I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2098: Who said I suffered?

"Senior Sister...I think...Jiang Si...Senior Brother Jiang is not worthy of you." The honest young man finally summoned the courage to say a word.

Tian Ling'er turned her head, Qiong nose wrinkled, and said: "What do you know about this stupid man? You never know how good Brother Jiang is. Because he is good, so many girls like him. Otherwise, how could a good girl like Zhao Mei I like Brother Jiang."

The honest young man was speechless and hesitated: "But after all, he is already with Sister Zhao. Sister, do you still miss him too much."

Tian Ling'er suddenly akimbo, pouting, and said: "Who said I was at a loss? Besides, how can you know that I will lose? My name is Tian Ling'er and her name is Zhao Ling'er. I don't believe I will lose to her. Do you know Brother Jiang before me? What's the matter?"

Speaking of Tian Ling'er, he said with anger: "Besides, Brother Jiang didn't marry her. Why can't I fight, Xiaofan, you should support me instead of letting me give up. My parents support me."

Zhang Xiaofan's expression was dumbfounded, and he scratched his head pretending to be smirk, and stopped speaking.

In fact, the hand holding the Soul Eater was so hard that it turned pale.

Even so, Tian Ling'er still speaks for Jiang Siming, he is a dispensable little junior, maybe there is no chance in this life...

When his heart was suffering, the soul-eater in Zhang Xiaofan's hand seemed to sense the pain of the owner, and the magic power quietly penetrated into Zhang Xiaofan's body from the soul-eater in the stick.

A quiet seed of the heart demon, also from this.

At this moment Zhang Xiaofan suddenly developed an idea.

If you can win the first place in the Qimai Huiwu this time, or if you have a chance to meet Jiang Siming, defeat him.

Will the elder sister change him otherwise?

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaofan's eyes gradually became determined, a crazy goal was born in his heart.

This goal may be replaced by him two years ago, and I dare not even think about it.

But now, only he knows that he has double cultivation of Taoism and Buddhism, and possesses a terrifying magic weapon, and his strength has long since been reborn.

It may not be impossible to win the first place in the Qimai Contest.

Not long after, disciples continued to take turns in the ring to fight the law. Tian Linger was in the eighth place, and she took the stage absent-mindedly.

Just when Jiang Siming saw Tian Ling'er coming to the battle, he said to Zhao Ling'er, "I'll go see Junior Sister Tian."

Zhao Linger nodded without even thinking: "Go, Junior Sister Tian is very beautiful, Brother Jiang works hard~"

Jiang Siming smiled, listen, this is the confidence that buddies can have no scruples~

Jiang Siming came to the ring where Tian Linger participated.

Tian Ling'er had been watching Jiang Siming, but he didn't expect him to come over, and his heart suddenly thumped.

"Sister Tian, ​​come on, I won a gift from my brother." Jiang Siming walked to Dazhufeng and said to Tian Linger with a smile.

Tian Linger's cheeks flushed, and nodded, "Brother Jiang, I will try my best."

After finishing speaking, the absent-minded appearance just disappeared, and he became very focused.

Jiang Siming stood a little tired, and there was no seat nearby, so he just put his hands on him and put his hands on the shoulders of a male disciple next to him.

"Keep it, buddy, my legs are a little sore."

Zhang Xiaofan's face turned black, and this Jiang Siming, just by accident, actually took to him.

"I won't rely on you, please let go."

Jiang Siming turned his head in a slightly surprised look, then smiled suddenly: "It turns out that it's you. If you don't let me rely on it, I will rely on it. I am a big brother, you have to listen to me. This is the rule."

"You!" Zhang Xiaofan stared with anger.

Jiang Siming didn't take it seriously at all. Instead, he moved his eyes to the stick in Zhang Xiaofan's hand with a grin, and was surprised.

"Your magic weapon is really peculiar, how can I feel a **** breath? Isn't it a magic weapon?"

Zhang Xiaofan's body trembled as if struck by lightning, and he hurriedly denied: "Of course not. I picked it up. It's just a strange shape. How could it be a magic weapon."

"That's good, that's good." Jiang Siming looked like I believed it.

That's it, Zhang Xiaofan became more suspicious.

How did he feel, Jiang Siming seemed to know the secret of his soul-eater.

Fortunately, as the fight on the ring began, Jiang Siming focused on it and ignored him.

This made Zhang Xiaofan a long sigh of relief, and made him even more afraid to move, holding back his anger and letting Jiang Siming use him as a cushion.

In the ring, Tian Linger faced a disciple of Fenghuifeng.

The magic weapon Amber Zhu Ling in Tian Linger's hand makes her superb, and she is already a triple foundation, her opponent is not at all equal.

The victory was easily won.

After winning, Tian Linger immediately went to see Jiang Siming. Seeing that he was still looking at him, he felt like eating honey.

"Brother Jiang, I won."

Tian Ling'er stepped off the ring and walked to Jiang Siming, with her head high and her chest tall, with a proud and savage appearance.

Zhang Xiaofan next to her was automatically ignored by her.

Jiang Siming laughed and said, "Awesome. I didn't expect to see her for two years. Not only has Junior Sister Tian become more and more attractive, her strength has also improved by leaps and bounds."

"Of course, you and me two years ago, you won me so easily, so after I go back, I will practice diligently, waiting for the day when I win you back." Tian Linger said with her arms akimbo, with a very playful appearance.

"Okay, no problem. When the Seven Meridian Martial Arts is over, I'll go to you, and let's compete alone."

Tian Linger's face flushed immediately, and her words were very ambiguous, but she still couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

It's just that I didn't think about the crooked place, just that I really discussed the Taoism cultivation with Brother Jiang.

Zhang Xiaofan beside him was heartbroken, but could not say a word.

Jiang Siming flipped his hand, and a very beautiful gemstone necklace appeared in his hand.

If people in reality see this gemstone, it will be familiar, because isn't it a gem of Qingyuan.

But in fact, Jiang Siming also engraved a mini spirit gathering array and a little bit of Taoist rhyme in it, which is very good for cultivation.

All the wives in the family had one, and later Jiang Siming sent one to all the Meijiao ladies.

There is still a lot left, and it is most suitable to pick up girls in the new instance.

"I promised to win and give you a gift, plus what I promised you before I left two years ago, this necklace is even my promise."

Tian Ling'er looked at this necklace, her eyes reluctant to blink.

Girls have little resistance to beautiful gems.

"What kind of necklace is this? What's its name?" Tian Linger happily took the necklace, and hugged it like a treasure.

"Uh, it's called the Qingyuan necklace, it's a magic weapon for jewelry, there are many benefits to practice wearing it," Jiang Siming said.

"Thank you Brother Jiang, I like this necklace so much, and I must protect it!" Tian Linger accepted the gift and favored Jiang Siming even more.

If Jiang Siming confessed now, he can do it in minutes.

However, Lao Jiang said that he is not in a hurry. He confessed that he can't get any benefits. Waiting for a good opportunity to be alone in the dark and windy months, cough...

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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