I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2304: Angrily new rules!

If you have nothing to do, just play some other games.

Anyway, there is still an hour left before the game, so I can’t keep rounds. I haven’t played in the league for a long time, so my hands are itchy.

Hearing Jiang Siming's consent, I couldn't believe it at Wuwu Kai, so I quickly found Jiang Siming an account with the most skin and waited for him to log in.

After hearing the news, PDD and Da Sima also cheekily asked for a parking space.

Anyway, five people can match.

At May 5th, he first consulted Jiang Siming's opinion, and when he saw his consent, he began to invite the two.

In this way, Jiang Siming ran to the league and played matchmaking.

Fans can't laugh or cry when they see it. Isn't this considered a bad job?

It just so happened that the five sets of Yang Ma just opened the live broadcast, in order to welcome the holographic finalists for a while.

After the broadcast of the complete cessation of the Jedi propaganda film, seeing that it was still early, the camera was transferred to Jiang Siming's live broadcast room.

The staff of the five sets of Yangma thought that Jiang Siming had started the live broadcast, and he must be warming up in the holographic Jedi, so he just went to give him a close-up live broadcast to warm up.

Unexpectedly, when he was transferred to Jiang Siming’s live broadcast room, he discovered that Jiang Siming was playing League of Legends...

The staff of the five sets also expressed helplessness, but they have already cut to Jiang Siming's live broadcast room, so they can only bite the bullet and continue broadcasting.

The host was still explaining to Jiang Siming: "The players need to relax before the game. Obviously, Jiang Siming is warming up and looking for the feel of the game."

The host almost laughed in the middle of the scene, and wanted to say something, okay, I just broke, this guy is not doing his job properly!

Jiang Siming, who was playing the game, didn't know that the host of Yang Ma broke his heart for him.

Five blacks started.

After Jiang Siming entered the game, the other four did not choose heroes and waited for him to choose.

"Brother Jiang, you choose first, any position is fine, you can play anything." Wuwukai dogleg said.

You can't talk about doglegs. Anyone who plays games with Jiang Siming has to become doglegs. Most people can't be doglegs if they want to be.

Jiang Siming looked at the hero interface, chose a wrist hero, and said, "I'll just play Jinfu. I haven't played this hero since it came out. I heard that thieves are fun."

It was originally just a very ordinary sentence, but they didn't expect that their faces changed after five or five.

Da Sima whispered to Jiang Siming: "Myoshin, that... now you can't be called a strong man, you will be punished..."

"Yes, yes, the new rules of the league, wrist heroes can't be called Jinfu, Shuguang can't be called female Tan, and they will be punished if they say it." Pdd nodded.

Jiang Siming looked puzzled, and said, "Why, isn't it all called that? I only heard of Jinhu last year. Women and Japanese women have been called for so many years."

A few people smiled awkwardly, and Wu Wukai explained: "We don't know, it seems that a female boxer reported that it was an insult to women by calling Jinfu and Nutan."

Jiang Siming rolled his eyes and said speechlessly: "Fart is an insult to women, which female boxer thinks about cerebral thrombosis. According to you, does the earth revolution have to be changed to the mother? Does the League of Legends have to change? Adult British female alliance? Cerebral palsy, right?"

Jiang Siming's global live broadcast of people, they said that they were about to shrink their necks, but they listened... so relieved!

"It’s just the opposite to oppose domestic violence and satirize domestic violence. How could it become an insult to women in the eyes of this group of people? I insulted her mmp and played a game without letting everyone stop. I’ll call it today. Now, I would like to know how they can drop me?"

During this period of time, all the league anchors and players were overwhelmed by the topic of strong husband and female tanks.

People have been accustomed to this name for a long time, and suddenly changed their words. If they didn't change it, they would be punished and Weibo had to apologize publicly.

Everyone is at risk.

However, Jiang Siming didn't care about the new rules of the **** alliance, he just stood on the enemy's firepower point and output.

Don't let me call? I called today, are you here to bite me?

The audience who watched the live broadcast was called a comfortable one, and Myojin cursed well!

Especially the Alliance players, they admire Jiang Siming. During this period of time, the Alliance players were overwhelmed and banned everywhere, making it like a literary prison.

Unexpectedly, there is really no daring to move Jiang Siming.

As soon as Jiang Siming finished speaking, he snapped, and the alliance account he was playing was blocked...

[You are suspected of insulting women and your account has been suspended for three years. 】

Seeing this barrage popping up on the computer, Jiang Siming chuckled.

Obviously, a female boxer was staring at him, and she did something to him.

"Today, I won't be named Jiang Siming if I don't find out the stuff that sealed me!"

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he directly took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of the boss of the alliance, who was behind the scenes owner, Boss Ma.

Boss Ma, who was having a meeting at the Shenzhen headquarters, saw Jiang Siming's call, and the meeting was suspended.

Hearing the narration on the phone by Jiang Siming, Boss Ma's expression changed.

"President Jiang, don't worry, I will deal with this matter, and the person who blocked your account, I will let people investigate immediately."

"I don't just want to investigate her. My account is a friend. It is full of heroes and skins. It is worth less than 100,000 yuan. She said nothing to seal my account, which is tantamount to stealing and destroying my friend's personal property. I now request to open a case for investigation. !"

Jiang Siming's words left Boss Ma speechless, thinking that good guy, I didn't slip away from Nanshan Pizza Hut to play the law!

But the richest man Jiang said, how could Boss Ma not save face? After all, he did too much.

The name of a game character, what the majority of players like to call it, you are so bitter, and you dare to attack Jiang Siming, you are too courageous.

Do you really think women can do whatever they want?

Not long after Boss Ma hung up the phone, he unblocked Jiang Siming's account, fired the female boxer who blocked his account, and sent him to the Public Security Bureau.

Jiang Siming is right. To block other people's game accounts indiscriminately, the game accounts are also property, and blocking indiscriminately means destruction.

Jiang Siming has the right to file a case.

Not only that, but the remarks about Jin Fu and Nv Tan were also cancelled by Boss Ma.

Later, I found out the inside story behind the incident.

It turned out that the cause of the incident was that BOYS member Wang Xiaokai offended a public relations company. In order to discredit him, the company called him a strong man in one of his game live broadcasts and began to discredit and publicize.

Everyone knows what happened later, and Wang Xiaokai had to apologize on Weibo.

After this incident, all the Alliance players were brought in, and this broke the rules.

Now that it came to light and the rules were gone, Jiang Siming was a misunderstanding, venting a bad breath for the Alliance players.

After being unblocked, Jiang Siming continued to be like a okay person, with the crowd in five blacks.

And just play Jinfu, this hero deserves to be the most popular new hero last year, it's so interesting.

Hit the other side, Shan Jianji, screaming, ten minutes 0-11, play you m!

Cheers! Cheers! How strong the wrist is, the woman is wailing~


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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