I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2105: I am a dog when I come to you again!

The two are full of affection and sweetness, and Xiaojie wins the newly married.

Soon, I stepped into the subject.

Shuiyue wanted to die at this time.

At the same time, I regretted my death in my heart, so I shouldn't agree to Jiang Siming, otherwise how could I encounter such a thing.

Well now, Jiang Siming met his little girlfriend and simply forgot her.

Even the two of them started to do that kind of thing.

Where did the eldest girl Shuiyue have seen this battle? She didn't dare to watch it again after ten minutes, her eyes closed tightly.

But that voice was like the sound of a soul chaser, circling her ears.

Let Shuiyue guess what is happening outside without looking.

Finally, after more than an hour of suffering, the outside voice finally stopped.

"Brother Jiang, I'll go back first, and I will be miserable if Master finds out me later."

After Zhao Linger finished speaking, he happily took a erratic pace and left here.

Hearing that Zhao Ling'er was running away, Shui Yue came out.

Jiang Siming just came back at this time, and when he saw Shuiyue hey, he jumped up on the spot.

"Sorry, sorry, I forgot that you are still inside. Oh, it's a sin, my mine."

Jiang Siming apologized very sincerely.

Shuiyueqi disappeared for most of the time, and she knew that he must have forgotten it. If it was intentional, she would have to beat Jiang Siming half to death.

"Hmph, I will come to you again in the future, I am a dog!"

Shuiyue put down these cruel words and flew away instantly.

Jiang Siming pouted, and said: "If you don't come to me, I'll be over if I find you, hehe."

After speaking, Jiang Siming went back to the house again and slept for a solid and comfortable night's sleep.

The next day, Huiwu continued.

Jiang Siming also returned to the competition site. He first went to say hello to Daoxuan, but actually wanted to see Shuiyue.

Who knew that Shui Yue sat motionless in the elder's seat, glanced at him, and moved away coldly, as if he had an enemy with him.

Jiang Siming also fully understands, oh, after all, it is normal for people to be angry when they were forced to watch something they shouldn't watch yesterday.

But the girl is angry, just find a chance to coax her.

But obviously not now.

Today, Jiang Siming's opponents are just ordinary disciples, so he can handle it easily.

In the next few days, Jiang Siming never encountered a decent opponent again, and he just finished playing a casual game every day.

And with the passage of Wushu time, more and more disciples were eliminated.

Five days passed, and only eight disciples remained.

They are Tongtianfeng Jiang Siming, Longshoufeng Qi Hao, Xiaozhufeng Lu Xueqi and Zhao Linger, Dazhufeng Tian Linger and Zhang Xiaofan, Fenghuifeng Zeng Shushu, and Luoxiafeng Qiao Tianyou.

The rest of Luoxia Peak and Chaoyang Peak had no good seedlings this time, leaving the two elders very shameless.

Two of Shuiyue's disciples entered the top eight, and after a few more days, Jiang Siming always went to the yard where she rested at night to give gifts to make amends. Shuiyue's gas had long since disappeared.

Now that her disciple is so outstanding, she is smiling all day long.

Of course, the happiest thing is Tian not Yi.

In the past, Dazhufeng was recognized as the weakest branch.

But this time the Qimai Huiwu, two of the top eight disciples came from his Fengmen.

Tian Buyi felt like a standing serf singing, and he often put eye drops next to Cangsong, but he was so angry that he wanted to curse the street.

Tian Buyi really didn't expect that his daughter's cultivation base had been advancing by leaps and bounds inexplicably these days.

Forget it, Zhang Xiaofan, his least optimistic disciple, is actually so good.

He defeated five opponents in a row, and one of them was the third master of Longshoufeng.

This is not easy for Tian to be happy, he has never stopped since humming yesterday.

"Today is the day to decide the top four. The disciples of the top four will go to Dongzhou and explore the land of the Demon Abyss, which is only opened once every ten years, with the decent disciples. This is an excellent opportunity for experience." Daoxuan Haha Smiled.

Everyone agreed, the land of the Demon Abyss, to be more popular, is a small secret realm.

There are all kinds of demons and evil spirits, but they are not very strong. They are most suitable to sharpen the disciples of the sect, improve their strength, and find many treasures, even the caves and treasures of various cultivation masters.

In short, as long as there is no life-threatening danger, there are a lot of benefits there, without harm.

Soon, the draw was over.

Lu Xueqi played against Jiang Siming, Tian Linger played against Qiao Tianyou, Qi Hao played against Zhang Xiaofan, and Zhao Linger played against Zeng Shushu.

This first match was between Jiang Siming and Lu Xueqi.

This time Jiang Siming has fewer female disciples' supporters. After all, Lu Xueqi is Xiao Zhufeng's. Of course, these female disciples have to help their sisters.

Let alone the male disciple, he had already drawn a clear line with Jiang Siming.

"Brother Jiang, we are going to support Senior Sister Lu too~ Don't be jealous, hehe."

Even his Shuangling had gone to Lu Xueqi's place, and the two women had rapidly heated up their relationship these days, and they had become intimate sisters.

Jiang Siming couldn't laugh or cry, he had completely become the enemy of Qingyun, and no one supported him.

When Lu Xueqi heard the voice of cheering for her from the audience, and seeing Jiang Siming alone, she felt a little embarrassed.

"Brother Jiang, let's make a quick fight."

Jiang Siming nodded and said, "No problem."

Lu Xueqi's expression became serious, and the sky-blue sword rose slowly behind her, and her aura suddenly changed.

She has a cold personality, not good at words, and she only loves to be obsessed with cultivation, and lives up to Master's expectations.

The serious Lu Xueqi is more eye-catching than usual, and her face is empty and clear, like a nine-day mysterious girl, all in white.

Every gesture is full of lethal power to men, and it is worthy of being the earliest recognized Qingyunmen's first beauty.

Lu Xueqi also has the most male fans. There are hundreds of people who like her in Qingyunmen.

However, no male disciple could get close to her within three feet. Every suitor was frightened by her formidable strength. Generally, in the face of suitors, Lu Xueqi responded to them only with her Tianya sword.

Jiang Siming found that Lu Xueqi and Bingmei are a little bit cold, but in fact this kind of girl is often cold and warm.

Outsiders are reluctant and indifferent, but when they like someone, they will be like moths to the fire, and they will do their best to treat that person.

But you want to chase them more difficult, with your tongue and appearance, you can't shake their hearts at all.

Based on Jiang Siming's experience in chasing the ice beauty, he knows exactly how to deal with Lu Xueqi...cough cough, he said that he missed his mouth, I didn't mean it, don't get me wrong.

Jiang Siming is still the best in Lu Xueqi's first impression. Unlike other male disciples, she is dismissive, including men who advocate Xiaofan.

When Jiang Siming was selected in Yuzhou City, she was a little impressed.

After that, Jiang Siming mingled with Xiaozhufeng, but he never had any disrespect or hooking up to her, and he focused on Cultivation and Zhao Ling'er.

Therefore, Lu Xueqi felt that Jiang Siming was a rare good man, and sincerely wished the two of them can come together.

However, that's all.


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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