I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2183: Fight with poison!

Although the power of the five-layer thunder talisman was amazing, it was still smashed by the thousand soul bone knife.

"Ant, you will never catch up with the gap between me and you. Your death date is here!"

Wandu Xie grinned grimly, the Thousand Soul Bone Sword fell again, and the sword had thousands of scary faces, making the entire Magic Sword mad!

Jiang Siming flashed aside by using speed.

But when the bone knife was swung down, the surrounding air suddenly turned pale green, and the poisonous mist on the bone knife could actually contaminate the air!

The gas quickly dispersed and flew around Jiang Siming, wrapping him up.

Wan Duxie laughed and said: "Boy, you are really stupid. Do you think that Wan Duzong is best at using a knife? Jiejie..."

Seeing Jiang Siming surrounded by poisonous fog, the four elders were shocked, and Shui Yue was even more absent.

But in the next second, Jiang Siming walked out gracefully from the poisonous fog, and patted the dust on his body, with a careless smile on his face.

"Just this poison, I don't know if it can kill the mosquitoes and dare to take it out. Do you have a 10% off poison level?"

Wanduxie's smile solidified, and it seemed impossible to understand how Jiang Siming was immune to these poisons?

Don't even talk about the golden core monk, even the Nascent Soul monk, he has to retreat.

This Jiang Siming was wrapped in all the poisonous mist and came out unharmed.

Shuiyue was relieved to see that Jiang Siming was okay, including Xueqi and Shuangling, they also relaxed and dealt with the enemy seriously.

"Since you are so stiff, try this!"

Wan Poxie sacrificed a bottle and exploded. A thick colored poisonous mist floated towards Jiang Siming, wrapping it up again.

"My poison, my name is Killing Immortal Mist, a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage, who will die if you touch it! I see how hard your mouth is!"

Wan Duxie gritted his teeth and said, he regretted it when he used it up, why did he use such a precious murderous aura on a golden core ant.

But people fight for the Buddha to receive a stick of incense. Jiang Siming looks down on his poisonous powers of Wandumen so much that he can't bear it!

Even if it is wasting a precious baby, it is worth it!

The poisonous fog enveloped Jiang Siming, but Jiang Siming did nothing again. He walked out and coughed a few times with his nose covered in disgust.

"I said you poisoners, you really have nothing to do if you are full. It is purely polluting the air. If there is no industrial pollution, people like you will destroy the ecology. Damn, bad luck!"

Jiang Siming grinned and gave a mouthful of sputum.

Wan Duxie and the other Nascent Soul Demons were stupid.

Could this kid also be a poisonous person?

"Impossible! My Immortal Killing Mist can be laughed at by a Golden Core Ant! I don't believe it!"

Wan Duxie's heart collapsed, roaring and shouting, then he calmed down and said: "You must be a baby who resists the poisonous mist. When I kill you, it will be clear!"

Wan Duxie gave up poisoning, holding a Qianpo Bone Knife, once again killed Jiang Siming.

Even if he doesn't need to be masterful, he, the Nascent Soul Peak cultivator, wants to kill a middle-level Golden Core cultivator, but he will be able to catch it.

However, before the poisonous evils approached, Jiang Siming's Golden Crow Sword burst out with dazzling golden light, suddenly coming through the clouds!


Wan Duxie smiled contemptuously, waved his hand, and an invisible spiritual shield appeared, attempting to easily block this move.

However, he underestimated Jiang Siming's slashing style.

When he was outside the land of the Demon Abyss, he built a foundation and cultivation base, and with one move, he could destroy a golden core monk.

Now that Jiang Siming is in the middle of the golden core, the power of God Slashing in his hands has skyrocketed dozens of times!

The light like the scorching sun rushed on the golden crow sword and shone on the head of the poisonous evil spirits.

Then hit the body guard spirit shield sacrificed by the evil spirits!

Wan Duxie suddenly felt a sudden shock, and there were many cracks in the spirit cover!

This made him even more surprised, the mere Jin Dan monk, almost broke his defense with a single sword.

"This **** is really hard." Jiang Siming did not forget to comment.

Just as Wan Duxie was about to say something, something strange came from the top of his head again, and when he looked up, a virtual seal of heaven appeared out of thin air, as if the Mount Tai was pressing on the top, it was covered against Wandu evil.

The unobserved poisonous evil was once again stamped by the heavenly secret!


The Seal of Heavenly Mystery slammed into the spirit cover of the poisonous evil spirits. This time, the defensive spirit cover of the poisonous evil spirits finally couldn't resist it and collapsed.

The remaining power of the seal of the heavenly machine also smashed against the deity of Wanduxie at the same time.

Wan Duxie didn't have time to be surprised, so he shouted and slashed with his knife!

The ghost of Tianjiyin was cut into air!

"Okay, very good! I didn't expect a golden core kid to learn the two secrets of Qingyunmen. It's a pity that you're always just a golden core ant. This kind of spell, in the non-primordial infant stage, can't exert its true strength at all.

It's a pity that the poisonous evil tsk tsk, but the hand movement did not stop at all, attacking Jiang Siming again.

This son must not stay, if he runs away, he will definitely become a big trouble in the future.

Therefore, the poisonous evil spirits ordered Jiang Siming to kill!

However, just when he wanted to leave, a formation appeared under his feet.

Wan Duxie discovered that he was actually trapped in this formation.

Numerous sandalwoods, earth rivers, rocks, and sparks appeared around.

Ten thousand poisonous evil spirits hurried back, and at the same time cracked all these tricks.

"Ghost Youlu Yun Sealing Talisman!"

A talisman was quietly born behind him and struck him.

Wan Duxie felt that the aura in his body was quickly being imprisoned, and hurriedly used the aura of luck to crack all the imprisonment power with the difference of realm.

And the next moment, Jiang Siming's method appeared again.

A strange talisman was born, from which a colorless and odorless gas floated obediently into the formation.

The poisonous spell in the cyan fragment!

Jiang Siming is going to fight poison with tooth for tooth with poison, with poison? It's as if no one can use it.

Moreover, poison is useless to him. He is a poison that does not invade his physique. No poison is effective for him.

Jiang Siming's poisonous spell was obtained from the apocalyptic copy, and hasn't used it several times.

This time, Jiang Siming squeezed out all the toxins inside.

The spell loses its effectiveness and gradually dissipates.

But the toxins in the spell flew into the formation without reservation.

Jiang Siming also had some meat pains on his face, so a cyan fragment was used up so quickly, the fragments are all precious.

This spell cannot be re-made, unless he gets a way to make it, or he can only pick another one by luck.

The poisonous evil never thought that a decent monk would even **** poison.

At this moment he wanted to curse: Are you a decent monk or a member of the demon sect?

All the toxins spread to him, and then Wan Duxie began to corrode rapidly.

Thousands of poisonous evil spirits were shocked, hurriedly stabilized their heart, fully exerted their Yuan Ying cultivation base, and blocked these toxins that were more terrifying than his killing the fairy mist.


The poisonous mist and his Yuan Ying aura are constantly fighting and burning.

Wan Duxie didn't dare to neglect and distract him at all. He felt that if this toxin really invaded his body, the consequences would be very serious!

Wan Duxie is fighting toxins while trying to escape the formation.

But Jiang Siming grinned at this moment, raised the butcher knife, and walked into the formation...

[Author's digression]: The fourth update ~ make up ~ hey, let's count!

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