I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2147: Encounter master

The energy and the kill collection are not very attractive to Jiang Siming.

His attention quickly shifted to the corpse box under the hillside, which was shining bright red.

Fragments are coming out again~

Jiang Siming drove the car down quickly and picked up the debris from the box.

"Pick up [Skydiving Proficiency] red fragments*1 (1/3). The fragments are not full and cannot be used temporarily."

[Skydiving Proficiency]: Realistic skills, max skydiving experience, max skydiving speed, skydiving ability comparable to the top senior paratroopers.

This is not bad!

Jiang Siming was worried that this game of skydiving was too troublesome, but he turned his head and gave me a skydiving proficiency.

This skill is not limited to terminal games, but is universal in reality and holography.

Anyway, he will do it in reality, and it will do so naturally in the hologram.

The only pity is that this fragment requires three integrated fragments, which is two pieces short.

Before the change, Jiang Siming estimated that he had just assembled a piece of universal fragment.

But now, pull it down, how precious are the omnipotent fragments, how could it be possible to put together such a few fragments.

Unless you need more than 5 integrated fragments, don't talk about it.

No way, poor~

Collect the fragments, and then inherit the third level suit of this buddy.

As for the half-broken third-level head, Jiang Siming didn't care.

Many water friends wondered why this is not necessary. Although it is a bit broken, it is also a third-level brain and can still be used.

The used third-level head is also stronger than the brand-new second-level head. After all, it can block any sniper rifle except AWM.

Facing the question, Jiang Siming didn't answer, but looked up into the sky, and the second airdrop plane that flew in the distance dropped the second airdrop.

Everyone understands that this fellow has new feelings, so it's no wonder not the old ones.

This airdrop was actually summoned by Jiang Siming's [Exclusive Airdrop] skill, and there is a half chance of exploding debris.

It is a pity that his luck has not been very good. It may be that he ran out of Ou Qi when he was boosting the Sword Salamander Sword.

Alas, it's all to blame for this horrified salamander sword, I had known it a long time ago and I wouldn't increase it.

Jiang Siming threw all the pots that didn't reach the ‘egg’ to his superb fairy weapon, the horror sword.

But anyhow, the AWM in the airdrop made Jiang Siming much more comfortable.

Three. Level sets, coupled with AWM, are even more powerful.

Jiang Siming started the car to continue looking for opponents, from the second wave to the sixth wave.

He has already scored 11 kills. This is because everyone played very cautiously in the rankings. Coupled with Jiang Siming's involvement in this round, everyone is even more aggressive.

Otherwise, Jiang Siming can kill more.

But now Gou is useless, the finals are here, so I don't want to play.

Jiang Siming drove directly towards the only high **** here. As long as he stood on this high slope, he could easily shoot.

However, just as Jiang Siming rushed halfway, a head poked out from Gaopo, holding an SLR in his hand, aimed directly at his brow!

Jiang Siming looked at it from a distance and found that the player's SLR was not equipped with a magnifier.

This shows that he is either a super rookie or a master of marksmanship, knowing that the finals map is very small and does not require high magnification.

Before Jiang Siming could guess which one he belonged to, a bullet hit his eyebrows.

The third-level helmet was broken in half in an instant, and the blood bar dropped a lot.

Jiang Siming reacted swiftly and immediately emphasized the steering wheel and moved the car body and himself.

The second SLR bullet flew over his shoulder and hit the seat.

If he was shot again, he would be gone.

SLR is commonly known as a cannon. This thing has a very high damage and is a continuous attack.

Specially used to play three. Level suits, much easier to use than ordinary bolts.

Jiang Siming's avoidance of this bullet also saved his life.

But at this time, the other party's bullets still kept hitting him, trying to kill him in the car.

Knowing that the car must not be driven anymore, Jiang Siming moved the car sideways, facing the person on the high **** with his back, jumping out of the car as a shelter.

Seeing that Jiang Siming had escaped, this man was not in love with war at all, and immediately shrank back.

A shot that caused Jiang Siming to get out of the car and shoot back instantly, AWM shot the air.

Jiang Siming frowned, knowing that this enemy was different from the previous enemies.

This person on the high **** is definitely a master player!

Much better than the previous motorcycle guy.

Seeing a miss, Jiang Siming had to hide behind the car and quickly sealed several smoke bombs under his feet.

He knows that his position is very poor, and players in many other places can see him, and he is estimated to be beaten by a sieve.

As soon as Jiang Siming finished sealing the cigarettes, a few grenades were thrown down on Gaopo. Obviously, the opponent didn't want to face him head-on. It would be ideal to be able to kill with throwing objects.

It is a pity that Jiang Siming got stuck on the **** behind the car, and the opponent's grenade couldn't hurt him.

Instead, Jiang Siming was filled with blood.

Jiang Siming stared at the high **** in the smoke like a hunting cheetah, waiting for the smoke to dissipate.

As soon as the smoke dissipated, the player on the high **** couldn't hold back, and took a look at it.

The AWM in Jiang Siming's hand, flashed the trigger!


There was a dull gunshot.

The opponent also reacted quickly and changed positions at that moment.

The bullet changed from the position of his head to the neck, and the Magnum bullet passed through the neck!

Unfortunately, this is a game. The settings of the game and the head and neck injuries are different, so this shot is not fatal, and the opponent still has a trace of blood.

But it also made Gao Po's back chill.

Just a little bit, he just disappeared, this shooting speed is almost!

"This man is terrifying, he is a master."

In Penguin's live broadcast room, a live broadcast room called Leizi heard a dull and withdrawn voice.

Although his live broadcast effect is very boring, and the anchor will not engage in any program effects, his live broadcast room popularity is the number one on the Penguin platform!

Millions of viewers learned technology in his live broadcast room, and for nothing else, they called him Leizi, the most promising super player in the Holographic Jedi, a retired soldier!

It is this game that made Leizi the number one anchor of Penguin within half a month, sweeping the old age alliance penguin platform, Deyun Liaoxiao and Sika.

Everyone knows that his live broadcast effect is boring and boring, but it doesn't matter, they have the technology.

Now this holographic Jedi, who doesn't want to learn more techniques.

Just like when the alliance first started, the technical anchors were the hottest ones, and they could collect apprentices everywhere.

But at this time, Leizi was sweaty, and his back was chilled by Jiang Siming's shot, and he couldn't help but admire him.

He was attentive, so he didn't watch the barrage at all.

On the barrage, my voice was already broken: Leizi, this is Myoko!

It's a pity that he doesn't know, but he still concentrates on meeting the challenge of the other party.

Masters must not be distracted.

He knew from that shot that the opponent must be better than him.

He just wants to try his best now, want to see how far he is from his opponent?


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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