I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2136: Jiang Siming's answer!

In fact, this incident did not cause any loss to Jiang Siming. On the contrary, it has become a textbook response for all public figures in the face of online violence, and has won a large number of high-quality fans.

And this time the incident also made the chaos of China Network Keyboard Man again seen above.

No brain black, no brain with rhythm, no matter how good you have done before, as long as there is a bit of chaos, they can immediately black out you.

It’s true that there are Keyboard Man all over the world, but China’s Keyboard Man must be the most hated and shameless.

They believe that on the Internet, they can say what they want to say without any responsibility.

They will vent all the unsatisfactory life, work, and study on the Internet.

Use some of the protagonists in the news as their punching bag, and comment as you want.

I believe any Chinese netizen has seen how vicious, dirty, and dark the words are.

For this malicious smear of Jiang Siming, not only Bai Song and Yangma were angry, but even the elders were surprisingly angry.

A cleaning around the network keyboard man has been gradually planned by the State Administration of Networking.

But Jiang Siming faced these keyboard guys, but he took a big step earlier than them.

Before the truth of the matter was revealed, Jiang Siming was still being attacked by the Internet.

He asked Gulu Weibo to hold a poll.

The content of the vote is: Those who are clamoring that they will never buy Jiang’s products again, and those who have the courage to leave a message here.

Unexpectedly, at that time, there were really many keyboard guys who left messages at the bottom of the poll, and even abused Jiang Siming and the Jiang Group.

Anyway, they think that they are too big-mouthed, and Jiang Siming dare not take them anything.

Could it be that Jiang Siming dare not really sell their stuff? It doesn't exist, ha ha, no merchant will fight against money!

At most, it's just to scare them. How could their keyboard man be scared? joke!

Isn't it just a message, who is afraid of whom?

In this voting activity, a few days later, nearly 700,000 people left messages on it.

But after the truth came out, the number of people who left messages no longer increased.

Many people who have left a message want to go back and delete their comments, but they find that they don't have this permission.

At this time, these people started to panic a little, is it... Jiang Siming wants to play with them really?

Soon, the answer was revealed.

Gulu announced on the Weibo homepage that anyone who left a message under this comment will never be able to buy any Jiangshi Group products, and will never be able to enjoy all the future benefits of Jiangshi Group.

These products contain everything from Jiang's Group.

For example, you can no longer buy Fu Xi’s cosmetics, lipstick mask detoxification pills, etc., nor can you buy holographic games, stocks, jewelry, real estate, etc.

Even the Jiang Group’s hotel cannot stay in.

The most terrifying thing is that the Jiang Group’s pharmaceutical companies have also pulled them into the blacklist.

To put it simply, if there are cancer patients in it, he will not be able to buy Qingai Dan!

At this time, the more than 700,000 keyboard knights realized that Jiang Siming didn't scare them, but really followed them!

You must know that the Jiang Group is a huge monster, and many people cannot live without the products of the Jiang Group.

For example, when girls buy some beauty products, at least eight of ten women have used Fuxi's lipstick or facial mask, and none of them is not good.

Many women have long been accustomed to Fuxi's things, and basic cosmetics with conditions can never do without Fuxi.

But now, I'm sorry, these more than 700,000 female members of Keyboard Man will no longer be eligible.

This is because the breast enhancement pills and weight loss pills have not yet been launched. If they are on sale, they might be even more crazy.

Men, your game is gone.

Not to mention the Holographic Jedi, now they can't even board the terminal tour Jedi, and at the same time, any game of the R Star Game Company has imposed a ban on them.

If you have already bought it, you can directly close your account and return the money to you without taking advantage of you.

Especially the Holographic Jedi, now it's like that, not letting them play, those who don't play games are okay, the people who play games, it's no different than stab them.

In addition to these, there are also hotels that are not allowed to live, real estate is not to be bought, and the most terrible thing is that even Qingai Pill is no longer used for them.

Among the more than 700,000 keyboard men, there are thousands of cancer patients. This is because most of the young people are not easy to get cancer.

Otherwise this base will only be more.

Rao is so, this is no less than a bolt from the blue for them.

Who can guarantee that they will not get sick or cancer in this life. The cancer rate is now so high. It is fine for them to be young now, but what about the future?

Li Qiang is a cancer patient among young people and one of the more than 700,000 keyboard men.

He has stomach cancer, and it is already at an advanced stage, very serious.

There were not many days to live.

Fortunately, there is a clear cancer pill to continue life, because it is an advanced stage, so it takes a lot of time for treatment.

During the period of hospitalization, Li Qiang had no job and had to spend money on treatment.

Seeing his savings handed over to the hospital little by little, Li Qiang felt that it was **** easy for the hospital to make money. Exploiting his hard-earned money, these doctors and hospitals are all suckers of human blood.

Gradually, Li Qiang's psychology became more and more distorted, and he began to hate the injustice of this world.

Why is it so easy for others to make money, but I can only live a few thousand dollars for a month, and finally go to the hospital.

At the same time, he also hates Jiang Siming, who sells Qingai Dan. He thinks that Jiang Siming has made so much money and he should make Qingai Dan free!

"With a net worth of trillions, he is so stingy and still **** the blood of ordinary people like us, why doesn't he die!"

It was this kind of mentality that made Li Qiang more disgusted and hated Jiang Siming.

This time Jiang Siming overturned the car and was sprayed by the entire network. Li Qiang lay on his hospital bed and saw the news on his mobile phone. He was so excited that he had recovered from a serious illness.

He quickly joined the army of Ping Jiang Siming, incarnate as an online keyboard man, and kept posting extremely negative black fan comments.

Even his ‘effort’ made other keyboard guys feel ‘admired’, and everyone flocked to him as one of the black fans.

As a result, Li Qiang became even more excited. He felt that he had been valued like never before. He didn't even close his eyes for two days, and he was crazy on the Internet every day.

Li Qiang felt that only on the Internet did he find a sense of belonging and the pleasure of being valued.

In the poll initiated by Gulu, he immediately took his keyboard man and his classmates to grunt frontally, not only leaving a message on it, but also sending a lot of unbelievable words.

In short, he Li Qiang felt that he was victorious, he was the winner, and he was a hero who dared to fight against the chaebols in everyone's eyes!


[Author's digression]: First more~

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