I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2164: God assists by father-in-law

After eating the supper, Jiang Siming took Chen Guo into the car and left despite Wang Dashao's repeated invitations.

The account was not settled, so I left it to Wang Dashao to pay, and he couldn't let him eat his fried rice for nothing.

After watching the movie, I ate supper. Most men know where to go next.

It's just that Lao Jiang isn't that kind of monkey rush.

Em... well, mainly Chen Guo and her parents called...

Before Chen Guo went out, she didn't feel embarrassed to say that she was dating Jiang Siming, so she only dared to say that she would go out with friends.

It's all right now. My parents are worried about their daughter's safety and call people back.

Lao Jiang had no choice but to send people back to the community.

He was really not in a hurry. The Keren, who was in front of him every day, could escape the palm of his hand.

Besides, today I was mainly pitted by Zhao Xiaoxiao and ran out for a date temporarily.

Not to mention that Jiang Siming was not prepared, and Chen Guo didn't have much mental preparation.

Just as Chen Guo has been his secretary for so long, he can get in touch with her after work.

On the contrary, Chen Guo didn't think too much, thinking that the chairman really just invited her to the movies.

But the second elder was anxious.

Chen Guo's parents heard from their neighbors that Chen Guo got in a sports car and left, and they were always worried that they would not return until it was so late.

The couple waited directly at the gate of the community.

When they finally saw a sports car approaching, the two couples hurriedly hid first to see what was going on.

On the sports car, what the co-pilot got up and down was the result, while on the other side, the person in the driver's seat gave them a false alarm.

They thought it was a rich **** who had asked their daughter to leave, and they were so anxious that she was being deceived.

Unexpectedly, it was Chen Guo's own boss.

"I said why this girl is willing to get in someone else's car. It turns out that her boss asked her."

"Oh, you die old man, you have to call, now it's alright, we must have something bad."

"I didn't know that it was Boss Jiang, I would not say if I knew it, Boss Jiang saved my life and treated Chen Guo so well. I want to make a match."

"What should we do now? How about let's go out and free up the house to create opportunities for them?"

"That's not good, what's going on at home, let's go back and lock the door, and say we are not at home, anyway, she can only go out without the key."

"Good idea! Go and go!"


Chen Guo was completely unaware, and was still saying goodbye to Jiang Siming.

However, Jiang Siming heard clearly when he got out of the car, and his expression was very rich.

Does this count as a god-assisted by prospective father-in-law?

"Chairman, then I... just go back..." Chen Guo was still kept in the dark.

Jiang Siming smiled and nodded, and said, "Go."

Hearing this, Chen Guo turned his head and ran home with small cheerful steps.

Jiang Siming leaned against the front of the car, lit a cigarette, and waited slowly.

If he left, Chen Guo might have to sleep on the street.

Sure enough, not long after, Chen Guo ran out, thinking Jiang Si was leaving tomorrow morning, but found that the other party was still waiting outside the community.

Chen Guo thought it was Jiang Siming who was reluctant to part with herself, and was reluctant to leave at the door, and was so moved.

"Chairman, why haven't you left?"

Jiang Siming couldn't laugh or cry, could he say that I heard your parents' "conspiracy", and afraid that you would sleep on the street, so he had to wait for you here.

"I'll see the stars here." Jiang Siming made up nonsense Kung Fu that came casually.

"By the way, why are you back? Why don't you go home?"

Chen Guo smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "My parents said that they had temporarily received a call from a relative in Fujian saying that they were seriously ill. My dad and my mom bought tickets overnight and went to visit Fujian. They said they would not be back tomorrow, but the key was to give me Keep the key, alas, this is too weird."

After speaking, Chen Guo begged: "Chairman, can you send me back to the company?"

"Why are you going back to the company?" Jiang Siming was puzzled.

"I'm going to the company's staff apartment. I want to go to Yui. I am good friends with her. She shouldn't mind if I stay with her for one night. Fortunately, tomorrow is not going to work on weekdays." Chen Guo said.

"It's not good to disturb people's sleep in the middle of the night. Let's go to my office. There is a bedroom in it. You can stay there overnight."

"Is this... okay?" Chen Guo thought, too, really shouldn't wake Yui to go to bed so late.

"Let's go, what a big deal." Jiang Siming said, throwing the cigarette away, and got into the car.

Upon seeing this, Chen Guo got in the car again. This time, the two returned to the company they were familiar with.

At this time, the company building was already off work, it was dark, only the security room at the door and the company's apartment building behind were still lit.

Jiang Siming took Chen Guo into the building.

This large and empty company made Chen Guo a little scared, and it was so dark that he couldn't help holding Jiang Siming's arm to feel safe.

When he came to the elevator, the door opened. Chen Guo immediately walked in when he saw that there were lights in the elevator.

Jiang Siming couldn't help but wanted to scare her, so he said, "Come out, let's take another elevator."

"Why?" Chen Guo was blank.

"This elevator is full, don't you see that there are people behind you." Jiang Siming said with a smile.

Chen Guo looked back, empty, and Jiang Siming was shocked to say that there were people behind her.

Chen Guo, who was already nervous, suddenly screamed, rushed out of the elevator and plunged into Jiang Siming's arms.

"Hahahaha, I am teasing you, how can I take it seriously."

Jiang Siming laughed, this trick basically scared the girls to try their best, even Chen Guo was scared.

He thought that Chen Guozhen was like Zhuge Dali of Aiwuli, and he was not afraid of anything. It seemed that Chen Guo in reality still had weaknesses.

However, Chen Guo, like Dali, has a high IQ. This is true, but Chen Guo, who has a high IQ, is sometimes afraid.

When Chen Guo heard that it was a prank, she immediately furiously attacked Jiang Siming's chest with a powder punch, but temporarily forgot that she was still in the other's arms.

Seeing that the elevator was about to close, Jiang Siming directly picked her up and walked in.

This time, Chen Guo reacted, her limbs instantly stiffened, and Jiang Siming held her in her arms like a puppet.

"Why are you still angry?" Jiang Siming pretended not to know anything, and changed the subject with his head down.

Chen Guo said twice, and finally buried his head and said, "My mom said...you can't tell ghost stories at night...or the ghost will really come out if you hear it..."

After speaking, Chen Guo waited for a while, but found that Jiang Siming did not respond at all.

She started to be suspicious again, so she had to hold back her shyness and raised her head to see the situation.

Who knew that when he looked up, his mouth was kissed.

At this moment, like two magnets, they are firmly glued together.

At first, Chen Guo was still struggling, but she was quickly lost by Driver Jiang's superb kissing skills. Gradually, she was left passive.

Wait, didn't Lao Jiang say that he is not anxious?

Jiang Siming: "It's not me, it's a fool who said it."


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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