was wondering.

Didn't they start fighting with Tian Buyi, why did they become a discussion with Jiang Siming in the blink of an eye?

Tian Buyi saw that Jiang Siming wanted to learn from Lin Jingyu. Knowing that he was kind, he persuaded him warmly: "Xiao Jiang, you have only been a beginner for two months. Lin Jingyu has been practicing at Qingyunmen for three years. You fight with him, no Appropriate, forget it."

Jiang Siming raised his hand and said, "The elders don’t have to persuade me. Although I have only practiced for two months, it may not be any worse than his three years of practice. Since he doesn’t know what respecting the teacher and the way, I’m a big brother, He must be taught."

Tian Buyi was always moved. If Jiang Siming was his disciple, he might even pay him his heart.

"But you just reached the fourth level, don't you even have a magic weapon?"

"Oh, it doesn't matter, you can abuse him by just finding a stick." Jiang Siming said without shame.

Lin Jingyu was even more angry when he heard that, Jiang Siming dared to look down upon him so much!

He was the most talented disciple recognized by the whole faction at the time, surpassing Xiao Yicai's existence.

Tian Buyi didn't speak, but with a cuff, a fiery red sword flew out and flew towards Jiang Siming.

"This sword is called'Red Flame', and it is one of the seven famous swords of the Azure Cloud Gate. Although it is not as good as the Zhuxian Sword, it is definitely above the Dragon Slashing. You can use it."

Jiang Siming took the sword unceremoniously and said with a smile: "It's better to be respectful than to follow my fate. I will use this sword to teach these two elders who don't respect their teachers."

Qi Hao's face sank, Jiang Siming dared to frame him in too, really overwhelming!

The competition has already begun, Jiang Siming and Lin Jingyu are fighting against each other, Lin Jingyu looks arrogant and confident.

Jiang Siming closed his eyes, as if an old monk had entered concentration.

"Brother Jiang, come on! You are the best!"

Tian Ling cheered for Jiang Siming on the side, completely ignoring Qi Hao on the side, and Qi Hao's expression became even more ugly.

Even if Zhao Ling was robbed, Tian Ling now seems to have nothing to do with him.

Jiang Siming, is this guy deliberate?

"Lin Jingyu, I have asked for advice!"

Lin Jingyu couldn't wait any longer, and took the lead, cutting a dragon in his hand like a gust of wind on the surface, and the surrounding wind was strong, blowing countless bamboo leaves.

Most of Dazhufeng's disciples only felt that there was a flower in front of them, and Lin Jingyu had already arrived in front of Jiang Siming, Zhanlong passed a Jinghong in his hand, and his sword spirit swept towards the opponent!

Jiang Siming kept his eyes closed, and just before Jian Qi came on, his body changed positions strangely, as if he had opened his eyes.

Lin Jingyu's sword moves were easily avoided by him.

In his surprise, Lin Jingyu was not discouraged, and once again danced Dragon Slashing into airtight, the blue sword aura on the sword hit like a violent storm!

Tian Buyi frowned. He was afraid that Jiang Siming had no combat experience and his cultivation base was not as high as the opponent, he might be defeated.

But Jiang Siming once again made him not expect that he would avoid countless sword lights just by using his body skills.

Lin Jingyu became more and more frightened as he fought, and he couldn't tell where Jiang Siming came from.

In fact, Jiang Siming didn't have any physical skills at all, he just avoided easily relying on experience and perception.

Regarding combat experience, Jiang Siming has gone through so many copies, except for the Three Kingdoms copy, the other copies are fighting.

Especially after the copies of "One Piece" and "Green Snake", his actual combat experience is N times more than that of Lin Jingyu.

You know where all attacks come from and how to avoid them based on perception alone.

This is how he is sure to complete this task.

Lin Jingyu made more than ten moves, all of which were empty. He couldn't bear the humiliation, so he simply used a trick.

Lift up all the true energy and pour it into the Dragon Slashing Sword.

Zhanlong sensed his master's anger, and his light skyrocketed.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Jingyu shouted, and the void slashed out a huge sword energy!

The sword is like a broken bamboo, and the sound breaks through the sky.

The sword aura seemed to be condensed into a giant dragon, flashing dazzlingly, biting Jiang Siming's teeth and claws, sealing all his positions.

After finishing this sword, Lin Jingyu fell weakly in the air, and barely stood up with his sword supported by his hand.

At the same time, a triumphant smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He felt that with this sword, he would win.

However, in the next second, his laughter stopped abruptly.

When the sword dragon pounced on Jiang Siming, the Chi Yan in Jiang Siming's hand finally moved.

Somehow, Chi Yan turned into thousands of sword shadows in Jiang Siming's hands.

Wan Jian flew together and ran into the stegosaurus without hesitation.

For a time, the phantom of the stegosaurus shattered, and the sword energy splashed everywhere.

Before long, it dissipated between heaven and earth.

The rest of Jianying still had enough energy to stab Lin Jingyu!

Lin Jingyu was shocked, but he was already powerless to resist. Seeing that the sword shadow was in front of him, Qi Hao had no choice but to make a move, cutting all the sword shadows to nothing.

But in this competition, the outcome is clearly divided.

"I lost..."

Lin Jingyu said in a daze, his proud head finally dropped. This time, he was completely shocked.

He has been on the road of cultivating immortals for three years, but the opponent has only practiced for two months, but he has been beaten speechless.

The arrogance of genius was eclipsed at this moment.

"I am willing to accept the bet. I'm not polite to bet." Jiang Siming smiled and waved, and Zhanlong flew into his hands.

And Chi Yan was thrown back to Tian Buyi by Jiang Siming: "Elder Tian, ​​thank you Chi Yan, now I have this dragon, it's enough."

Tian Buyi was pleasantly surprised and asked, "Where did you learn your swordsmanship? What's your name?"

Jiang Siming replied without changing his face and without blushing: "It was only found out in the past two months. It is called Wan Jian Guizong."

"Ten thousand swords return to the clan? A good name, it should be a wonderful sword technique!" Tian Buyi admired.

This disciple is too defying. After two months of learning, he can create his own swordsmanship? And it's also very powerful.

"Brother Jiang is great! You will be Ling'er's idol in the future~" Tian Ling clapped and celebrated, not knowing that two men were saddened by her at this time.

"Haha, it's easy to talk." Jiang Siming laughed a few times, and said to Lin Jingyu: "You have nothing to say, right? Then go quickly, this Dragon Slashing belongs to me now."

Qi Hao took a step forward at this time and said, "Brother Jiang, I also want to learn from you."

"Oh? Do you want to bet too?"

"Yes, just bet on the ice sword in my hand!"


[Author's digression]: The third update ~ Adding more on the road ~ From the day before yesterday, Sake has added four chapters to everyone. Thank you for your continued voting and let Sake become the champion of the silver ticket competition. Hey, Not much to say, add more and serve it immediately!

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