I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2111: Wonderful door after the wind!

In the night, the cool breeze slowly.

All four of Qingyunmen lived in the most luxurious elegant garden in the restaurant, and each one was next to each other in a small courtyard.

Because they have to hurry tomorrow, all four of them go to bed early.

Just in the middle of the night, when everyone was sleeping soundly, a sneaky shadow suddenly appeared in Jiang Siming's yard.

"Tell you to deliberately **** me off during the day, while Aunt You is asleep, you must teach you something."

It was a woman's voice that whispered to herself.

If Lu Xueqi and the others were there, they would definitely recognize it. Wasn't this the girl who asked Jiang Siming for a good wine during lunch?

The girl walked briskly, like a civet, easily crossing the yard wall and landing without making a sound.

The golden bell on his waist was also very obedient and silent.

The girl stepped into the yard and approached Jiang Siming's room step by step.

She also brought a bag, which was full of good things she used to entertain Jiang Siming, all snakes!

She didn't want to put Jiang Siming to death, just a little bit of prank by the little girl. Therefore, the snakes brought are all generally poisonous and will not kill people.

Just as the girl approached the courtyard gate, a void-like formation suddenly appeared under her feet, which was fleeting.

"Kun Character·Tuheche!"

Inside the room, a voice came.

The girl was shocked, knowing that her whereabouts had been revealed, she turned around and wanted to run.

Unexpectedly, the ground under my feet began to shake, and the original solid ground waves were generally surging high!

And the girl's feet were also stuck in the mud, unable to move.

"What is this!"

A panic flashed in the girl's eyes, but she soon regained her composure, spread her right hand, and a strange flower bloomed in her palm.

The flower split into countless petals, wrapped the girl, and then slowly held her up.

After spending a lot of energy and finally leaving the ground, the girl breathed a sigh of relief.

But then, another voice came from the room, making her nervous.

"Xunzi·Sandalwood Merit!"

As soon as the voice fell, countless sandalwoods popped up on the ground and slammed into her from the ground.

Without checking, she was hit by a piece of wood. The girl gritted her teeth in pain, but it was too late to hit her one by one.

The girl can only evade, like dancing a ballet, spinning and jumping constantly, avoiding these sandalwood.

"Damn it, I thought it was just a psychedelic formation, how could it be real, where did he get so much wood?"

The girl escaped many sandalwoods, and Rao was not injured again.

"No, these logs are endless!"

Seeing that the sandalwood seems inexhaustible, the girl gritted her teeth and turned the flower into a flywheel, destroying all the sandalwood!


The girl took back the flowers, and the true energy in her body had been exhausted, but she didn't know how to escape until now.

At this time, Jiang Siming's figure finally appeared, looking at her with a smile.

"I came to my yard secretly in the middle of the night, do you want to covet my beauty and take the initiative to hug you?"

"Bah! As the prodigal son, let me go quickly, or my auntie will find it, you can't run if you want to." The girl's beautiful eyes glared at Jiang Siming.

"Are you begging me or ordering me? It seems that you were too kind to you just now." Jiang Siming looked jokingly, tapping his toes lightly, easily controlling the formation under his feet.

"Li Zi·Fluorescent Flowing Fire!"

When the girl heard this kind of inexplicable spell, her head became big. Those two have already caused her a big loss. Will she come this time?

But this time, in this courtyard, sparks of all sizes, large and small, like fireflies suddenly splashed out, and these sparks rushed towards the girl.

The girl hurriedly flicked her sleeves, lifted her innocence, and formed a body protection spirit cover around her.

The fire fell on it with a sizzling noise.

The girl thought it was just ordinary sparks, but didn't expect these sparks to be extremely hot.

Although there was infuriating air to prevent these sparks from flying in, the temperature of these fires ignited the corners of her clothes.

Seeing that the clothes were on fire, the girl didn't care to panic, so she tore her hands and tore off the corners of her clothes.

But it was not over yet, all around her clothes began to burn.

In order not to burn the skin, the girl can only tear the burning place constantly.

Soon, the snow-white skin gradually exposed, and more and more.

When the fire ideas burned out, she was already naked, her body was in tatters, and her hair was scorched a lot.

The whole person changed from being elegant and noble to being a small beggar.

"Oh, your body is not bad, if you really come here, I can think about it."

Jiang Siming smirked and looked up and down the girl's figure, and some of the spring light that was accidentally exposed.

The girl stamped her feet with anger, ashamed and angry, she wanted to cut Jiang Siming a lot.

After calming down a bit, the girl guessed how to break the formation.

That is, the deity Jiang Siming must be defeated.

Thinking of this, the girl immediately sacrificed the golden bell on her waist, matched with the strange flower, and instantly killed Jiang Siming.

Jin Ling and Qi Hua immediately killed Jiang Siming, the petals turned into a deep and strange dagger, and Jin Ling made a breathtaking bell sound.

Jiang Siming was in his arms and was temporarily bewildered. Then, the green dagger made of petals pierced Jiang Siming's chest for an instant, passing through!

The girl was overjoyed and thought she was successful, but she didn't expect that the original Jiang Siming disappeared in the sky like a ghost.

On the other side, Jiang Siming reappeared, still looking at her jokingly.

"It seems that you are still not convinced. You must teach you another lesson."

After finishing speaking, before the girl could react, Jiang Siming had already appeared behind her. A big hand easily locked her hands firmly behind her, and the other hand grabbed her neck.

As long as Jiang Siming exerts a little effort, the girl will die.

"You...you...I admit defeat..." The girl finally put down her noble head and bowed her head to Jiang Siming to admit her mistake.

"If you can't concede defeat, do you think about it? Do you think me too stupid?" Jiang Siming sneered.

The girl immediately added: "I apologize to you, I'm sorry, I will pay you an extra 500 high-grade spirit stones, is this the head office?"

"If I kill you and take your storage bag, all your things are mine, right?" Jiang Siming did not waver.

The girl flashed a hint of panic, and said: "Why are you so cruel, I just want to punish you, but I didn't want to kill you, you are a decent person, how can you be more poisonous than me?"

"Wonder? You say you are a wicked girl? So you are a member of the magic way?"

"So what?"

"Then I have no reason to let you go. It is the duty of our decent people to kill demons and defend the way. I kill a demon girl, but it is a great achievement." Jiang Siming said in a grand manner.

The girl believed it to be true, and she was so scared that she burst into tears.

"Unless... do me a favor." Jiang Siming turned around and gave the girl a glimmer of hope.

"What is busy?"

[Author's digression]: Yesterday's third update~

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