I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2339: Almost traveled around China

Today's kite family has changed from a poor family in an ordinary small town to the focal point of the whole town and even the whole city.

Knowing that Jiang Siming was coming, almost all men, women and children in the town came to the road outside Kite's house and waited, looking forward to it.

After all, the opportunity to see the richest man in the world may be this once in this life. Of course, everyone is willing to come over and want to take a good look at what this legendary man looks like.

It's okay in Shanghai or Nantian Town, his hometown. After all, one is where Jiang Siming lives and a first-tier city, and the other is Jiang Siming's hometown. Jiang Siming has been back many times, and the villagers are used to it.

But in a small strange city, this is the first time.

When a dozen luxury cars drove into this backward town, it shocked the people in the town, which was unprecedented.

Rolls-Royce limited edition plus Maybach customization, any car can match the town's GDP for several years.

Have you ever seen such a luxury car, even if you have seen it, it is only on TV.

The richest big family in this town is no more than a small BMW.

Jiang Siming and his wife and daughter are all sitting in the same car, and the other cars are driven by robots at home, acting as bodyguards by the way.

The main reason for this high profile is to let people from the hometown of kites know that they value kites very much.

It also prevents the kite family from being criticized.

Therefore, Jiang Siming went to his natal family to pay New Year's greetings this time, which can be said to have done enough time.

As the car drove into the town, Kite looked happy and nervous when he saw his hometown.

I was nervous because it was the first time I took my husband home, especially there were so many people in the town, and she was afraid that Jiang Siming would not be used to living in this poor town.

After all, his man is the richest man in the world, and he is very out of place when he comes to a small town under the jurisdiction of such a poor county.

However, Jiang Siming didn't mind at all. He glanced at the town's environment in the car. It was even worse than the previous Nantian Town. It was all old-fashioned houses.

The current Nantian Town is no longer there. Because of his support and the launch of the planting base, everyone in Nantian Town is now rushing to a well-off life, and their lives are better than the people in the city.

The townspeople standing by the street are still wearing very old-fashioned and plain clothes, there is no decent car in the town, and even families with cars are pitiful.

Although the lives of the Chinese people have been thriving, the people in many cities have already lifted themselves out of poverty and become prosperous.

But it cannot be denied that many cities are affected by legal factors such as geographic location, transportation, and resources, and it is difficult for them to have a big upward trend.

Whether it is China or other countries, there are similar places.

If the city wants to develop, it cannot be concentrated, either because it is geographically superior, such as a coastal city, or it is located in a transportation hub.

Either it is rich in resources, such as rich mineral resources, rich aquatic products and even rich planting resources.

But it’s a bit of bad luck for the city. If you haven’t touched these, even if the above wants to support you, you won’t be able to make much progress.

There is nothing like how you develop.

The place where the kite grows is just so unlucky, just like Jiang Siming's Nantian Town.

There are many more places in China like this unlucky place.

Jiang Siming is also helpless in this regard. He can never open a planting base here or move the company here.

"Sister Li, you will take a few people to the nearby bank in a while, and then ask the town committee of the town to notify all the households in the town. Each household can receive 10,000 yuan of New Year red envelopes with the certificate of household registration."

Jiang Siming told him that there was only this he could do for the time being, and he couldn't give too much. Too much could easily breed a lazy atmosphere.

When that happens, many people will expect him to come and give them money every year.

Jiang Siming has seen too many people in his hometown.

And if you send it for the first time, they will be very grateful to you, but if you continue to send it and send money like this every time you go home, many people will slowly feel that it should be.

You should give them money, they deserve it.

So Jiang Siming will only give it this time. If there is any business suitable for the development of this place in the future, you can put it here, and don't think about other things.

He cannot be taken advantage of.

"Yes, boss." Li Chunlan agreed.

"Husband..." Kite was touched. Of course she knew that Jiang Siming would do it for her sake.

"Happy to go home for the New Year, don't think too much about other things." Jiang Siming smiled and held the kite's hand, everything was silent.

"Yeah." Kite nodded, taking this move to heart.

The car drove to the kite's house, which used to live in a very ordinary two-story building.

And now it has been converted into the best Murakami villa in town.

This is because Kite has been urging her parents to build a house earlier. She doesn't want to be told by some people with ulterior motives that Jiang Siming married a girl, but still let her parents live in a ruined house.

So for the sake of her husband's reputation, what she said should make her parents' living conditions better.

Kite's parents have long been looking forward to it, and all relatives in the family are also present.

Seeing Jiang Siming holding Xiao Luoyu and getting off the car with the kite, the family was both nervous and happy.

Just like before, Jiang Siming took the initiative to greet everyone with a smile, the familiar polite words that were already memorized, and the standard son-in-law smile.

Easily get the New Year's greetings atmosphere.

Jiang Siming took out a lot of red envelopes and handed them out one by one, regardless of the elderly or children, the manpower had a share.

All morning, Jiang Siming stayed at Kite’s house, chatting with kite’s parents about the current working conditions of kite, or chatting with the elderly about their parents’ shortcomings, and even playing poker with some of the children at home.

Jiang Siming was not at all uncomfortable with this place, on the contrary, he had a good time playing.

In this way, after eating at noon, Jiang Siming left here amid the reluctant eyes and blessings of the whole town.

He moved to the "Cengfan position" again, ran to Xinyi's house, and then slept at Xinyi's house at night, and set off again the next day, heading to the next family's house.

In this way, Jiang Siming has been busy traveling around China since the first day of the new year.

Shanghai, Jiangsu, Hunan, Liaoning, Anhui, Shaanxi, Fujian, Xinjiang, Kyoto...

He has been to almost everywhere. He has been to cities in the north and south, and he has visited dozens of them.

Each place stays at most for half a day to a day, then will rush to the next place non-stop.

Until the end of the Lantern Festival, Jiang Siming just completed this mission and returned to Shanghai.

For half a month, Jiang Siming was'wandering' outside.

Went to my mother's house to pay New Year's greetings, and almost came to travel around China.

No matter how many daughters-in-law, Jiang Siming might have finished visiting all the provinces in the country.

Fortunately, the Spring Festival holiday, there is no holographic Jedi game, otherwise Jiang Siming will be more busy, and the game will fall on both sides of the New Year.


The Spring Festival has finally passed, and the sake is also busy. The update will be resumed tomorrow and the previous update will be completed.

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