I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2342: Your daughter won't go

Things come to light.

"I quit him because of his bad behavior and lack of character. It has nothing to do with you." Jiang Siming said.

Zou Ziqiu had nothing to say, so he had to regain his mood and said, "Then I can go now?"

"No." Jiang Siming replied in seconds.

Zou Ziqiu felt wronged and said, "Why? You have to humiliate me all the time to be happy, don't you?"

"Do I have such a bad taste?" Jiang Siming was amused, and then said: "Unless you don't want to ask yourself the fate of being bald and live in the shadows for the rest of your life, then treat it as if I didn't say anything."

"What did you say?" Zou Ziqiu thought he had heard it wrong and misunderstood Jiang Siming's meaning.

Jiang Siming didn't answer, but calmly took out a pill, stuffed it into her hand, and said: "This thing is your savior, I always love the latest product of Medicine."

"what is this?"

"Hair growth pills, get rid of the fate of transforming into Saitama, and regain full hair." Jiang Siming introduced.

"This...really? Has anyone used it?" Zou Ziqiu still didn't believe it.

Jiang Siming shook his head and said honestly: "No, you are the first, but you don't have to look at your own choice, you can give up if you are afraid."

Zou Ziqiu said nothing, and immediately swallowed the pill.

I'm already bald anyway. What are you afraid of? Even if this thing is useless, it doesn't matter.

The big deal also has side effects, it just loses all the few remaining hair.

Half-bald...not as good as full-bald...

After taking the pills, Zou Ziqiu felt the same.

"This medicine will take two days before it is effective. I will give you two days off first. If it still doesn't work after two days, you can quit your job. I will definitely not stop you anymore." Jiang Siming said.

Zou Ziqiu felt that Jiang Siming was comforting herself, but she did not refuse, after all, even if it was really just comforting, it was also his kindness.

"I see, I will come again in two days."

After Zou Ziqiu finished speaking, he turned around and left, but Jiang Siming didn't stop him.

As soon as she left, Jonah came in and said, "Chairman, there is someone out there who wants to see you angrily."

"No time. Didn't you see the order? I'm ready to get off work."

Jiang Siming had already picked up the car keys as he said, and it was already past four in the afternoon.

He is really ready to get off work, and the wives are probably coming home soon after get off work.

Qiao Na said: "This person is the richest man in Guangzhou, and he has a lot of business dealings with our company, and... he is Zou Ziqiu's father."

Jiang Siming blinked, temporarily lowered the car key, and said, "Please come in."

The first two identities are dispensable for him, and Jiang Siming only agreed with the third identity.

Jonah went out to summon, and soon a middle-aged bald man walked in.

Sure enough, Zou Ziqiu was right, her baldness gene is really inherited.

After the bald man came in, he said to Jiang Siming impulsively: "Boss Jiang, my daughter works in your company but was bullied and ridiculed by colleagues. How did you become the boss? Too irresponsible!"

Jiang Si guessed tomorrow morning that this person must have come to Xingshi to inquire about the crime.

After all, the daughter was so wronged, and it is perfectly reasonable for him as a father to ask for an argument.

Jiang Siming sat back on the sofa and explained patiently: "I have also heard about what happened to Qianjin, and I am also sorry. I have already opened the employee of the instigator, and I am also very sorry for such employees."

Seeing Jiang Siming's words, the bald man became angry a lot, and he was very surprised.

He had long heard that Jiang Siming was a bohemian and arrogant businessman with a great temper, and he could quarrel with others if he didn't agree with him.

But when he saw it today, he found that it was not what he had heard. Although this young man is the richest man in the world, he is still very kind and qualified.

It seems that the external rumors are too outrageous and false.

"That's good, and I can't blame President Jiang. This incident has nothing to do with President Jiang. It was only done by individual employees. However, this incident still has a great impact on my daughter, so I came to take her back." The bald man also slowed down his tone.

"No need, I have already negotiated with your daughter, she won't leave." Jiang Siming said and took another sip of coffee.

Not to mention, Jona's coffee making skills are much better than Chen Guo and Xin Heng Yui.

After all, Jonah is from the U.S., and U.S. people like to drink coffee when they have nothing to do, just like Chinese people drink tea.

When the bald man heard this, he didn't believe it, thinking it was Jiang Siming deliberately not wanting his daughter to leave.

"Mr. Jiang joked. My daughter told me personally this morning that she is going to resign and go home. Employees are free to leave. Ms. Jiang will not forcefully restrict employees' freedom, right?"

Jiang Siming looked at him and said with a chuckle: "Of course I will not forcefully restrict employees' freedom, but your daughter really won't leave. If you don't believe me, you can call her."

"No, no matter if she wants to go or not, I will take her away. Now many people in your company know her secrets. Staying here is no good for my daughter. I didn't approve of her running here from the beginning. Come." The bald man's face was already unpleasant.

Jiang Siming still replied calmly: "I said, your daughter won't leave, you should go back."

The bald man finally couldn't bear it anymore, and he coldly snorted: "Mr. Jiang, don't be so arrogant. Although I am inferior to you, Zou Huaiyuan, I believe I can still protect my daughter, even if my company has a lot of business to rely on. Your company, but I don’t want to make my daughter feel wronged for the benefit."

As soon as Jiang Siming wanted to speak, Zou Ziqiu's figure rushed in, without saying anything, pulling up his father and dragging him away.

The old father didn't respond, so his daughter was forcibly dragged out of Jiang Siming's office.

Before leaving, Zou Ziqiu still apologized to Jiang Siming at the door: "Boss, it's all mine. My dad is too worried about me, so he came to say something that shouldn't be said. You should not hear it. I will treat me now. Dad takes it away."

After that, Zou Ziqiu had no face to stay, and fled with his father.

Let dad stay, even if she really grows hair, she will have to resign in shame.

Jiang Siming shrugged, murmured a strange family, then took the key and went home from get off work.

That night, Zou Ziqiu still stayed in Shanghai, living in the apartment of the employees of the Group.

She used all her strength and said that her mouth was broken quickly, and she coaxed her dad back to Guangzhou and continued to stay in Shanghai.

Lying on the comfortable bed, Zou Ziqiu felt his scalp hot, and touched the top of his head, praying that his hair would grow out soon.

But she felt that it was just her own illusion, or it was because she had just taken a hot bath.

"It doesn't matter, if it doesn't grow out, I will buy a wig, even if I lose all the remaining hair, I will continue to stay in the company."

Zou Ziqiu secretly vowed that even if she really turned into teacher Saitama, she would not leave the company anymore.


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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