I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2127: The best immortal weapon·stunned salamander!

"Pick up [Spirit Casting Charm] Cyan Fragment* (1/1), the number of fragments is full, you can use it directly."

[Spirit Casting Charm]: Casting spirits, consume spell supplies at one time, there is a 20% probability that an item will have spirits.

Note: The casting spell is limited to items.


"Pick up [Spirit Casting Charm] Cyan Fragment* (1/1), the number of fragments is full, you can use it directly."

[Spirit Casting Charm]: Casting spirits, consume spell supplies at one time, there is a 20% probability that an item will have spirits.

Note: The casting spell is limited to items.


"Pick up [Amplification Charm] Cyan Fragment*1 (1/1), the number of fragments is full, you can use it directly."

[Amplification Charm]: Consuming charm supplies at one time, you can increase an item by yourself, the number of times of increase is 10 times, if you succeed in adding a layer, it will not be deducted if it fails.

Note: Amplification Charm is only for items

All five cyan fragments were released.

Two strengthening, two casting spirits, and one boosting.

Jiang Siming yelled after watching.

Count the other fragments obtained from this copy.

[Earth Plant Bank], [Gene Manufacturing Factory], [Xuanyuan Bow], [Fenghouqimen], [Tongtian Urn]

Together, there are ten pieces!

This is the most fragmented piece that Lao Jiang has picked up since he retired from the World Championships, and every piece is a fine piece.

The truth made Lao Jiang more comfortable, and the key is to pick up five beautiful girlfriends, which is even better.

Jiang Siming thought about these five cyan fragments, gritted his teeth and cruelly, decided to use all these five spells for the startled salamander.

Just do it.

But the ‘traditional ritual’ before the use of amulets cannot be omitted.

Light a root of Yulong Smoke, and take another [Lucky Pill] to fill up your European energy and start working!

First wave increase.

"Use the Amplification Charm to start the increase. Please choose the time and target of the increase yourself."

Jiang Siming chooses to start now, the target of increase, emm...

"That must be the startled salamander!"

When Jiang Siming said this, his eyes were still looking at the palm sky bottle and Xu Tianding in the ring.

Fortunately, this guy was kind of conscientious, he didn't change his mind, and finally took out the scared salamander sword.

Frightened Salamander Sword finally turned over and boiled his head.

As soon as it was taken out, the horrified salamander sword seemed to know that he was going to be favored by its master, the sword glowed coldly, and it made an excited sword sound.

"Old man, I didn't lie to you, I'll make arrangements for you."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he started to increase.

"It's the first time to increase, and it's a success! Frightening salamander sword +1!"

"The second time increase, failure! Frightened salamander sword +1!"

"The third time increase, success! Surprising salamander sword +2!"

"The fourth increase, success! Surprising salamander sword +3!"

"Fifth increase, failure! Frightening salamander sword +4!"


"The tenth increase, success! Surprising salamander sword +9!"

It has been increasing ten times and only failed once.

Jiang Siming is very satisfied with this success rate. It seems that he has been smoking Yulong Smoke, really pulling up his lucky value, not as dark as before.

Jiang Siming didn't bother to look at the attributes, and continued to use the charms, and then read them after all.

He wanted to see how powerful five cyan spells were given to one weapon.

Next, there are two strengthening spells.

One is ten times, and two is twenty times.

Out of 20 times, 17 times were successful.

An increase of +9 and an enhancement of +17 have been released.

But there is still the last process.

The newly released spirit casting spell is still useless.

Jiang Siming used it too. The spirit casting spell said that each item can only succeed once.

In other words, if the other's character is good and the casting of the spirit is successful, he can save a piece of the casting.

But as a result, Lao Jiang's dream was broken.

"The casting of the spirit begins... the casting of the spirit fails!"

That spirit casting charm broke on the spot and disappeared between the heaven and the earth.

The 20% success rate is indeed low.

But Jiang Siming refused to reconciled, and decisively patted the last magic spell.

"The casting of the spirit begins... the casting of the spirit succeeds!"


Jiang Siming breathed a sigh of relief, if both failed, he would be in pain.

After this series of ‘reforms’, the horrified salamander sword’s appearance has begun to change a bit.

Still with the crimson sword body, the transparent blade of the sword, and the cold light, Jiang Siming was a little afraid of the sharpness of this sword.

The whole looks like crimson bone ridges inlaid in transparent glass.

The sword body is longer than before, just like the figure of a peerless beauty, shy and irritating, with thousands of styles and flames.

If the horrified salamander sword before was like a painted statue of a beauty, then the horrified salamander now looks like a real person who has really come out of the painting.

In contrast, it is like Jiang Siming watching Yan Lingji on TV and watching Yan Lingji who really came to him.

The two feelings are very different. The former is only an animation, while the latter has become a real person.

This astonishing salamander sword, like Yan Ling Ji, amazed Jiang Siming as soon as he appeared.

"It's beautiful!" Jiang Siming sighed.

Unexpectedly, Jing Yanjian heard Jiang Siming's praise, and suddenly made a soft female voice.

"Thank you host for the compliment~"

Jiang Siming screamed, thinking there was a ghost.

After the reaction came, I remembered that it should be the credit for casting the spell.

If the casting of the spirit is successful, the startling sword is equivalent to having the spirit.

It's like the nightshade sealed in Sedum's magic sword.

"Can you...come out?" Jiang Siming curiously communicated with Jingyujian.

Fortunately, my wives didn't see it, otherwise, seeing my husband talking to a sword, he would have to be mad at him.

"Master~ The scared salamander has just condensed the spirit, it will take some time to come out~"

Jingyu answered him with thoughts, and Jiang Siming discovered that he and Jingyujian could communicate with each other without obstacles.

"Well, the Prophet will say when he can come out, don't surprise me again."

Jiang Siming complained that he didn't want to suddenly pop out a strange woman when he was doing something critical.

"Frighted salamander knows~" The scared salamander replied cleverly.

Jiang Siming let go and began to carefully check the current attributes of the horrified salamander sword.

[Jiangyu Sword+9/+17]: The ancient sword Jingyu, the original high-grade spiritual weapon, one of the eight swords of the King of Yue, is the sword that Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng found in the "Qin Shi Ming Yue" animation, the stronger the user, The stronger the sword.

It has been promoted to the best fairy weapon, the sword has a spirit, and can continue to be automatically promoted to an artifact as the sword spirit grows.

The blood has been dripped to recognize the master, and only the master can control it. The immortal startled salamander can expand and contract at will, change the virtual reality, merge into its master bloodline, and carry it arbitrarily.

[Skip the sky]: The flying speed of the sword can far exceed the flying speed of its master!

[Swallow]: Defending the enemy can swallow any magic weapon of the enemy to nourish itself, and it is more likely to plunder its magic weapon for personal use.

[Sword Jue]: The fairy tale of the horrified salamander itself has evolved into a sword tactic, called the ‘Sword Jue of the horrified salamander’.

[Summon Soul]: After killing the enemy, the enemy soul seal will always belong to the owner. The enemy soul's ability is 50% of the original body. Unless it is destroyed, it can be driven all the time.

[Spiritual Cultivation]: After the spirit of the spirit grows, it can assist the owner in the cultivation. The closer you are to the spirit of the spirit, the faster the practice speed, and the faster the spirit of the spirit grows.


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