I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2281: Can only be a tuo ba ba

"I don't want my father anymore!"

Jiang Siming: "Um..."

Suddenly, I feel pained by the Sect Master of the Ghost King. Hey, your daughter told me that she doesn't want you anymore.

"Are you sure?" Jiang Siming confirmed.

Baguio bit her lip, as if she had made a lot of determination, and said, "Rather than live the tormenting days every day, it's better to follow you around the world."

"Then your father, don't you care?"

Baguio gave Jiang Siming a white look and said, "My father is not a widowed old man without the ability to take care of himself. He is the sect master of the ghost king. I'm not going to be just one less messing up for him. It's too late for him to be happy. "

"I'm going back to Qingyunmen, how can you follow a witch? I want to ask?" Jiang Siming said with a smile on his face.

"If you don't say no, no one will know. Besides, if I don't use magic teaching techniques, no one will know." Baguio considered it very thoughtfully.

"Who said that?" Jiang Siming said with a smile: "Could it be that you have forgotten my junior sister?"

"Isn't she your concubine, it's fine if you don't let her say no, it's a big deal, I'll beg her, can I call her sister?"

Baguio's brain hurts when he thinks of Lu Xueqi's stinky face. At the beginning, he gave her a face in Demon Abyss, and he didn't make trouble for her.

The two originally had an antagonism, but now, in order to be able to fight for favor, Baguio decided to sacrifice his face by a big deal and turn the fight into a jade silk.

It's all for this. If Jiang Siming doesn't agree, wouldn't he let go of someone who can accompany him in his practice and temper his superb concentration?

"Follow me, but you want to accompany me to practice concentration every day, are you sure?"

Baguio's face flew with red clouds again, and the annoyed fan fist hammered Jiang Siming, and said defiantly: "Smelly rascal, I don't want to accompany you to practice, I want to bite you!"


In this way, Jiang Siming walked out of the cave with an oil bottle.

"You said that the newly born monster beast was really taken away by the Divine Beast Sect? What kind of monster is that?"

After successfully obtaining Jiang Siming's approval and being able to follow him, Baguio regained his lively personality, thinking about other things with curiosity.

If Jiang Siming had just left, she would not be interested in giving her a beast.

This will start to show his curiosity.

In fact, Baguio had already guessed that the monster was at Jiang Siming's place. Just now when she passed by, she heard the cooing sound of the little rabbit.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to find it so easily.

The reason for saying this deliberately is that she wants to test whether Jiang Siming really cares about herself, and is willing to share secrets with herself.

"Of course not, here it is with me." Jiang Siming answered her question happily, without any concealment.

"Huh? Are you here?"

Baguio performed an expression that he had just learned, but his heart was already moved to death.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Siming dared to tell her the news, not afraid that he would go out and be chased by the monks in the world.

In addition to being moved, but also ashamed, Baguio swears in her heart that even if she dies, she will not tell other people this secret, even if her father asks her, she will never say it!

"Yes, do you want to see it?" Jiang Siming asked.

Baguio immediately shook his head, holding Jiang Siming's arm, jumping happily.

She is not interested in any monsters. In comparison, Jiang Siming’s trust is more happier than letting her see any monsters~

When she said that, Jiang Siming didn't mention it anymore. He walked out of the cave and drove on the Qingyun Bee Bamboo Sword, preparing to take Baguio away from the Monster Beast Mountain Range.


As soon as the front foot was about to leave, a familiar roar came from far behind.

Jiang Siming turned his head and found that the blue light giant ape had been chasing behind.

It seems to be here.

It should be that the breath of the little rabbit just now still exists, making the giant ape search all the way.

But at this time he was not chasing Jiang Siming, but chasing and killing a woman.

When Baguio saw this woman, her face suddenly changed, and she exclaimed, "It's Auntie You!"

At this moment, Aunt You no longer looked elegant, and fled under the chase of the giant ape in embarrassment.

I don't know where the tulle on her face was lost, and the skirt was broken because of the great ape's previous palm, and the rock fell down, smashing her left leg to the ground. .

There is no time to take medicine and heal her injuries. In order to protect herself, Aunt You can only choose to tear off a large part of her skirt and tie the wound to prevent the blood from flowing too fast.

Just like this, I ran here all the way from a hundred miles away.

Aunt You was also unlucky. She and Zhang Xiaofan found that Baguio was missing, so they hurriedly searched separately.

Unexpectedly, she would meet this difficult giant ape.

If it hadn't been for her excellent light-shielding technique, the Nascent Soul monk like her would have been slapped to death by the giant ape.

"No, I'm going to save Aunt You!" Baguio hurriedly flew there.

Jiang Siming pulled her back.

"What's the use of you going, can you beat this great ape? Or can you take her to run faster?"

"What should I do? Aunt Yu is my closest person to me except my father. I can't watch her die in the hands of the blue light giant ape." Baguio was anxious.

Jiang Siming sighed and said, "You run out of the Monster Beast Mountain Range first, and I will save her."

"What should you do if something goes wrong?" Baguio disagreed even more, and Jiang Siming's position in her heart was even more unshakable.

"Don't worry, I can't beat this giant ape, but it's easy to escape. If you don't leave, just wait for your auntie to collect the body. Oh, I guess it won't be possible to collect the body. It will swallow your auntie directly. At that time, it will only become a pile of baba."

Jiang Siming's words shocked Baguio.

The two agreed to meet at the entrance of the Monster Beast Mountain Range, and Baguio could only bite the bullet and fly away first.

However, Jiang Siming turned around and looked at Aunt You who was about to be overtaken. With a small movement technique, the whole person appeared in front of the giant ape.

A secret seal is deducted!

Although it didn't hurt the giant ape, it successfully blocked the chase of the blue light giant ape.

"Hey, silly, is it okay to be chased, to save face." Jiang Siming temporarily learned Shanks' skill.

The blue light giant ape looked at the human being blocked in front of him. At first, Jiang Siming's animal affinity made him put his vigilance down.

But in the next second, it smelled the scent of soft bone jade rabbit on Jiang Siming's body, and ran away in an instant!

"Hand it over! I can let you go!" The giant ape opened his mouth at Jiang Siming, not giving Jiang Siming any face.

Sure enough, Shanks' tricks were really useless.

It seems that you still have to rely on yourself.

"I don't know what you are talking about, I didn't take it." Jiang Siming came and refused.

The great ape is not so foolish. When he heard Jiang Siming pretend to be innocent, he started directly!

Jiang Siming used his small shift technique to dodge the attack of the giant ape.

He wanted to fight back, but when he found that his attack could not cause any substantial damage to it, Lao Jiang gave up.

Damn, this blue light giant ape has rock-like muscles, and his green bamboo bee cloud sword can only tickle it.


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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