I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2320: Pai Mian Level Annual Meeting

It was the first time that Jiang Siming saw a new employee who had met his big boss for the first time but laughed so calmly.

"Are you a hacker?"

Jiang Siming heard Xinheng Yui's description that the girl was able to detect system loopholes and bill loopholes in less than ten minutes, so computer technology should not be simple.

"That's right, but I have never done anything bad. I am a computer expert with a conscience." The girl replied proudly.

"What's your ID?"

Jiang Siming turned on the computer and was about to search. He is also a computer expert, OK, but he hasn't had much chance to use it.

The computer technology he obtained from fragments can't be compared to anyone in the world.

"Yu Qiuzi." The girl replied.

Jiang Siming was taken aback, this ID was a bit familiar.

Relying on his strong memory, Jiang Siming instantly thought of who this ID was.

Isn't this the ID user who bet against him to find out the loopholes in the Holographic Jedi game before the holographic public beta.

At the beginning, he uttered a rhetoric that whoever has the ability to find a loophole or bug in the holographic Jedi, he would give 10 million.

And this Yu Qiuzi said at the time that she didn't want the 10 million, as long as she was hired to work as a network engineer in the company.

Jiang Siming also agreed at the time. He thought that this person would never have a chance to come to his company in his life.

Unexpectedly, he appeared in his company now, and this person was actually a girl.

Judging from the facial features under the hat, she is still a superb beauty.

This is the first time Jiang Siming has seen a beautiful hacker.

"Yu Qiuzi? I seem to remember the name. Should you forget the gambling agreement between us? Did you find the loopholes in the Holographic Jedi?" Jiang Siming asked with a smile.

The girl was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect Jiang Siming to have such a good memory, so she actually remembered her bet with him.

Please, that bet was just a verbal bet between Jiang Siming and Shuiyou in a live broadcast. He still remembers this clearly? What kind of enchanting level is this person's memory~

"Ahem...that...I...I didn't find..." The girl smiled awkwardly, and she felt bitter when she thought of this bet.

Since gambling with Jiang Siming, she has invaded the Holographic Jedi day and night, trying to find out its bugs and loopholes.

But more than two months passed, and she didn't do anything. She didn't even find a firewall, so NM was outrageous.

She, Yu Qiuzi, the top three hackers in China, is also famous in the global hacker community, OK?

But I haven't found a firewall for a game in two months. Is this reasonable?

For two months, Yu Qiuzi was so temperless that she could only admit defeat, but it also made her want to go to work in Jiang Siming's company even more.

She wanted to see what this amazing game was like, or to let her see where the firewall was...

So with this wish, she ran to Shanghai despite her father's objections and chose to be a safe migrant girl.

I thought Jiang Siming had forgotten his ID long ago, but who would have thought that he would still remember it.

Yu Qiuzi was embarrassed, but more of a little bit of joy.

"You came to my company without finding a loophole?" Jiang Siming continued to tease her.

The girl couldn't hold it anymore, and said openly: "Although I didn't find a loophole, it doesn't prevent me from wanting to work for you in your company. Myojin, are you not so stingy?"

Jiang Siming laughed and said, "That's not true, as long as it meets the recruitment conditions of our company, you can come."

"That's good, that's good." The girl breathed a sigh of relief, she was really afraid that Jiang Siming would drive her away.

"I haven't thanked you for helping my company catch a corrupt criminal, Yui, I will give this Yu Qiuzi later... By the way, is your real name also Yu Qiuzi?"

Jiang Siming remembered that he still didn't know what the other party's name was.

The girl shook her head and said, "My real name is Zou Ziqiu."

"Okay, Zou Ziqiu, what reward do you want the company to give you?"

"Can you take me to see the Holographic Jedi server?" Zou Ziqiu looked forward to it.

But Jiang Siming refused without even thinking about it.

"This is one of our company's top secrets, and only the president level is qualified to know."

"Ha TnT~ It's so harsh, I just want to take a look." Zou Ziqiu's expression was slightly pitiful and cute.

Jiang Siming smiled, feeling that this condition is indeed a bit embarrassing, and said: "Well, unless you are promoted to the managerial position, I will show you."

"No problem! That's a deal!"

"A word is a deal."

Zou Ziqiu jumped up happily, dancing and dancing: "Yes! From today, I will work hard! I will try to be a manager as soon as possible!"

While jumping, Jiang Siming found that Zou Ziqiu was still pressing his hat, as if he was afraid it would fall off.

"You hackers all like to create a sense of mystery, why do you always wear a hat to work?"

When asked by Jiang Siming, Zou Ziqiu became nervous in an instant, and said: "Yes...no? I just have this hobby. I love wearing hats at work. Wouldn't you disagree?"

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "Of course not. Wearing a hat is your freedom. We will not interfere."

"That's good, then I'll go first, and goodbye, chairman!" Zou Ziqiu ran away quickly after speaking, as if he was afraid that Jiang Siming would still stare at her hat and say something.

After solving the corruption case, Jiang Siming immediately announced that the company will officially start the Spring Festival holiday tomorrow, and will not return to work until the end of the Lantern Festival.

The day after tomorrow is the time for the annual meeting and year-end awards.

As soon as the news came out, the company was celebrating. It was a holiday, everyone was naturally happy and could go home for the New Year.

Generally, employees who can work in Jiang's Group return home with pride and excitement.

After all, when you can afford to drive a good car, have a house to live in a first-tier city, and have such a high-paying job position, no one will envy you.

Last year’s annual meeting was just a club house where everyone sang and performed several shows.

Of course, Jiang Siming was not the richest man in the world last year.

This year has already been, and naturally this year's meeting has to be bigger.

Fortunately, the wives had already planned and prepared, and Liang Tian regarded this annual meeting as her second program task.

This annual meeting directly contracted the gymnasium where "Le" was held before, and transformed it into the venue of the annual meeting.

And invited a large number of celebrity watches to sing.

The boss of Jiang Da, who owns two domestic entertainment companies and a Universal Music abroad, basically wants anyone to sing or perform on stage.

In terms of singers alone, first-line singers are the minimum.

As long as you want, he will appear on the guest list.

Moreover, Jiang Siming didn't ask for random invitations. He first consulted the employees to vote and decide who they want to see, then call them over.

What do older employees like Zhou Huajian, Wang Jie, Li Zongsheng, Luo Dayou, Zhang Xueyou, Ren Tianwang, etc.

Younger employees like Zhou Dong, Lin Sansui, doctor, Xue Zhiqian, Cai Yiling, Gu Tianle and so on.

As long as the employees vote for the top 50, they will all be invited.

This is the charm of money~


[Author's digression]: First more~

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