I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2336: Advertise on the Spring Festival Gala

"Finally, the holographic Jedi produced by our company is also very helpful for learning Chinese martial arts classes."

At the end of the interview, Jiang Siming did not forget to advertise his Holographic Jedi.

All the audience were shown by Jiang Siming's show operation.

Brother, please respect it. We are here for the Spring Festival Gala. Is it really appropriate for you to advertise here? Are you afraid of being blocked by GD?

If another star dares to play this way, he will definitely be banned without restriction.

If you dare to force an advertisement on the Spring Festival Gala, you still make a proposition without discussing it with the director team.

If this is for another person, there will be a ghost if it is not blocked.

Jiang Siming was good. Not only did he advertised, he also slammed away, a typical ‘rogue’ behavior.

However, no matter how rascal Jiang Siming is, the director dare not say anything about him. Seeing Jiang Siming come down, she still has to say that she has worked hard.

Alas, it's difficult to be a director, especially when it comes to encountering such ‘guests’, it’s even more difficult.

Jiang Siming returned to the backstage and prepared to change clothes and go home.

I never thought a guard would come over and tell him that the elder asked him to go and drink some tea.

Jiang Siming had no choice but to agree, telling the guard to change his costume and go.

When he changed his clothes and was about to go to the meeting, a girl's voice came from behind him.

"Mr. Jiang!"

Jiang Siming turned his head, and a strange girl stood in front of him. The girl had a handsome appearance, wheat-colored skin, and a strangely proportioned figure.

There is no extra fat on his body.

Jiang Siming was a little strange, because he had never seen this person.

"you are?"

The girl stepped forward and introduced skillfully: "Hello, my name is Fucha Chunyin, from Inner Mongolia. In the previous second round of the World Championship, I played against you today. We have discussed archery skills. I don’t know if Mr. Jiang is still Remember?"

Jiang Siming suddenly turned out to be the magic arrow girl in the previous game.

I didn't expect to run into it here.

Not to mention that he really didn't know.

"Hello, hello, but if you call me, is there anything wrong? Or just say hello."

Jiang Siming asked, thinking that this girl won't come to her to settle the account because she beat her in the last game, right?

If it is, it would be too funny, online cannot be beaten offline.

"That's right, I just want to ask Mr. Jiang, where is your archery from? I especially want to know." Fu Cha Chunyin expressed his purpose.

It turned out to be asking this.

Jiang Siming understood.

"I don't have a master, I taught myself." Jiang Siming replied very calmly.

What I learned in the fragments is of course self-taught, um, it's reasonable, and there is nothing wrong with it.

"It's impossible... Your archery skills are higher than mine, so how come you don't have a teacher." Fu Cha Chunyin said in disbelief.

If she is really self-taught, it will hit her even harder.

Jiang Siming's self-taught archery is better than her. She has been playing with arrows since she was a child, and she has the guidance of a master arrow teacher, so she has the archery skills of today.

Isn't this a blow to people?

"How can I lie to you? The biggest advantage of me is that I never lie to people, especially women." Jiang Siming said boldly, and didn't feel that it was against his intentions.

His face is as thick as a city wall.

Fu Cha Chunxin said, his face was frustrated.

"It seems that I am too ignorant. My mother is right. There are too many people in the world who are better than me. My achievements are not worth mentioning."

Jiang Siming looked at the girl's discouraged look, but he didn't bear it, and just wanted to say something to comfort him.

Unexpectedly, Fu Cha Chunyin raised his head again and said seriously: "But I will not admit defeat. I will practice archery harder. Sooner or later, I will defeat you in archery and take back my pride! "

"Emm...Okay, I'm waiting for this day, but I hope you won't be hit too much by that time, and you won't be able to hold it down." Jiang Siming stimulated.

"Impossible, there will never be such a day." Fu Cha Chunyin said confidently.

Jiang Siming nodded and said, "Then look forward to the next fight."

After speaking, Jiang Siming left without staying much.

Fu Cha Chunyin squeezed the powder fist, secretly vowing that he would practice archery more well when he returned.

Jiang Siming had already returned to the studio at this time.

But he has changed from a performer to an audience, and he is not sitting in the celebrity guest area.

He sat with a group of unremarkable old men.

"Xiaojiang, is the innate skill you said true?" the elder asked as soon as he came.

Jiang Siming nodded and said, "Of course it is true. This innate skill is the most suitable course and it is absolutely suitable for all children to learn."

After Jiang Siming introduced the benefits of the next innate power, the elder nodded frequently after listening.

If it is exactly what Jiang Siming said, then this innate skill is awesome, and it is definitely the first choice for Chinese martial arts class.

"Okay, just follow your suggestion. Starting this year, use your innate skills as a Chinese martial arts class." The elder made a final decision, and Jiang Siming was naturally also happy.

The elder also chatted with Jiang Siming about other things, including his company, games, minerals, etc., and even such things as extreme ultraviolet lithography machines and sewage purifiers.

The elders personally intervened, and needless to say, he knew how much he valued Jiang Siming.

"By the way, kid, you said you did the face and beard of this old man in the East?" The elder asked casually when he thought of this.

The other old men laughed again, but Dongfang Su turned his head in black, and didn't want to see Jiang Siming at all.

"I did it, who let him destroy my innocence, he deserves it." Jiang Siming replied unceremoniously.

Dongfang Su couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately turned around and quarreled with Jiang Siming.

The two of you say something to me, and from time to time other old men join in the conversation, and they all stand on Jiang Siming's side.

Suddenly Jiang Siming's table became lively again.

I thought that Jiang Siming was just a foil in front of these big guys, purely as a junior listening to the teachings.

Unexpectedly, among these people, he is still talking and laughing, laughing and laughing, and having time to drink tea, you are not welcome at all.

The key is that none of these old men mind, on the contrary, their focus is to surround Jiang Siming, you communicate with him every word.

No one knows what they are talking about, only that one of the old people without a beard gets more angry and the other old people get happier.

After the director saw this scene, he said he was going to say nothing when the Spring Festival Gala ended, so he would give up the host who had just said silly words, so as not to hurt Chi Yu.

After chatting with the elders and them for half an hour and drinking several cups of tea, Jiang Siming decided to leave them and hurried back to Shanghai that night.

When he returned home, the Spring Festival Gala was not over yet, Jiang Siming accompanied his wife and children, and continued to watch the Spring Festival Gala at home, waiting for the twelve o'clock countdown to arrive.

Dad, mom, grandparents, including Jiang Wanwan, were all there, and the family was still sitting together on New Year's Eve.

It's just that the location has changed.

Although he is not in his hometown, Jiang Siming feels that as long as the family is there, it is the same everywhere.


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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