I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2153: Over 70 million orders!

Since the start of qualifying, players have continued to obtain energy values ​​in the game through various methods.

Within a few days, more than a dozen people had already obtained energy points.

Jiang Siming went to see the reactions of several of them, without exception, except for shock and shock.

A U.S. soldier who was nearly fifty years old, his original physical function had already declined severely, and he accidentally got an energy value in the game.

From this day on, he discovered that his body functions had recovered a lot!

An ordinary Chinese player from China, after getting an energy value, found that his strength was much greater than usual, and not only strength, but also speed, physical strength, etc., even doing that with his girlfriend was in excellent condition. Broke his personal record.

This change happens to every player who successively gains energy value.

The news began to spread in small areas.

Although it is still spread on a small scale, this trend has begun to become unstoppable!

As for Dany in Moscow, she has started to rank in the game frantically these days, using various alternative ways to kill enemies.

Relying on the knowledge of physics taught by his mother, one after another weird and unusual way to kill others.

But they failed to trigger the game announcement and energy value again.

Finally, with her unremitting efforts, she threw a grenade out of the physical refraction principle beyond imagination, killing a super long-range enemy.

She gets the second energy point again!

This time, she saw her energy value change from [1] to [0] again.

Immediately after it became 0, she felt a warm current flowing from the ring into her body.

And soon, she discovered that the body, which was still half-recovered, has now completely recovered!

She returned to the physical functions she had when she was nineteen, running, jumping, even punching, and fitness, all without any problems.

And the physical quality is much better than ordinary girls, even his father can't compare to her!

At this time, Dany's father finally believed that this was true. He also realized the importance of this matter and immediately ran to find Lao Pu.

After confirming, Lao Pu made a decisive decision and flew to China!

And China has already known it.

"Good boy, if you don't tell us such a good thing, when are you going to hide it?" The voice of the old man on the phone was still kind and familiar.

Jiang Siming smiled and pretended to die, and said: "I want to say, but I was afraid you would not believe it. After all, this thing is too outrageous, I don't believe it myself."

"I definitely don't believe what others say, but I believe what you say." The old man replied in a positive tone.

I am embarrassed to say Jiang Siming.

"Fortunately, it's not too late, I just want to confirm one thing with you, is the energy value in it really beneficial to the human body without any harm? Are there any side effects?"

"You can rest assured that I will use my life as a guarantee, there is no problem."

"Well, how many rings do you have? I'll take them all. Buy them at the average foreign price, and you won't suffer." The old man said domineeringly.

Jiang Siming smiled bitterly. There is no cost at all for this thing, and there is no quantity at all. He can completely falsely report the number and make a big profit.

However, Jiang Siming would certainly do this when he was a foreigner, but Jiang Siming would definitely not pit his own Huaxia.

After Jiang Siming found a reason to deal with it, the old talent gave up the plan.

"In this case, first order 50 million rings, at the average foreign price."

"No, it's the price of our Huaxia, how can I make my own money? When I go to pit foreign money, it will be done." Jiang Siming said carelessly.

With these 50 million rings, he can also make a net profit of 150 billion at domestic prices, which is pretty good.

Then came the old man's hearty laughter.

"I can remind you that after this incident is exposed, you will definitely become the focus of people all over the world, and you will receive countless invitations and letters of cooperation. Similarly, you will be hated by many people, in some unclean countries. , I will definitely find ways to get your game. I am afraid that some assassinations will deal with you."

"It's okay for you in China. We can prevent at least 90% of it here, but once you go abroad, it's difficult to deal with, and you have so many foreign father-in-laws, you may also become their target."

The old man reminded Jiang Siming patiently.

Jiang Siming smiled and said with confidence: "Don't worry, you are old, I have a way to deal with them, if they dare to do it, I will make them pay a hundred times!"

"That's good, just talk about what you need, don't be embarrassed, I can give you the help you need at any time." The old man promised.

Jiang Siming nodded, just having this sentence.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Siming also knew that the energy value event had begun to ferment, and his money would indeed increase, but troubles would surely follow.

What the old man reminded him was not alarmist, it would definitely happen.

But Jiang Siming really didn’t take it seriously. Needless to say, his family has to come in. It’s impossible for a fly to come in. All the wives are cultivators, and they also have the eyes of breaking delusion and the assistant given by Jiang Siming A.

From the parents of his hometown, the members of the Youtian team have been secretly protecting them. Jiang Siming took the time to adjust five new combat robots from the robot factory today to protect the safety of his family throughout the process.

As for his foreign bosses, they all have one or two robots in a family.

Jiang Siming told the public that this was the bodyguard he had invited, and the old man would naturally not refuse.

And once something happened, Jiang Siming could arrive at the speed of light, and he didn't need a second to go around the entire earth.

Just those young people, dare to do it? Send them all to play survival on an alien planet.

At least the U.S. side dared not move. Old Te was so scared of him now that he dared to move his head and screwed his head off.

Starting from Huaxia, Jiang Siming received orders from many foreign countries.

All came to buy game rings.

And the order quantity is larger than one. The United States ordered 10 million, Japan ordered 7 million, South Korea ordered 8 million, and Russia ordered 15 million...

These orders flew towards Jiang Siming like snowflakes, and each one was bought at the average foreign price of 30,000 yuan.

No way, they want to buy cheaper, but the key point is that Jiang Siming refuses~

In two days, Jiang Siming received an order for 70 million rings from abroad, which is a full profit of more than two trillion!

The nose for Jiang Simingmei is about to come out.

However, Jiang Siming's chicken thieves are very good. He can earn so much, but he is not satisfied.

He declared to them that it was too difficult to make the ring, and the stock had been sold out, so that orders could only be resolved one by one.

They were unhappy at this hearing, they didn't want to wait.

So, one by one he took the initiative to raise the price a lot, and Old Te was even more proud and offered fifty thousand one, so that Jiang Siming gave him priority.

Buyers from other countries can only let Laomi buy first if the cost is too high.

Jiang Siming also readily agreed to Lao Te's order request, fifty thousand one, ten million, 500 billion, got it!


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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