I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2166: New generation for the old

As soon as the weekend was over, Chen Guo returned to the company and was no longer a secretary.

The new Heng Yui of the Finance Department succeeded Chen Guo and became the new Secretary of the Board.

The company employees thought Chen Guo had made a mistake and was fired.

Unexpectedly, it was not at all. Not only did Secretary Chen not get fired, but instead she became the president of the company's new subsidiary, Universal Music Headquarters.

This personnel transfer made Chen Guo extremely envious of the company.

It's like a secretary working alongside a high official. As soon as his qualifications arrive, he is transferred to an important department to take up important positions.

Secretary Chen seems to have won the chairman's favor in doing things. He must have put in a lot of hard work and sweat to get such an important position.

In addition to envy Chen Guo, everyone envied the new secretary, Xinheng Yui.

If Xinheng Yui is like Chen Guo and follows the chairman, he will definitely get a promotion later.

Especially the female staff, they are so greedy that they don't need to describe.

Hey, why don't they have this life? They also want to be secretary to the chairman~~

It's a pity that the position of secretary is not something they can do if they want to, and since Secretary Qi started, the secretary to the chairman has not been selected by the outside world.

It seems that the wife of the chairman of the board of directors voted internally to ‘operate in the dark’ to determine the candidate for the position of secretary.

This year's Xinheng Yui seems to be the same...

Without Chen Guo, a young secretary full of energy and super high IQ, there was a new secretary who was gentle and quiet.

Jiang Siming quickly adapted to the new role of Yui very bachelor.

There is no other reason, Xinheng Yui, the new secretary is too pleasing, not only looks pleasing to the eye, but also because Jiang Siming is kind to her.

Therefore, Xinheng Yui obeyed Jiang Siming's words and completely turned into a gentle and virtuous young wife, and she worked very hard.

All of these made Jiang Siming quite satisfied. Sure enough, his secretary still had to be selected by his wives, and their eyes were much better than him.

Chen Guo took the post and became the new president.

However, it will take some time for Universal Music to relocate to Shanghai. During this period, Chen Guo temporarily managed all live and short video platforms under Jiang Siming.

Chen Guo, who has become the president, has displayed a capable temperament when he first took office, and has taken bold measures to rectify all live broadcasts and short video chaos.

In particular, she is eyeing the ranks of live-streaming goods, as the cancer industry.

Chen decided that if the chaos of live-streaming goods were not dealt with, the above would definitely take action.

At that time, the company's interests will be affected, so after taking office, Chen Guo immediately suggested to Jiang Siming that the cancer of live broadcast delivery should be severely cleaned up.

Especially the certain tone that Jiang Siming has not managed much, is the most serious.

Jiang Siming has also heard of the live broadcast of Lao Shizi, which is to invite Internet celebrities and celebrities to sell the goods live.

Originally this thing is a good thing. It is understandable that there are celebrities who advertise and sell products.

But this kind of live broadcast has too much chaos and fakes frequently appear. Those Internet celebrities don't care at all. They dare to sell anything as long as they give money.

They sell fake bird’s nest, fake wine, fake milk powder, etc., if they have money.

There is also a serious cost of data, what so-and-so Internet celebrity live broadcasts sold hundreds of millions or even billions.

This Nima may not even sell one-tenth of a million, but compile the data randomly, or let their team buy it first, and return the goods immediately after the purchase, so as to impersonate the real data and talk about their ability to carry goods. Lie ignorant people.

Any netizen with a little bit of wisdom should also distinguish between the true and false of these data. A mere internet celebrity, casually broadcast a few words about family members, can sell tens or even hundreds of millions of goods in one night?

Those top-flow Internet celebrities, with tens of millions of fans, and the superstars of Bitmeow are still popular.


It's all speculation by the marketing team.

People who believe are stupid, let alone those who follow the trend to buy, they are stupid at home.

Anyone who has never followed the trend and bought these online celebrity products can proudly say: We are very smart! Don't want to lie to me!

Many little stars also lose their conscience, and they go to sell goods with them, and they can say anything as long as they give money.

I won’t name the names here, and everyone knows who they are.

Jiang Siming can't control other platforms, but he really needs to shuffle the cards here.

Jiang Siming asked Chen Guo to do it, and it didn't take long to uncover a large piece of it.

Chen Guo waved his hand and kicked them all off his platform, and the violators were directly exposed for legal action.

Chen Guo did not hesitate to do this method of breaking the arm of a strong man.

Because she knew that if she didn't do it now, it might be a rat **** that would spoil the whole pot of porridge.

It also allowed Jiang Siming to see Chen Guo’s abilities. It seemed that she was really a stubborn little secretary by her side. Fortunately, the collection was fast, otherwise the company would be one less general.

In addition to the company's business, Jiang Siming also recently returned home to see the vineyard he had previously enclosed with enchantment technique.

At that time, he used the method Lin Xuan gave him, leaving a spirit gathering formation in it, and threw a lot of spirit stones to nurture grapes.

I also used the green liquid in the palm sky bottle and sprinkled a bit in it.

Now, the grapes in it are growing extremely luxuriantly, each grape is about the size of a bull's eye, shiny and bright, and it can refract low light under the sun.

Jiang Siming originally just wanted to accelerate the growth of grapes, but he didn't expect the magical effect of the palm bottle to make these grapes almost grow into apples...

Have you ever seen dozens of grapes as big as apples knotted together?

It is said that the grape harvest in 1982 is the best, so Lafite can make the world-famous Lafite in 1982.

But compared with this, the 1982 grape is nothing.

For the sake of confidentiality, Jiang Siming did not let the employees do it, and took a lot of effort to make these grapes.

A total of more than 100 bottles were brewed, but unfortunately, I just wanted to experiment, so I didn't make many.

This time Jiang Siming decided not to put green liquor, but only expanded the Ju Ling array ten times, framed all this grape field, and used it as the origin of special wine.

Instead of using green liquor, plant growth pills can also be used to promote growth, but the effect is only to promote growth.

There is no such horrible effect of green liquor.

But these grapes have also absorbed a lot of spiritual energy, and will be used for high-priced sales, at least 20 times more expensive than Lafite, and sold exclusively to local tyrants.

His Huaxiang red wine has long been famous.

After Jiang Siming put out an advertisement in "Longing", many local tyrants wanted to buy it.

After buying and drinking at home, none of them were full of praise.

Now his Huaxiang red wine is very popular, and he maintains long-term supply cooperation with many high-end restaurants, otherwise Jiang Dad will not keep expanding the grape base.


[Author's digression]: First more~

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