I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2186: Small loss is big

Sect Master Yinluo was killed in this way, which really surprised everyone.

The key is to be killed by his own people.

At this moment, everyone is confused. Is it possible that the poisonous evil is having any grudges with the gluttonous food?

However, in the next second, what made all Moxiu's scalp numb was that after Wanduxie killed the gluttony, he turned his spear on them!

The other Yuan Ying-period magic repairs were all shocked.

"Thousand evil! What are you doing!"

"Are you crazy!"

"What the **** happened?"

The few Yuan Ying Moxiu were shocked and angry, and didn't know what Wan Duxie was crazy about, and why suddenly pointed the finger at them.

But soon, they also discovered something wrong with the evil spirits.

"This is not the body of the evil spirits, but the soul body!"

"Damn it! Where did this kid come from? He actually killed the poisonous evil!"

"He also confines the soul of the poisonous evil to his own use."

"Fortunately, the strength of Ten Thousand Toxic Evil is greatly reduced. Don't panic. It is a fluke that he can kill the gluttony in a second."

The rest of the Nascent Soul Demon Cultivators calmed down one after another, one of them contained the poisonous soul body, and the others accelerated their offensive against the fourth elder of Qingyun.

Attempt to quickly end the battle and smooth the Qingyun Gate.

At this time, an early Yuan Ying old monster gave up killing other Qingyunmen disciples, but turned to aim at Jiang Siming at the same time.

Jiang Siming was able to kill all the poisonous evils, and he could use his soul for his own use, which made all the demons very jealous of him, including these six Yuanying bosses.

They decided to deal with the other four elders of Qingyun, one to contain the poisonous evil, and the other to kill Jiang Siming with all their strength.

They guessed that even if Jiang Siming could kill the poisonous evil spirits, he would definitely be at the end of the battle, and he might even be seriously injured in secret.

After all, Wan Duxie is an old monster with Nascent Soul Peak strength. If you want to kill him, you have to pay a huge price at least.

"I want to see what your kid can do."

This Yuan Ying’s early Mo Xiu said that, in fact, he was thinking of picking up leaks in his heart, and determined that Jiang Siming’s end was not to be feared.

Jiang Siming looked at him with killing intent in his eyes.

Jiang Siming stared at that Moxiu uncomfortably.

"Today, none of you guys can run away."

Jiang Siming sneered, and then offered a whole set of green bamboo bee cloud sword again.

The Xuanyuan bow and the startling salamander sword cannot be taken out, but the green bamboo bee cloud sword is still possible, after all, it is only a low-grade spiritual weapon.

Although the twelve lower-grade spirit weapons came out together, it would still cause a sensation, but at least the monks above the Yuan Ying should look down on it.

Even if a cultivator came, Jiang Siming couldn't fight, there was definitely no problem with self-protection.

The sword came out.

Everyone realized that this must be Jiang Siming's trump card!

No wonder the twelve low-grade spirit swords can kill the poisonous evil.

This Jiang Siming had such a solid family background.

Even Shang Zhengliang and Zeng Changshu looked at Jiang Siming enviously. Damn, they are elders and they are not as good as a disciple.

Look at Jiang Siming's twelve spirit swords, and then look at the one or two lonely inferior spirit weapons in his hand, my heart is stuffed...

Qi Hao and Lin Jingyu looked at Jiang Siming's set of flying swords, drooling with envy.

They finally knew why Jiang Siming only used their swords every time.

Feeling this guy has this good thing hiding, no wonder he never used his own sword.

When this set of flying swords was taken out, the cultivators of the Yuan Ying stage were very excited.

The evil cultivator in the early Yuan Ying saw these twelve flying swords, his eyes were already full of greed.

"It turns out that your kid still has such a good baby, Jiejie, since the evil spirits are not blessed to enjoy, then you have to make a bargain on me, kid, if you hand over this treasure and your storage bag, I can put it How about your life?"

After Mo Xiu finished speaking, the only response to him was Jiang Siming's twelve flying swords!

Yuan Ying's early magic repair was furious.

"This is your own death!"

The two sides immediately fought together.

This time, Jiang Siming didn't use the Xuanyuan bow, let alone the startling sword.

Although the other party is also in the Yuanying stage, this is only the Yuanying stage.

Jiang Siming is confident that he can kill him without relying on the power of Jingxuan and Xuanyuan!

It didn't take long for this demonic cultivator to lose out. He was defeated by these twelve flying swords and Jiang Siming's endless skills, and he kept getting injured.

"Come and help me!" The magic repair could not be beaten, and immediately called for support.

"Calling someone? Didn't you say that you want to kill me? You are so good? Call someone if you can't beat it?" Jiang Siming sneered.

Moxiu's face was purple and blue, but he didn't answer his lips, and retreated to his teammates while fighting.

"Three brothers, don't keep your hands, don't let them get distracted!"

Shui Yue yelled, and took the lead in pinching Fajue. Regardless of the consumption of aura in the body, Tai Chi Xuanqing Daojue exploded with majestic power, beating the opponent so that there was no time to get out and take control of others.

The other three elders also knew that the balance of victory was tilting towards them, and immediately increased their offensive!

With such a diverse infant-stage monk struggling to take action, the heavens and the earth changed, and the dark night was constantly bright as day, all of the light colors emitted by the collision of various laws.

The Yuan Ying found that no one could support him in the early days, his eyes gradually despairing, and his body hurts more and more.

Until Jiang Siming had a gravity talisman lined up on him, while his body was slow for a while, the flying sword flashed through the night sky and turned into twelve sword lights, cutting off the head of the magic repair!

However, Jiang Siming is like a fearless warrior, as if tirelessly, as soon as he killed one, he quickly ran to Shuiyue to join hands with her.

All the demon monks began to retreat.

The Qingyunmen disciples all killed all the demon cultivators as if they had been beaten with blood.

The remaining few Nascent Soul Stage Demon Cultivation saw that the general situation was gone, and after that, all of them did not hesitate to waste their blood and used secret methods to escape.

One night passed.

The sky cleared gradually.

This war between righteous and evil is considered to cease.

At the foot of Qingyun Mountain, there were already corpses, those with Qingyunmen disciples, and more of them were the corpses of the cultivators of the Demon Dao.

The blood stained the Qingyunmen, as well as the sleeves and magic weapons of every Qingyunmen disciple.

In this battle, the Dongzhou Demon Sect suffered heavy losses, and three of the seven Yuan Ying-period monks fell in the Battle of Qingyunmen.

The demon monks below the Nascent Soul Stage they brought were almost wiped out.

Jiang Siming also got his wish and participated in the killing of these three Nascent Soul Demon Cultivators.

It's a pity that his cultivation base is still too low. If he has the strength of Yuan Ying's early stage, none of these seven guys can run away.

But right now, Jiang Siming is quite satisfied, he can get a total of six pieces! Made a fortune!

Of course, Jiang Siming was also seriously injured, the Golden Crow was destroyed, the Dragon Slashing and the Frost Sword were also turned into cannon fodder, and all the existing fairy beans were eaten up.

The loss is too small.


[Author's digression]: The second update ~ there are three more today~

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