I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2291: Wei Tianding

He will not think about the main task for the time being, defeat the ice soul fairy deity? He can't even dream of it now.

For a hundred years, Jiang Siming felt like a fantasy.

So instead of thinking about this illusory main task, it's better to manage this side task first.

The side task is to let him survive this catastrophe.

Since the task prompt tells him how to complete this task, it means there must be a way to pass this task.

There is one thing that can help him out of trouble.

Jiang Siming was brainstorming and constantly thinking about what it was that could make him escape this disaster.

Could it be the startled salamander? Or Xiao Wu?

As soon as Jiang Siming thought about it, he immediately denied that he would never take these two things out easily.

If Fairy Ice Soul finds out, don't care if she is a greedy person, these two treasures that are enough to cause a war in the upper realm, no one dares to make such a guarantee.

Besides, he didn't think that Jingyu and Xiao Wu could beat her when they came out, and they had to be snatched away at any time.

Even if this information is exposed, he is not far from death.

In addition to these two things, Jiang Siming really couldn't think of anything that could defuse Fairy Ice Soul's anger.

Could it be the original underground line?

But it's useless. The trick to withdraw from the copy can only be done if the surrounding environment is safe.

When someone looks at him like this, he can't pull the line even if he wants to ‘pull the line’.

While Jiang Siming was still thinking about it frantically, Fairy Ice Soul's second divine mind offensive had already hit him!

At this moment of life and death, Jiang Siming's head suddenly came to light!

Then another treasure was summoned from the Universe Ring!

A white jade-like cauldron appeared in front of Jiang Siming.

The ding furnace is oblate, with two ears and three legs.

There is a slightly convex round lid on the top, and various pictures of insects, fishes, animals, and numerous mountains and rivers are carved around it. Although it looks crude and rough, it is lifelike.

This cauldron is exactly the Xutianding!

Jiang Siming remembered that he had known the secret of this Xutianding Cauldron before. In addition to being a top-grade alchemy furnace, it also had a more important mysterious identity.

Its original owner was the Bingpo Fairy.

It was the key to a secret realm in the upper realm that was refined by the ice soul fairy.

Prescribe the right remedy, Jiang Siming wanted to try if the task prompt said it was this thing.

Jiang Siming sacrificed it, and Fairy Bingpo immediately paused in surprise.

"Why do you have this tripod?"

"Does it have anything to do with you? Fight if you want to fight, kill if you want to kill." Jiang Siming still had to get tough.

What he bet on was not his own attitude. What he was betting on was simply this tripod, which had nothing to do with his tone of voice.

This thing is really right, Jiang Siming is fine if he pulls it again, otherwise, if he takes it wrong, it won't help even if he knelt down and begged for mercy.

Jiang Siming originally thought that since the Xutianding was made by Fairy Bingappa, it is possible that Fairy Bingappa would look at the face of Xutianding and let him go.

But unexpectedly, things were beyond his expectation.

Fairy Bing Po was surprised the first time she saw Xu Tianding, but soon she changed from astonishment to astonishment, and then from astonishment to panic.

"Yunmeng, being a teacher can't help you anymore, everything in the world will depend on you from now on."

After finishing speaking, Fairy Bingpo pointed at the weak Yunmeng and restored her injuries.

But before Yun Meng could react, Fairy Bing Po's divine consciousness phantom automatically dispersed, seeming to be attracted by the Xutian Cauldron, and all of it was sucked into the cauldron.

This accident caught everyone off guard.

Including Jiang Siming.

what's going on? Why is it gone?

Xu Tianding actually sucked in the phantom of Bingyu Fairy's spirit!



Yunmeng was still in astonishment, but Jiang Siming could not find the cause anymore. He put away the Xu Tianding, hugged Nangong Wan, and activated the speed increase of the wind thunder wings.

As soon as the smoke slipped, he flew away.

"You **** wait for my brother, one day I will run to you to cover Yuezong and press you on the ground!"

Before leaving, Jiang Siming didn't forget to say something cruel.

He didn't dare to deal with Yunmeng now, he was seriously injured by Fairy Bing Soul, and the fairy bean hadn't been created yet, so he could only choose to endure a wave.

He saw with his own eyes that Yunmeng's injury was healed by her master, and he might even help her improve her strength.

This super female monster really can't tell, Jiang Siming doesn't want to take her life anymore.

Run first as a respect!

Before leaving, Jiang Siming did not forget to take Nangong away.

Yunmeng found out that Jiang Siming wanted to chase after he left. It was really because this guy was running too fast, and he didn't know where he was going.

"Asshole, I, Yunmeng, will not kill you in this life, I will not be a man!"

Yunmeng bit her silver teeth, and for the first time had such a big hatred for someone, she vowed to find Jiang Siming, even if she digs three feet in the land of five states, she will not hesitate!

But right now, Yunmeng, who couldn't find anyone, had nothing to do for the time being. A large group of disciples outside were still waiting for her to return.

This is not Xizhou, but Zhongzhou, besides, she also destroyed the Royal Beast Sect, the Sect Master of Royal Beast Sect has not appeared until now.

In case he came back to retaliate against her disciples, it would be a big deal. In addition, Xizhou's Zhengmo war has not yet ended, and it is not safe to cover Yuezong.

She had to go back as soon as she said, instead of wasting time to find Jiang Siming.

Yun Meng took this hatred down temporarily, and returned to Xizhou with the other disciples.


At this time, Jiang Siming was already thousands of miles away.

And he didn't know that Yunmeng had already left, for fear that this crazy lady would chase and kill him.

After all, he can be regarded as a master of the skills of a mad woman, and if he does not agree with him, he will directly make a killer move.

So Jiang Siming didn't plan to find a cave or something, so he took Nangongwan to fly directly to the city where Yuan Qingshuang and Yuan Qingmiao were staying.

Escaped into the mortal world, found an inn, and temporarily rested his feet to heal his injuries.

Even if Yun Meng chased him to kill him, he would never expect him to be in such a city where mortals gathered together.

After doing all this, Jiang Siming was already injured and he entered the inn and immediately retreats to heal his injuries.

Although there are no fairy beans, Jiang Siming's ring contains many miraculous medicines, and Jiang Siming has no problem eating them as jelly beans.

All this just takes time, and Jiang Siming has to recuperate for at least one month before he can recover.

Jiang Siming didn't know the location of Yuan Qingshuang and their two sisters, so he asked Nangong Wan to look for them.

Although Nangongwan was not assured that Jiang Siming would stay alone in the inn, she still obediently started looking for someone in the city.

Jiang Siming began to stay behind closed doors at the inn every day, concentrating on healing.

The matter of Fairy Ice Soul made him understand that the difficulty of this copy was much higher than he had imagined.

The Bing Po Fairy's divine consciousness was sucked away by the Xutian Cauldron, which also made him puzzled. What was the reason, so that a divine consciousness that passed the catastrophe could not hold this Xutian Cauldron.

He didn't believe that it was the magic weapon power of the Xu Tianding itself. This thing was originally just a key and alchemy furnace, without other special functions.


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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