I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2176: Using puppet Dan for the first time

"What! You are crazy, he is the former leader. If I kill him, I will definitely step down." Old Kan said anxiously.

"What are you afraid of? You are in charge. You can just find a reason to fool around, or you are not sincere at all?" Jiang Siming said threateningly with sharp eyes.

Old Kan felt a little bitter, and his back became cold.

"Okay, I just do it."

Lao Jian was very regretful at this time. They completely wrongly estimated Jiang Siming's ability, but they did not expect that the magnetic grid could not restrain him.

At this time, all the subordinates in the room recovered their mobility, but no one dared to do anything to Jiang Siming.

"Bring Lao An back." Lao Jian ordered.

These subordinates are his diehards, and naturally follow.

Before long, Lao An was brought back with a blue nose and a swollen face. Before returning, he thought that Lao Jian had changed his mind with compassion, or was really afraid of being cheated and killed by Jiang Siming, so he asked him to come back to take the order.

But as soon as he entered the house, Lao Ann discovered that something was wrong. Jiang Siming came out of the grid. He stood beside Lao Jian and said something leisurely. The two seemed to have reached a consensus.

Lao Jian's eyes were wrong, and he still held a pistol in his hand.

Aware of the crisis, Lao Ann turned his head and wanted to run, but was easily caught by his men.

"Lao Jian, you are crazy! I am Lao An, you know my identity, you dare to do it, and promise you will step down tomorrow, you will become the sinner of the entire Dongying!!"

Lao Ann roared, every organ in his body wanted to struggle for his life.

"Don't blame me, you're retired if you blame it." Lao Suga finished speaking and pulled the trigger hard.


The bullet penetrated Lao Ann's chest, and blood was pouring.

In order to completely kill Lao An, Lao Jian fired three more shots, which ended in him.

"Now you can trust my sincerity, right?" Old Suga said with cold eyes.


Jiang Siming applauded and nodded, but then he got another pill in his hand.

"Eating this makes me completely relieved."

Puppet Pill: The person after taking it will become your most loyal puppet, and will live forever and obey any instructions from you.

Note: The life expectancy of those who take this pill will be greatly reduced, and will never have any good impressions on you, but is forced to obey, so use it with caution.

Jiang Siming hasn't used this pill to anyone. It's been a long time since he picked it up, and he hasn't had a chance to use it. It's cheap and old.

"You are really upset and kind!" Old Suga was shocked.

"Don't worry, this medicine won't kill you. If you don't take it, I will really ask you to accompany Lao An. He might be'happy' to see you underground." Jiang Siming said impatiently.

Old Kan had no choice but to pick up the pill aggrieved and swallow it.

At the same time, he was very regretful. They completely underestimated Jiang Siming's ability and ability, thinking that they would be able to secure the victory, but they did not expect to fall into a big somersault.

As soon as he took the pills, Lao Jian's eyes changed immediately, and there was no hatred for Jiang Siming. Instead, he was obedient and unconditionally obedient.

"Master, what do I need to do?" Lao Jian crouched and asked respectfully.

"Kill them." Jiang Siming pointed to Lao Jian's subordinates who had been unconscious on the ground.

Without saying a word, Old Suga raised his gun to the head of one of them, and then switched to another one.

"Stop it." Jiang Siming called to him.

Old Suga stopped immediately, if Jiang Siming didn't shout, he would definitely kill all these loyal men.

"Kill yourself." Jiang Siming issued instructions again.

Without hesitation, Lao Jian raised the trigger to his head and fired a shot!

It's just that this bullet was shot down by Jiang Siming and didn't die.

Jiang Siming inspected Xia Laoshang's brain with mind reading, and found that all the thoughts and plans he had dealt with before were gone.

All that is left is to obey his instructions.

In other words, Lao Jian has now completely become Jiang Siming's puppet, let him do whatever he wants.

Even if Jiang Siming asks him to die now, he will do so immediately.

"It's pretty good."

Jiang Siming applauded, it is a pity that this puppet pill is too long a life span, he has already noticed that Lao Jian can only live for three years at most.

But it doesn't matter, Lao Jian is dead or alive, but it is not in the scope of his sympathy.

"I will put all Ishihara's parents in a while, don't make any more ideas about them, if someone gives you this kind of advice, directly report it to me, I will deal with them." Jiang Siming ordered.

"Yes, master!" Lao Jian still respectfully agreed to all Jiang Siming's requirements.

"These subordinates know too much. I will send them away for you and take them to be'actors' by the way. As for Lao An's corpse, I will also help you deal with it. You can just say that you are missing."

Jiang Siming rolled up all these people in the room and left one last sentence:

"Before I give you the next task, continue to be your Dongying boss. I will tell you if I have a task."

Jiang Siming disappeared after speaking.

This time he was really angry. He didn't want to get involved in the struggle for official power at all, but some people are cheap and don't provoke them. Instead, they come to provoke you.

So Jiang Siming directly turned Dongying's boss into his own puppet. Now, as long as his request is not excessive, he can give orders as long as he wants them to.

Of course, he can't be too much, because although Lao Jian is the boss of Dongying, it is true that many important matters need to be decided by cabinet members together.

It's not that Lao Jian alone has the final say, playing too much, and even the people of Dongying will collectively protest, then it will be no good if Lao Jian is fired and replaced.

This is not only the case in Dongying, but also in most countries.

So Jiang Siming has the ability to control them, but it doesn't have much effect.

As long as he doesn't provoke him, he will not waste a puppet pill in idle time.

Besides, this puppet pill is more precious and rarer than building a base pill. It is too difficult to refine one. Jiang Siming only has two. Now it is used up, it is quite painful.

Jiang Siming returned home after sending those Lao Jian's subordinates to the'filming' and throwing Lao An's body inside to feed the beasts.

As soon as she returned home, she heard good news from Ishihara, saying that her parents had been released safe and sound.

Ishihara, who put down the big rock in his heart, was finally relieved.

"Alada, thank you~" Rimi Ishihara put his arms around Jiang Siming's waist and said ashamed in his arms.

She felt that Jiang Siming must have done no less for her parents' reasons, and she felt a little sorry.

Jiang Siming lowered his head and squeezed her face, and smiled: "Why don't you thank you for this little thing? Besides, I am the cause of this incident. They want to come to me. I should help."

As he said, Jiang Siming's words began to change: "If you still feel uncomfortable in your heart, please do something."

Ishihara was so cute and deceived, and immediately said, "I will do whatever I need to do, with all my strength!"

Jiang Siming whispered in her ear, and the other party blushed like blood...


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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