I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2102: Can't be distracted just after practicing

Facing Tian Buyi's praise, Jiang Siming said politely:

"Generally so, third in the world."

Shuang Ling was stunned and cheated.

Tian Buyi saw that his daughter was fighting for favor with Zhao Linger, but he was not angry.

He just smiled and asked Jiang Siming to heal his injuries, and then went back to the elder's seat.

Huiwu is still going on, but Jiang Siming has finished fighting today.

Tian Linger was free because he had finished playing.

But Zhao Ling'er hadn't fought yet, so it was her turn immediately, and she had to stay.

"Senior Sister Tian, ​​you can send your brother back to rest. He needs to heal and rest immediately, but it can't be delayed." Zhao Linger said to Tian Linger.

Tian Ling'er was immediately embarrassed, blushing and said at a loss: "I...I'm not so good..."

"It's okay, we are all sisters just now. What are you afraid of? Go ahead and send your brother to heal your injuries. His injury is the most important." Zhao Linger said with a smile.

Hearing this, Tian Linger had no choice but to help Jiang Siming to walk to the backyard of Tongtian Peak.

Before leaving, Zhao Linger secretly blinked Jiang Siming, this wave of assists was perfect.

With Tian Ling'er's hard work, he finally sent Jiang Siming to his small yard.

Jiang Siming hasn't been here for more than two years, and he has always lived in Xiaozhufeng.

No matter how big and comfortable this place is, Jiang Siming is not as comfortable as Xiaozhufeng's Moonwatching Platform.

"Brother Jiang, take good care of your body, don't leave any root causes."

Tian Linger naively helped Jiang Siming into the house and sat down, completely unaware that he had already stepped onto the thief ship.

Jiang Siming gave a hum and sat down.

After sitting down, Jiang Siming looked up and down Tian Ling'er, as if he was admiring a piece of flawless jade.

So what, Zhao Linger's heart, she can't live up to it.

Tian Ling'er also noticed Jiang Siming's gaze, and suddenly became nervous.

She only discovered that she was living in the same room with Brother Jiang, a man and a widow.

"Jiang... Brother, if... nothing is wrong... I'll go back first... You have to rest..."

Tian Linger said, like a frightened deer, wanting to leave.

But he didn't expect Jiang Siming to easily capture her jade hand, and Tian Ling'er would easily enter his embrace when he brought it around.

Tian Ling'er could break free, but she didn't know why, so she couldn't even feel the thought of struggling.

I only knew that the whole heart seemed to be held by someone's hands, and she was so nervous that she could hardly breathe.

"Jiang...Senior Brother Jiang, you have just gone through a big battle. You can't move around... Lie down and rest, I... I'll find you a quilt..."

Tian Linger's head was lowered in Jiang Siming's arms, and he didn't dare to lift it up, let alone look at Jiang Siming's eyes.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "The quilt is too light to hold back thinking about you."

Tian Ling'er heard these words, the whole person will be crisp, this new and sultry love story, she has heard for the first time.

Don't talk about this kind of love words, they are the most common love words. If they were spoken from Jiang Siming's mouth, they would have no resistance to her.

"That... my mother said... I'm still young..."

"Are you young? Are you not young at all?"

Jiang Siming replied in seconds, is it really good, at least there is C.. ahem..

"But I am eighteen..."

"It's just right, I'm eighteen, we two are a perfect match."

Jiang Siming honestly said that he is really eighteen. If he doesn't believe it, ask his wives.

"Chuck..." Tian Linger smiled and said charmingly: "Brother Jiang, you are a lie. I heard that you are twenty-six, right?"

"Ah, yes, it turns out that I am so old." Jiang Siming suddenly realized.

"Then do you dislike me too much?" Jiang Siming asked with a smirk again.

Tian Linger immediately shook his head like a rattle, and said, "No, no, no. I like the big one, but I don't like the small one."


Jiang Siming couldn't help laughing anymore, this Nizi, just like Zhao Linger, was too stupid and cute.

It's all for this, Jiang Siming didn't bother to pretend to be a gentleman anymore, holding up Tian Linger's delicate face, he moved his head over...

A few minutes later, just as everything was going to happen, shouts came from outside.

"Senior Sister! Where are you, Senior Sister? Senior Sister!"

Jiang Siming knew that it was Zhang Xiaofan's voice.

Zhang Xiaofan just went to see Lin Jingyu, and when he came back, he found that Tian Ling'er was missing, so he asked others.

When he learned that Tian Linger was helping Jiang Siming to rest, he felt an ominous premonition as if he had been struck by lightning.

So he hurried over and wanted to find Tian Ling'er back.

"What to do, Brother Jiang, did my parents come here?"

Tian Ling'er endured the pain, panicking like a thief who had been caught, her face turned waxy and she wanted to get up.

But Jiang Siming is pressing, even if he thinks of it, he doesn't have any strength...

"Hush, don't worry, your parents can't come."

Jiang Siming calmed down and said that Tian Buyi agreed with Tian Ling'er to send him here, how could she call her back so quickly.

Zhang Xiaofan must have found it by himself.

"But Xiaofan is here, what should I do?" Tian Linger was still worried, what if a Xiaofan rushed in and saw it.

"It's okay, the backyard of Tongtian Peak is full of yards like mine. We are silent, and he doesn't know which one we are in. Waiting for him to leave."


Tian Linger obediently agreed, and at the same time she closed her breath, for fear of being heard by Zhang Xiaofan outside.

And I don't know why, the painful sensation just disappeared gradually, but it became more and more comfortable.

She wanted to say something, but she could not help it, but she still made Tian Ling'er feel embarrassed, and she couldn't wait to dive into the cracks in the ground.

"Senior Sister, are you there? Senior Sister? Senior Brother Jiang? Are you there?"

The outside voice was still approaching, Tian Linger bit her red lips, sweating down from nervousness.

But at this time, Jiang Siming unexpectedly... began to practice again. Although it was slow, it still made Tian Ling'er feel like the sky was spinning.

I made a noise several times, but I had to hold back.

Finally, Zhang Xiaofan thought that there was no one here, so he turned and left, looking elsewhere.

As soon as Zhang Xiaofan left, Tian Linger was relieved of pressure and willingly fell into Jiang Siming's trap...

Half an hour later, a beautiful shadow stumbled out of the yard, and hurriedly pinched a sword art, the Yujian leaped into the sky and quickly disappeared in place.

Jiang Siming also walked out of the yard, stretched his waist, his face was cozy.

"It's a pity, if it wasn't for this Nizi to worry about Zhang Xiaofan's scams and return, at least he could stay for half an hour."

Jiang Siming just finished feeling, and Zhang Xiaofan's figure went and returned.

"Brother Jiang? Where's my senior sister?" Zhang Xiaofan asked hurriedly.

"Huh? I went back long ago."

"Then I just called you, why don't you keep silent?" Zhang Xiaofan asked suspiciously.

"Oh, just practicing, can't be distracted."

Jiang Siming replied grandiosely, nothing wrong.


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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