I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2333: You deserve to be beaten

"It doesn't matter to me whether this stinky boy will be on stage. It's better to get embarrassed after he gets on stage."

Dongfang Su's opinion on Jiang Siming is the boss.

When he heard that his beard was cut off, he felt distressed.

Dongfang Weixi still wanted to protect Jiang Siming, but at this time the elder next to him looked over and asked curiously: "Old Su, how did you shave your beard?"

Dongfang was dumbfounded and wanted to explain, but he didn't expect his granddaughter to say it first: "I was shaved by Brother Jiang."

"You boy, what are you talking about?" Dongfang Su quickly denied it, and stopped him from speaking with his eyes.

Unexpectedly, the elder heard this clearly, not only him, but also a bunch of bigwigs who were of the same generation as Dongfang Su, who were all interested.

"What's the matter, Xiao Xi, tell me, grandpa, what happened?" The elder came with curiosity.

"Yes, Xiao Xi, tell you Grandpa Peng."

"I said how weird this old man from Dongfang was today. He wore sunglasses and shaved his beard when he watched the Spring Festival Gala."

"Say it quickly, Xiao Xi, don't be afraid of your grandpa, so many of our grandpas support you, speak out."

The big guys also pricked their ears, and were not interested in the Spring Festival Gala. They were all curious about what happened to Dongfang Su.

When Dongfang Weixi saw so many grandpa elders call her and said, he obediently confessed: "Grandpa misunderstood Brother Jiang. Brother Jiang was not angry. So... he beat my grandpa and swollen his face. , The beard was shaved."

What? ? ? ?


Everyone burst into laughter, and the elders were too happy.

It was the first time I heard that Dongfang Su, the leader of the dignified group, who was also known as the strongest hermit in China before, was beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face and his beloved beard was shaved by a young son.

Is this the strongest hermit? Heavenly master?

(Dongfang Su is a heavenly master. Sake accidentally made a mistake in the first two chapters. This time I officially changed it. Thank you book friends for your reminder. If you make a mistake, you have to correct it.)

"I said, Lao Su, why do you wear sunglasses to watch the Spring Festival Gala, and why did you say that you got a panda eye? Hahaha."

Facing the ridicule of the old guys, Dongfang Su almost didn't get into the ground.

At this time, if there was a seam under his feet, he would definitely get in.

"I let him, do you think he really beat me? I think he is a junior and I don't want to bully him." Dongfang Suqiang insisted, not to lose face at this time.

The elder didn't believe him at all. Can he beat Jiang Siming? Jiang Xiaozi estimated that one hand could knock him down.

"What's the misunderstanding on earth? Did Jiang Xiaozi treat you this way? I think if it wasn't a serious misunderstanding, he would definitely not do anything to you."

The elders saw through everything.

Dongfang Su hesitated and couldn't say anything.

The elder had to look at Dongfang Weixi again, hoping to get her answer.

Dongfang Weixi blushed and lowered his head, feeling embarrassed.

"Grandpa suspected that Brother Jiang had serious thoughts about me, and then Brother Jiang was out of anger, so he started..."

Everyone, you look at me and I look at you, immersed for two seconds, and then burst into laughter.

"Dongfang Su, Dongfang Su, your granddaughter is not an adult, what are you thinking?"

"Haha, this old man doesn't look serious at first, and his thinking is too dirty."

"It's no wonder that kid Jiang is going to beat him, and I have to beat him fat for me."

"Lao Su, you can only say that you deserve it. Who can stand being so wronged by you."

"I suggest calling boy Jiang over again and give Lao Su another beat."


Everyone, you said and I said one after another, standing in Jiang Siming's position, and Dongfang Su was so angry that it would smoke.

But no matter what he was upset, the old friends beside him still laughed very happily.

Even the laughter was a little too loud, and the host on the stage was noisy to speak.

A host who did not see who was sitting there complained to the director after stepping down:

"Director, someone over there is making a lot of noise, affecting the performance of the guests and the host, asking someone to warn them? It's too arrogant."

The director was drinking water and scared the water glass to the ground on the spot.

The Spring Festival Gala is coming to an end, and finally, it's time for Jiang Siming's appearance.

When Jiang Siming took the stage, the atmosphere of the audience was obviously much higher.

In terms of popularity, it is not lost at all to Jay Chou who also sang "Mojito" just now.

The program of the Spring Festival Gala will be exposed online before New Year's Eve, so everyone knows who will be there.

When I saw Zhou Dong and Jiang Siming, the ratings of this Spring Festival Gala, especially the younger generation, were higher than at any time in previous years.

After Jay Chou sang, many people still reluctant to leave the TV, they are all waiting for Jiang Siming.

Moreover, there are more people waiting for Jiang Siming.

Because on the program list, what songs the guests sing or what programs they perform will be announced.

Although Jay Chou's "Mojito" is his latest composition, this song was released a few months ago, and everyone has heard it a long time ago, so there is no expectation.

On Jiang Siming's program list, it was the title of a song that hadn't been heard at all.

It's called "The Great River and Mountain".

Seeing the title of this song, it was discussed online.

Everyone is sure that Jiang Siming must be singing a new song, and the name can still be fake if he has never heard of it. After all, this is also Jiang Siming's consistent style.

So everyone is eagerly looking forward to Jiang Siming's new song.

Today's Jiang Siming wears a Tang suit, still a festive red.

This kind of scarlet costume is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

And Jiang Siming told everyone with his face value and figure that he could not wear clothes without clothes, even women's clothes... ahem.

Jiang Siming stepped onto the stage and walked around slowly like a stroll in the courtyard.

Although it was the first time on the Spring Festival Gala and on the stage where more than one billion people watched at the same time, he could not see that he was a little nervous.

The other stages are just ordinary big screens, and the live stage of the Spring Festival Gala is all 4D projection screens, even the places under the feet are all 4D projections.

It's worthy of the Spring Festival Gala, it's not bad for money.

Other singers are projecting beautiful and romantic scenes, like Jay Chou’s projection just now is full of balloons and flowers, handsome girls and handsome guys.

And it was Jiang Siming's turn for 4D projection, but it was very strange. In an ordinary family, a group of children were sitting together in new clothes with new year's money.

Grandparents are nearby, but they just focus on playing games on mobile phones.

At this time, the music suddenly sounded, a very melodious flute sound, and the cheering of the birds.

Soon, the melody changed, adding drums and piano sounds, instantly sublimating the prelude.

The melody of this kind of "play at random" can still be so nice.

Everyone thought Jiang Siming's song was a love song at first, but after listening to the prelude, they felt it was not at all.

On the projection screen, a character jumped out, sang, and started!


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