I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2119: Fierce fighting!

Seeing that the formation was wounded, Jiang Siming immediately focused on doing two things, holding the symbol with one hand to solve the gold-eater, while the other hand squeezed the spell out of thin air.

"Kun Character·Tuheche!"

Han Li was also surprised when he saw that he hadn't broken the formation with a single move.

Can Jiang Siming's formation created by a cultivator at the peak of the foundation block his serious sword?

This person must not stay!

Han Li secretly decided, and at the same time quickly evacuated this weird Tuhe, not daring to fall into it.

This kind of formation is also unheard of, how did he do it?

Han Li began to take a keen interest in Jiang Siming's baby. When he killed Jiang Siming, his weird and supernatural powers belonged to him.

On the other side, Jiang Siming thought so too.

Han Li is a well-known local tyrant in the cultivation world. He has countless magical powers, and he often likes to be a bandit who kills people and wins treasures like him.

A super wealthy family, a hundred times richer than the protagonist of a **** like Zhang Xiaofan Sedum.

Jiang Siming didn't want to let him go.

When Han Li dodged Tuhe, Jiang Siming had already dealt with the remaining half of the gold-eaters, not one left.

He freed his hand and formally entered his Fenghouqimen, disappearing without a trace.

This gave Han Li a very bad signal.

He couldn't find Jiang Siming's position! This formation is too evil, it can actually shield his spiritual consciousness!

"Xunzi·Sandalwood Merit!"

"Li Zi·Firefly Streamer!"

Two more weird and powerful formation skills.

Mars, comparable to magma, flew away, with countless sandalwood impacts.

This made Han Li unable to dodge at all.

Han Li could only sacrifice one more magic weapon, a mini chime, which instantly grew bigger and formed a transparent bell jar.

Sparks and sandalwood hit it, leaving no trace.

Jiang Siming's eyes shined, another magic weapon!

This kid really has a solid family.

The set of twelve-handled cyan flying swords just now, each one is a low-grade spirit weapon, and the twelve handles together are completely comparable to the middle-grade spirit weapon.

How long did it take before another inferior spirit weapon was taken out.

Spiritual artifacts are much more valuable than magical artifacts.

Each of his Qingyunmen elders is only a low-grade spiritual weapon.

In contrast, the gap is really sad.

Jiang Siming can only get a middle-grade spiritual weapon, the six-unit mirror.

The only weapon is the golden crow.

No way, he didn't have time to refine weapons in reality, and the shocked salamander had to wait until the Golden Core period to use it. Both the Magic Sword Thousand Blades and the Wild Ancient Tai Sword were in One Piece.

Jiang Siming felt that he had to find some time to run to other dungeons to refine the equipment. He had a magical machine and was proficient in building various equipment.

Usually I don't care about it completely because I already have the strength of the **** transformation stage, and I look down on general magic weapons.

He hasn't used the shocked salamander for a long time, not to mention other weapons.

Besides, there is no need for him to use weapons. Even the entire country of America can be slapped flying by him. Why do you need weapons?

Even if he wants to build equipment, he can only develop equipment below the transformation stage, which is not available at all.

Now it's different, and I'm the little brother of Zhuji, so I have to have something good.

It's best to get rid of Han Paopao right now, and grab all his equipment, so you don't have to worry about losing his weapons.

Seeing Han Li easily block Li and Xun, Jiang Siming didn't panic.

Fenghouqimen, only people who learn will always know how powerful it is.

Jiang Siming tapped his fingers on the formation at Han Li's feet.

A phantom suddenly appeared in front of Han Li, and the place he was standing on became a volcanic crater, and the magma underneath was surging.

The burning sensation made Han Li reluctant to believe that it was an illusion.

However, he was determined, and after a moment of confusion, he investigated everything.

"If you only have this ability, then you wait to die!"

Han Li lost his patience, and the cyan flying sword in his hand came out again, and the light was several times brighter than before.

Obviously, Han Li wanted to break this weird formation with all his strength.

Jiang Siming hid in the formation, watching Han Li's movements, his mouth raised.

Just when Han Li was about to destroy the formation.

Jiang Siming suddenly launched Fenghou Qimen again. This time, it was one of the unique skills at the bottom of the box in Fenghou Qimen.

"Chaotic Jin Tu!"

Luan Jin Tu is the secret technique of Fenghou Qimen to control time. All people and objects in the designated formation control their changing speed.

The moment Han Li's flying sword was about to reach the formation barrier, it suddenly became extremely slow.

It's like being pressed by someone to rewind ten times the control key.

Before Feijian was about to hit the formation barrier, Jiang Siming's figure came behind him unconsciously.

This time, the plot is completely reversed.

From just when Han Li attacked Jiang Siming, Jiang Siming attacked and killed Han Li.

Jiang Siming raised his palm, a dark and obscure talisman looming in his palm.

This talisman is completely different from the five thunder talisman and the magic talisman.

It was also the first time Jiang Siming used it.

Among the Tongtian Urn, one of a very powerful talisman.

Ghost Youlu Yun Sealing Talisman!


Fu Lu patted it, and hit the spirit chime on Han Li's body, as if the chime did not move.

In fact, Fu Lu penetrated the bell jar and printed on Han Li's back!

Han Li was shocked, turned his head and cut away with a sword, but Jiang Siming had already disappeared.

He cut the air, not only that, Han Li found that the spiritual energy in his body seemed to be entangled by a python.

The aura in the body moved more and more slowly, until it stopped moving, as if it was completely sealed.

But Jiang Siming's Golden Crow took the opportunity to cut over.

At this time, Han Li really felt a sense of crisis.

Fortunately, Jiang Siming's cultivation was far behind him, and this feeling of sealing was forcibly broken by Han Li in an instant.

But Jin Wu had already wiped it towards his neck.

Han Li was already unable to dodge, so he could only move away quickly, avoiding the sword of his neck in a thrilling manner.

But his shoulder was cut with a big hole by the Golden Crow.

Han Li roared, a cultivator in the foundation building stage could actually hurt him in the late Jindan stage.

Apart from anger, Han Li's heart is more jealous.

He really doesn't know how many unique skills this guy has. The key formation is not broken. He seems to have nothing to do with him.

Han Li didn't want to delay any longer. At the price of another sword, he finally broke the formation with all his strength and rushed out!

At this time, Jiang Siming had nothing to do, but Han Li was already a little embarrassed, his shoulders and chest were beheaded by the Golden Crow.

Two huge sword marks were left, and the blood flow continued, dyeing his clothes red.

The next duel was the strongest battle before the Nascent Soul Stage.

Jiang Siming used the strength of building the base to fight Han Li all day and night!

This battle destroyed this large area of ​​jungle, and countless monks thought it was Yuan Ying bosses fighting, for fear of being affected and running far away.

During the period, Jiang Siming had to eat a fairy bean.

No way, the ‘blue volume’ of the foundation is not comparable to the ‘blue volume’ of Jindan.

It can't last so long without fairy beans.

Han Li gets tired as he fights, while Jiang Siming gets more and more energetic.

The clothes of the two men were all beaten to ragged, like beggars.


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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